
yì měi zhī cí
  • words of excessive praise;excessive praise
  1. 他称赞首相时有溢美之词。

    He was fulsome in his praise of the Prime Minister .

  2. 他极尽溢美之词。

    He was effusive in his praise .

  3. 报纸上对前总统都是些溢美之词。

    Newspapers have been fulsome in their praise of the former president .

  4. 他对那位将军极尽溢美之词。

    He was effusive in his praise for the general

  5. 讣告里全是对他的客套溢美之词。

    There were pleasant and flattering obituaries about him

  6. 然后就是对咖啡的各种溢美之词,类似“嘿,这咖啡真棒!”等等。

    There followed an assortment of praise for the coffee along the lines of ' Hey , this coffee is fantastic ! '

  7. 我们只听到对它的溢美之词。

    We hear only encomiums to it .

  8. 在与《财富》杂志(Fortune)的电话访谈中,他们互开玩笑,对彼此的全局观不吝溢美之词。

    In a telephone chat with fortune , they banter , each praising the other for his global perspective .

  9. 几周后,在另一场精英会议上,盖茨对“可汉学院”(KahnAcademy)不吝溢美之词(可汉学院是非营利性的网络数学和科学辅导机构)。

    A few weeks later , speaking at yet another conference for a different set of elite he showered praise on the not-for-profit online math and science tutoring operation " Kahn Academy " .

  10. 巴菲特对托尼奈斯利(TonyNicely)也不吝溢美之词。在奈斯利掌管Geico公司的18年时间里,他把这家财产及意外险保险公司,转变成了占美国市场近10%份额的大型企业。

    Mr Buffett has also heaped praise on Tony Nicely , the head of Geico for 18 years during which he has transformed the property and casualty insurance business into a powerhouse with almost a 10th of the US market .

  11. 加州不再是纽约葡萄酒行家们的谈资,他们一般都会把溢美之词留给带泥土芳香的勃艮第酒和酸度较高的莫塞雷司令(MoselRieslings)。

    California is no longer a punch line among New York 's wine cognoscenti , who generally reserve their praise for earthy Burgundies and high-acidity Mosel Rieslings .

  12. 男子:谢谢你,简。感谢你的溢美之词。

    Man : Thank you Jane , for that flattering introduction .

  13. 他称赞首相时有溢美之词。

    He was fulsome in his praise of the prime minister .

  14. 你耳边到处都是这类溢美之词。

    You 've got it coming out of your ears .

  15. 他们想用溢美之词和奢华的礼品来取悦他。

    They tried to please him with fulsome compliments and extravagant gifts .

  16. 克劳迪娅:如果我不能说些溢美之词,那么谁能说呢?

    Claudia : If I can 't be effusive , who can ?

  17. 让他们自信起来,不要吝啬你的溢美之词了。

    build them up . be liberal with your praise .

  18. 其它的评论都是正面的溢美之词。

    Yeah , well , all the other comments said really nice things .

  19. 你要让自己配得上这些溢美之词,这样的话,你将不仅值得享有,而且会真正享有我最真挚的爱。

    and then you will not only deserve , but enjoy my truest affection .

  20. 但不要仅凭你听到的溢美之词就作出决定。

    But don 't make a decision based on the good things you hear .

  21. 牛逼是一种溢美之词,可能是汉语口语中夸人的最好说法了。

    Niubi is a term of approbation , perhaps the greatest such term in colloquialChinese .

  22. 你的溢美之词也能秒入他耳

    Your praises he is quick to voice

  23. 第21天:卡片,鲜花,溢美之词。

    Day 21 : Cards . Flowers .

  24. 人们对史蒂芬•乔布斯铺天盖地的溢美之词就是一个明证,说明伟大的企业家仍然备受推崇。

    As evidenced by the positive outpouring for Steve Jobs , great entrepreneurs are still celebrated .

  25. 西蒙和露丝对我们为他们烧的饭菜充满了溢美之词。

    Simon and Ruth were fulsome in their compliments about the meal we cooked for them .

  26. 竞争对手也一反常态,不吝溢美之词,有两位称他“有远见”。

    Rivals are unusually generous in their praise , with two describing him as " visionary " .

  27. 实际上,在阅读她书中描写我的“溢美之词”时,我有好几次大声地笑了出来。

    In fact , while reading my bons mots in her book I laughed out loud several times .

  28. 首先,要感谢你对我的一番好意和溢美之词。

    At the outset I want to thank you for your kindness to me and for your compliments .

  29. 那些酒席间的溢美之词,则是由于她们地位的卑微与被动而唱的言不由衷之曲。

    But some of the Ci written by them in feast did not receive respect for their lowly social status .

  30. 该校的一名高管客户毫不吝啬溢美之词:杜克的课程非常出色。

    One senior executive and client of the school was unreserved in his praise : The programme from Duke was outstanding .