
  • 网络cent;penny
  1. 一百分币等于一欧元。

    A hundred cents make one euro .

  2. 得了,你要是肯给我两个分币,我就动手。

    By jingo ! for two cents I will do it .

  3. Metro的分行机构正在纷纷挂起描绘百年前周边环境的怀旧大壁画,还有神奇钱币机(MagicMoneyMachines)可以在接受你的分币后吐出一张凭证,凭此到柜台换纸币。

    The Metro branches are spanking new , featuring giant , nostalgic murals depicting the neighborhood as it was a century ago , and magic money machines that take your pence and spit out a receipt you take to the counter to exchange for pound notes .

  4. 造币厂每年都要铸数以百万计的分币和角币。

    The mint coins millions of nickels and dimes each year .

  5. 一个五分币今天不值一分钱。

    A nickel isn 't worth a dime today .

  6. 硬币形状的手表电池通常比分币还小。

    The coin-like batteries that power watches are often smaller than a penny .

  7. 杰克:我在学校门前的人行道上拣了50分。【词汇讲解】1.cent分币。

    Jacky : I found 50 cents on the sidewalk in front of school .

  8. 他们决定把林肯五十美分币

    they decide to change the Lincoln half-dollar

  9. 幸福就像一个储蓄罐,要尽你所能往里面投入幸福的分币。

    Happiness is like a piggy bank , put in it as much as you can .

  10. 我看到一枚肯尼迪五十美分币

    I see a Kennedy half-dollar .

  11. 分币是金属硬币。

    Cents are metal coins .

  12. 新来的男孩果真从衣服口袋里掏出两个分币,嘲弄地摊开手掌。

    The new boy took two broad coppers out of his pocket and held them out with derision .

  13. 448.百分之十的分币是最近几个世纪制造的,他带着浓重的口音说。

    448 . " Ten percent of the cents are made in recent centuries ," he said with strong accent .

  14. 针对影响我国对外贸易的主要货币,分币种对我国企业面临的汇率风险进行了实证研究。

    Selecting the major currencies , make the empirical research on the enterprises of our country facing the risk of exchange rate .

  15. 除一分和五分币外,其余硬币都是用银铸造的。近代银元和铜元铸造数量的一个简略估计

    All but the penny and the nickel is make of silver . ROUGHLY ESTIMATION OF THE AMOUNT OF THE CONTEMPORARY SILVER AND COPPER COINS

  16. 除了收付往来款项以外,清算银行还有哪些作用?除一分和五分币外,其余硬币都是用银铸造的。

    What other functions does a clearing bank have except the above mentioned ? All but the penny and the nickel is make of silver .

  17. 800万枚硬币都是5分分币,总重量在15吨左右,约45万美元。

    The 8 million coins are all Swiss 5 cent Rappens , which totals up to 15 tons in money and around $ 450000 in US dollars .

  18. 如果分析一下,他认为埋藏的那部分财宝,只不过是一把真分币和一大堆可观不可及、光亮闪闪的块票而已。

    If his notions of hidden treasure had been analyzed , they would have been found to consist of a handful of real dimes and a bushel of vague , splendid , ungraspable dollars .

  19. 不过妇人也终有停下来的时候,这个时候,路人或是给她一片面包,一个分币,或者只是句简单的谢谢,他们也只能给这些了。

    But the woman would stop playing at some point , and the travelers would give her a crust of bread , or a coin , or simply a word of thanks if that was all they had to give .

  20. 道德人与经济人密不可分的一体,经济人必然是道德人,两者是一个分币的两面、不可割裂,两者共同构成市场社会的行为主体的基本人格特征。

    Moral man and economic man inseparable whole , the economy should necessarily be a moral person , the two sides of a divided currency can not be separated , which together constitute a market society actors in the basic personality traits .