
  • 网络Atherosclerosis;cerebral artery atherosclerosis
  1. 半卵圆中心缺血和脑动脉粥样硬化的相关性研究

    A study of relationship between centrum ovale ischemic lesions and cerebral atherosclerosis

  2. 对30例脑动脉粥样硬化症男性患者进行了血液流变学指标检测。

    The hemorheology indexes measured for 30 male patients with cerebral atherosclerosis in the paper .

  3. 结果脑动脉粥样硬化患者的LP(a)、TC、TG、LDL-C均明显增高,与对照组比较有显著性差异(P<0.01);

    Results : Brain atherosclerosis patient 's LP ( a ), TC , TG , LDL-C obviously advance , compares with the control group has a significance difference ( P < 0.01 );

  4. 脑动脉粥样硬化是导致脑梗死的主要原因。

    Cerebral artery atherosclerosis is the main reason leading to cerebral infarction .

  5. 结论脑动脉粥样硬化及狭窄是半卵圆中心缺血发生的重要原因。

    Conclusion Cerebral atherosclerosis is an important pathogenesis of centrum ovale ischemic lesions .

  6. 背景:脑动脉粥样硬化是脑血栓形成的主要病理基础。

    Background : Cerebral arteriosclerosis is the principal pathogenic foundation of cerebral thrombosis .

  7. 脑动脉粥样硬化患者脂蛋白(a)与血脂相关指标的检测分析

    Analysis of correlative index of the lipoprotein and blood fats of brain atherosclerosis patient

  8. 脑动脉粥样硬化的诊断是治疗脑血管疾病极为关键的环节。

    The diagnosis of cerebral atherosclerosis is pivotal for the therapy of cerebrovascular disease .

  9. 颈脑动脉粥样硬化性狭窄支架成形术和药物治疗的临床研究

    Clinical Study on Arterial Endovascular Stenting and Medical Therapy in the Patients with Atherosclerotic Cervicocerebral Stenosis

  10. 冠心病患者尸检冠状动脉与脑动脉粥样硬化程度相关性分析

    A corelation analysis on the degree of coronary and cerebral artery atherosclerosis in 67 autopsy patients

  11. 脑动脉粥样硬化和脑血栓者血浆D-二聚体检测及临床意义

    The Clinical significance of measurement of plasma D dimer in patients with cerebral atherosclerosis and atherothrombotic stroke

  12. 结果:1.颈动脉及脑动脉粥样硬化程度与冠状动脉粥样硬化性狭窄程度呈平行分布。

    The extent of carotid atherosclerosis and cerebral atherosclerosis were parallel to the coronary artery atherosclerosis stenosis degree . 2 .

  13. 进一步分析颈动脉和脑动脉粥样硬化与传统血管硬化危险因素的相关性。

    Then analyzed the relationship between carotid atherosclerosis , cerebral atherosclerosis and the traditional vascular risk factors . Results : 1 .

  14. 滋肾养肝、化痰消瘀法防治脑动脉粥样硬化症临床研究

    Clinical Research on Nourishing the Liver and Kidney and Resolving Phlegm and Removing Blood stasis for Preventing and Treating Cerebral Atherosclerosis

  15. 结论高血脂可促使基底动脉神经肽Y能神经纤维增生,这种变化可能与脑动脉粥样硬化的发生、发展有关。

    Conclusions Hyperlipidemia should result in the increase of the NPY-containing innervation , which might be associated with the development of atherosclerosis .

  16. 110例脑动脉粥样硬化患者中发现4例杂合突变,突变率36%,与对照组4%比较无明显差异。

    110 patients were examined with cerebral infraction and found 4 heterozygotes ( 3 6 % ) . There was no significant difference in patients and controls ( P > 0 05 ) .

  17. 结论:50岁以上者出现视力下降、视野缺损,特别是双眼同向性偏盲,若排除其他疾患,则可能是脑底动脉粥样硬化引起外侧膝状体血供障碍所致。

    Conclusions : Excluding other diseases , the eyesight decline , visual field defect in patients over 50 years old were caused possibly by atherosclerosis of the arteries at the base of the brain .

  18. 研究表明,TF除了在正常止血方面的作用外,其异常表达与脑血栓、动脉粥样硬化、急性冠脉综合症、深静脉血栓、弥散性血管内凝血、炎症及肿瘤等密切相关,日益受到广泛关注。

    Some results show that , in addition to the effect in normal hemostasis , TF plays an important role in cerebral thrombosis , atherosclerosis , acute coronary syndrome , deep vein thrombosis , disseminated intravascular coagulation , inflammation and tumor .

  19. 包括心肌梗塞、脑卒中等动脉粥样硬化性心血管疾病(AVD)的发病率是普通人群的5~10倍,发病年龄较普通人群明显提前。

    Morbidity of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease ( AVD ), such as cardiac infarction and stroke , in the dialysis patients is more 5 ~ 10 times higher than it is in the general population .

  20. 机体血管内血栓的形成是引发高血压、心肌梗死、脑缺血、动脉粥样硬化等诸多疾病的主要病理因素。

    Thrombus is main pathologic basis of many diseases , such as hypertension , myocardial infarction , cerebral ischemia and atherosis .

  21. 针灸对缺血性脑血管病颈动脉粥样硬化患者血脂、血流变、LPO和SOD、ET和CGRP的影响

    Influence of Acupuncture and Moxibustion on Lipid , Blood Flow Deformation , LPO , SOD , ET and CGRP in Patients with Carotid Atherosclerosis due to Ischemic Cerebrovascular Diseases

  22. 脑梗塞患者颈动脉粥样硬化与尿微量白蛋白关系的研究

    Association between urinary albumin and carotid atherosclerosis in cerebral infarction patients

  23. 目的研究脑梗塞患者颈动脉粥样硬化型改变的特点。

    Diagnostic Significance of Color Doppler Ultrasound in Cerebral Infarction with Carotid Arteriosclerosis ;

  24. 结论:脑心通治疗颈动脉粥样硬化症有效。

    Conclusion : It is safe and effective to treat carotid atherosclerosis with Naoxintong .

  25. 彩色多普勒超声对脑梗塞患者颈动脉粥样硬化斑块的诊断价值

    The Diagnostic Value of Color Doppler Sonography of Carotid Atherosclerosis Plaque in Patient with Cerebral Stroke

  26. 脑微循环实验室、动脉粥样硬化实验室是山东省“十二五”高校重点实验室;

    The laboratory of Cerebral Microcirculation and laboratory of Atherosclerosis are provincial key laboratories of the Twelfth Five-Year ;

  27. 目的:探讨脑心多肽干预动脉粥样硬化的作用机理。

    Objective : Inquirying into the function mechanism of the medicine brain heart peptides when it interferes the gruel like arteriosclerosis .

  28. 结论急性缺血性脑卒中患者颈动脉粥样硬化斑块性质以混合斑块和软斑块为主,其动脉狭窄常为中到重度。

    ConclusionThe commonest plaques in the carotid artery of patients with acute ischemic stroke are combined plaques and soft plaques , which often cause moderate and severe stenosis .

  29. 急性缺血性脑血管病患者脑动脉粥样硬化的分布

    The Distribution of Cerebral Atherosclerosis in the Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke

  30. 青年脑卒中组主要的病因为脑动脉粥样硬化、动脉瘤、动静脉畸形和心源性脑栓塞;

    The main etiological factors are atherosclerosis , aneurysm , arteriovenous malformation and cerebral embolism .