
  • 网络sulcus;sulci
  1. 结果:轻度ICP增高表现为脑沟及外侧裂池消失;

    Results : Mildly increased in ICP resulted in cortical sulcus effacement or lateral fissure cistern effacement .

  2. 结果:首次CT扫描显示:局限性脑沟、脑裂变浅及消失27例,脑池模糊不清,脑室受压变小17例,头皮较大血肿38例,颅骨骨折5例,颅内伴发病变9例。

    Results : The initial CT showed that local cerebral sulcus and fissures became shallow or disappeared in 27 cases , indistinct cisterna and ventricular compression in 17 cases , larger scalp hematoma in 38 cases , skull fractures in 5 cases , other intracranial concomitant lesions in 9 cases .

  3. 大脑中央前沟与邻近脑沟毗邻关系的MRI形态学研究

    Morphologic relationship between precentral sulcus and its adjacent sulcus on MRI

  4. MRI显示病变侧脑沟明显变窄。

    MRI shows the sulci of brain around the lesion become narrow .

  5. 正常国人MRI横断面脑沟回定位的研究

    Localization of Cerebral Gyri and Sulci on Axial MRI in Normal Chinese People

  6. 1例头颅CT提示脑沟、脑池增宽,脑室扩大,其余病例无影像学异常发现。

    No abnormal findings of intracranial image were observed except one case of head CT scan showed enlarged ventricles .

  7. 正常国人低中凸面脑沟回定位体系的MRI研究

    MRI studies on localization of cerebral gyrus and sulcus along low-middle convexity in the Chinese brains

  8. 采用CT技术测定30例缺血性血管性痴呆和30例缺血性卒中对照患者脑室和脑沟线性指标。

    The indices of ventricles and cerebral sulci in 30 ischemic vascular dementia patients and 30 patients with ischemic stroke were calculated with CT based technique .

  9. 目的:探讨矢状面MRI上低中凸面脑沟回的定位标志,为术前准确地功能定位和病理学定位提供客观依据。

    Objective : To construct MRI system on the localization of the cerebral gyrus and sulcus along the low middle convexity in the chinese brains .

  10. 左右侧海马体积、侧脑室颞角宽度、外侧裂脑沟根部宽度AD组与正常对照组之间存在着显著性差异(p<0.01)。

    Both the volume of HF and width of the temporal horn , width of lateral showed significant differences between the patients of AD and the control subjects ( p < 0.01 ) .

  11. 同时应用MRI测量颅腔结构,线性测量包括侧脑室颞角宽度、外侧裂脑沟根部宽度;体积测量包括海马体积、杏仁核体积,并进行统计学分析。

    Volumetric measurements of hippocampal formations ( HF ), amygdala ( AMY ), linear measurements of width of the temporal horn , and width of lateral were detected with MRI .

  12. 结论FLAIR像显示颅脑中邻近脑沟、脑室旁,脑室及脑池内等部位病变的边界、大小、范围及内部结构优于T2加权像。

    Conclusion FLAIR is superior to T 2 - weighted image for detecting the border extent and inter-structure of cerebral lesions .

  13. 材料和方法:选择因呼吸道感染引起发热,惊厥行头颅CT检查,而又无阳性发现的95名2岁以下儿童,将其分为5组,分别测量其额前间隙、纵裂及脑沟。

    Meterials and Methods : 95 cases within 2 years of age who were examined with CT for convulsion and without any positive findings were selected and divided into 5 groups . The width of extracerebral space at frontal , intercerebral fissure and brain sulcus were measured .

  14. 这里我们成功的将Graph-Cut图像分割的方法运用到三维大脑皮层表面上,实验结果表明Graph-Cut图像分割的方法对三维大脑皮层表面的脑沟和脑回区域分割是非常有效和快速的。

    Here we successfully applied the graph-cut image segmentation method to the three-dimensional surface of the cerebral cortex . Experimental results show that the graph-cut method is very effective and fast to the sulcal and gyral regions segmentation of three-dimensional cortical surface . 3 .

  15. 影像辅助定位脑沟入路切除幕上低级别胶质瘤

    Removal of low-grade supratentoria glioma via sulcus approach by image orientation

  16. 广泛性蛛网膜下腔出血,表现为大片脑沟、脑池内高密度影16例。

    Shape Shadow in shanghai subarachnoid hemorrhage catholicity 16 cases .

  17. 局部脑沟消失,脑池、脑室受压变窄或移位;

    Absence of local sulci , compression and displacement of the ventricles ;

  18. 脑沟长度和深度增力口最快的时间一般在胎龄8~9月。

    The most rapid development period was between the eighth and ninth month .

  19. 左侧的大脑半球小于右侧,脑沟较深,脑回也比右侧狭窄。

    The left cerebral hemisphere is smaller with deeper sulci and narrower gyri .

  20. 急性细菌性脑膜炎棕黄色渗出物使脑沟模糊不清。

    The yellow-tan exudate of acute bacterial meningitis seen here obscures the sulci .

  21. 断面图像上脑沟、回的定位研究进展

    The research progress on positioning brain sulcus and gyrus on in sectional imaging

  22. 枕大池、脑沟、脑裂消失20例;

    Disappearance of the cisterna magna and sulcuses of the brain . 20 cases ;

  23. 每一条脑沟在解剖学上都有专有名称。

    Each sulcus has a distinguished name in the anatomy ( nomina anatomica ) .

  24. 中国水牛的外薛氏沟较发达,形成半球外侧面最明显的脑沟。

    In the Chinese buffalo , the ectosylvian sulcus is much more well developed .

  25. 脑沟积血征;

    Hemorrhage in cerebral fissure ;

  26. 实验证明该方法对于脑沟基底线的提取是很有效的方法。

    Experimental results show that this method for the extraction of sulcal ravines is very effective and stability .

  27. 颞叶灰质密度减低,脑沟变窄或消失,灰白质界限不清。

    Low density of grey matter of temproral lobe , sulci narrowing or disappearance and unclear grey matter margin .

  28. 目的探讨经脑沟入路切除侧脑室三角区肿瘤的意义。

    Objective To probe into the significance of treating lesions in the trigone of the lateral ventricle with trans-sulcus approach .

  29. 结果额叶脑沟一般从5月龄开始出现,至7~8月龄全部出现;

    Results The grooves generally began to appear from the 5th month and fully developed between the 7th and 8th month .

  30. 侧裂池及脑沟出血16例、天幕区出血4例,常累及几个部位;

    16 cases in lateral fissure cistern and sulcus ; 4 cases in tenting area , often invaded into several position ;