
  • 网络Focus Media;FMCN;focusmedia
  1. 这些基金把矛头指向那些在美国退市、而后以3到5倍于私有化估值的股价在中国国内证交所重新上市的公司,包括分众传媒(FocusMedia)、巨人网络(GiantInteractive)和完美世界(PerfectWorld)。

    These funds point to companies that have delisted in the US only to re-emerge on Chinese exchanges - including Focus Media , Giant Interactive and Perfect World - at valuations three to five times higher than the price at which they went private .

  2. 分众传媒将保留其在线广告代理业务好耶广告网络(allyes)、一些传统广告牌以及影院广告业务。

    Focus media will keep Allyes , its online advertising agency business , some traditional billboards and its cinema advertising business .

  3. 此外,多亏浑水(muddywaters)指控分众传媒虚报广告显示屏网络的规模,该公司股价目前萎靡不振。

    And thanks to muddy waters , which accused the advertising group of overstating the size of its display network , shares are depressed .

  4. 从波特竞争优势理论看分众传媒

    Reading focus media from competitive advantage theory of michael E.Porter

  5. 分众传媒将保持一小部分广告业务。

    Focus Media would retain a rump ad business .

  6. 新浪表示,将向分众传媒股东增发4700万普通股。

    Sina said it would issue 47m new ordinary shares to Focus Media shareholders .

  7. 但是分众传媒的这些失败却为新浪提供了一个机会。

    But these failures on Focus Media 's part have presented an opportunity for Sina .

  8. 就分众传媒而言,该公司的离岸控股公司架构造成了管理方面的噩梦。

    For Focus Media , its structure as an offshore holding company creates an administrative nightmare .

  9. 北京奥运会期间广告业务本该大幅飙升,但分众传媒却没能实现第三季度的收益目标,它也因此成了众矢之的。

    Focus Media has been under fire after missing third-quarter earnings targets when business was supposed to have boomed during the Beijing Olympics .

  10. 当时,分众传媒否认了这一指控,称其是一种歪曲,但股价下跌幅度仍高达40%。

    At the time , shares in Focus Media , which denied the accusations as innuendo , fell as much as 40 per cent .

  11. 今年前9个月,这些资产的收入占分众传媒总收入的52%,毛利润却占到了73%。

    These assets accounted for52 % of Focus Media 's revenue but73 % of gross profit in the first nine months of the year .

  12. 新浪的利润在以两位数的速度增长,而分众传媒最近却是接二连三的失误。

    Sina 's profits are growing at double-digit rates , while Focus Media 's recent past has been marked by one fumble after another .

  13. 自2007年2月收购好耶广告网络以来,分众传媒基本上未能创造出与卖场和户外广告网络的协同效应。

    Since acquiring Allyes in February 2007 , focus media had largely failed to create synergies with its advertising network based in shops and outdoors .

  14. 纵观整个广告媒介的发展历程,从古时的札幌、牌匾、旗帜,到近代的报纸、杂志、广播、霓虹灯,再到现代的互联网、分众传媒。

    The course of development of the advertising medium , from the ancient Sapporo , plaques , flags , to modern times in newspapers , magazines , radio , neon lights .

  15. 在电梯和零售场所经营广告显示屏幕的分众传媒,将成为最新一家考虑在私募股权帮助下退市的中国企业。

    Focus , which operates screens that display advertisements in elevators and retail outlets , would become the latest Chinese company to consider delisting with the help of private equity if the deal goes through .

  16. 两年前,有传言称,分众传媒将整体收购新浪,但自今年年初以来,分众传媒一直难以提升旗下几个业务部门的表现,这令该公司股价跌至历史低位。

    Two years ago , it was rumoured that focus media would acquire the whole Sina company but , since the beginning of this year , focus has struggled to raise performance of several business units , driving its share price to historical lows .

  17. 以分众传媒公司为代表的第一代分众类户外视频媒体的成功带动了学校视频、地铁视频、医院视频、公交视频、车站视频等新的分众领域的新媒体的开发热潮。

    The success of the first generation focus video media , which is delegated by focus media company , successfully brought along the exploitation upsurge of the new media in the focus domain of school video , underground video , hospital video , bus video and station video .

  18. 正如分众传媒董事局主席和首席执行官江南春所说的凡是有人停留的地方都可能形成一个新的媒体。

    As Chairman and CEO of Focus Media Jason Jiang said , " Any place where people could stay can form a new media . " In such an information explosion era , when transmission is more rich and diverse , how can the spread of corporate culture more effective ?

  19. 2008年12月,新浪合并分众旗下的户外数字广告业务,分众传媒公司仅保留互联网广告业务,影院广告业务以及传统户外广告牌业务。

    In December , 2008 , sina web consolidated the outdoor numeric operation leaded by focus media company , which only hold advertisement operation of the internet and cinema , and traditional outdoor billboard operation .