
fēn qī fù kuǎn mǎi mài
  • installment sale
  1. 论我国《合同法》有关分期付款买卖规定的不足

    On the Defects of the Stipulation Relevant to Installment Sale in China Contract Law

  2. 分期付款买卖中买受人利益的保护&《合同法》第一百六十七条质疑

    Protection of Benefit of Buyers in Installment Sale & Question of No.167 Term in Contract Law

  3. C3-氯代头孢烯酸类衍生物头孢克洛2001年在美国的销售额超过8千万美元,位居抗生素类药物销售额第二位。分期付款买卖制度研究

    In 2001 , the sales of On Installment Selling System

  4. 跨越薪酬管理的陷阱分期付款买卖制度研究

    Warn in g : The Payment Trap On Installment Selling System

  5. 论分期付款买卖中的标的物所有权移转

    Research on the Ownership Transfer of Subject-Matter in Sale by Installment Payment

  6. 分期付款买卖的确定及其基本价值分析

    In the Form of Paying by Installment and its Fundamental Value Analysis

  7. 分期付款买卖系特种买卖之一。

    A sale by installment payment is one of the special sales .

  8. 关于分期付款买卖合同的完善

    On Consummation of Contract of Payment by Instalments

  9. 分期付款买卖制度研究安装工程预算系统的研制与开发

    The Research and Development of Installment Budget System

  10. 包装设计与行销分期付款买卖制度研究

    Packaging Design and Sale On Installment Selling System

  11. 近年来,分期付款买卖的合同越来越多。

    In recent years , the contract of instalment buying and selling is increasing .

  12. 销售排行榜分期付款买卖制度研究

    The Sales Bible On Installment Selling System

  13. 研究型课程实施过程中若干问题的思考分期付款买卖制度研究

    On Researching Courses On Installment Selling System

  14. 买受人享有的期限利益是分期付款买卖信用的体现。

    It is the embodiment of installment sale credit in that the buyer enjoys the period benefits .

  15. 分期付款买卖制度研究

    On Installment Selling System

  16. 在信用经济充分发展的今天,所有权保留制度一经与分期付款买卖相结合,立即显示了其独特的担保功能、融资功能,它与其它担保方式相比,具有更大的优越性。

    System of ownership-reserved has functions of both security and financing . It is superior to other means of guarantee .

  17. 学界对于分期付款买卖中标的物所有权移转的时间各有不同的观点。

    The academic community has different stand - points on the time of ownership transfer in sale by installment payment .

  18. 正文部分论述了五个问题:第一个问题:分期付款买卖概念的界定。

    The body of the thesis discusses five questions : Question 1 : discussion of the concept of installment selling .

  19. 现代分期付款买卖始于十九世纪初,其后在德国、英国、美国、日本等国发挥了重要的作用。

    Modern installment selling began in early 1800s and later played an important role in Germany , Britain , America and Japan .

  20. 而所有权保留制度,既能使分期付款买卖中债权人的交易风险得到有效的保障,又能推动分期付款买卖这种新型的交易方式进一步发展。

    While the retention of title system can effectively secure creditor 's rights , also promote such new-type trade to develop further .

  21. 从传统的所有权保留型分期付款买卖,逐渐发展到融资分期付款买卖,在现代又出现了信用卡型分期付款买卖的形式。

    Installment selling system evolved from traditional reservation of ownership installment selling to circulating fund installment selling then to modern credit installment selling form .

  22. 经济上,分期付款买卖方式的出现形成了买方与卖方的双赢局面,刺激了工商业的繁荣发展;

    Economically speaking , payment by installments makes a double-win between the buyer and the seller , and it stimulates industry and business to be prosperous .

  23. 他们将所有权保留作为一种担保方式,与分期付款买卖紧密结合,广泛地运用于财产交易活动中。

    They will retain ownership as a kind of guarantee way , combining with instalment buying and selling , is widely used in property transaction activities .

  24. 分期付款买卖合同中买受人利益保护,特别是在一物数卖情形下如何保护买受人的权利分不同的情况作了具体的分析。

    Installment sales contract the buyer interest protection , especially in the case sold for the protection of the rights of the buyer made a different sub-specific analysis .

  25. 在分期付款买卖的合同中,双方当事人一般事先约定分几批支付价款,但至少应分两次。

    In the contract of instalment buying and selling , bilateral party agrees cent is approved beforehand commonly pay cost , but at least part of one 's job two .

  26. 对于买受人利益的保护构成了发达国家晚近时期的立法对分期付款买卖合同的形式与内容予以规制之基本动因。

    For the protection of the interests of the buyer constitutes a developed country during recent installment sales contracts in the form of legislation to regulate the content of the basic reason .

  27. 一方面,制定关于特种买卖合同的标的物风险负担规则,例如试用买卖、分期付款买卖和远程买卖。

    On the one hand , the law ought to develop the risk burden rules on special contract for sale , such as a trial sale , installment sale and long-distance business .

  28. 分期付款买卖契约说、租赁契约说、货币借贷契约说、动产担保交易说仅从传统契约类型的角度阐释了融资租赁交易的局部特征。

    Contract of payment by instalments , leasing contract , money lending contract and movable estate guarantee contract only respectively deal with partial characteristics of financial leasing from the perspectives of traditional contracts .

  29. 传统的担保方式在一定程度上提高了交易成本,严格的担保要求,已使得分期付款买卖无法进一步得到快速发展。

    The traditional guarantees , such as the mortgage , the pledge and the lien will increase the cost of exchange ; and its strict requirements of guarantee restrict the further development of installment sales .

  30. 就我国大陆而言,市场经济发展起步较晚,分期付款买卖的出现也较晚,因此,相关制度的研究比较欠缺,相关的立法也比较简单。

    In the Mainland , the development of the market economy is imperfect , thus the installment sale is new , the study about the system is insufficient , and the related laws about it are easy .