
  • 网络distribution agreement;distributional agreements;distributorship agreement
  1. 这项分销协议应视为在所有方面均按照国家法律和A同意服从B所在辖区法院的许可权。

    This Distribution Agreement shall be construed in all respects in accordance with the law of HongKong and the A hereto agrees to submit to the jurisdiction of the Court of the domicile of the B.

  2. 华纳音乐集团(WarnerMusicGroup)和中国互联网集团腾讯(Tencent)签署了一份分销协议。全球第三大唱片公司正在探索向中国扩张的新途径。

    Warner Music Group has signed a distribution agreement with Chinese internet conglomerate Tencent , as the world 's third-biggest record company experiments with new ways to expand in China .

  3. 最近,KKR与共同基金管理公司富达投资(FidelityInvestments)签署了分销协议,这对于其新努力来说又是一个促进。

    Its recent distribution deal with Fidelity Investments , the mutual fund manager , gives its nascent effort another boost .

  4. RIM公司(ResearchinMotion)将借助两项新的分销协议,在全球用户数量居首的中国移动市场向数以百万计的个人用户推销黑莓(BlackBerry)智能手机。

    Research in Motion is launching a push to market its BlackBerry smartphones to millions of individual users in China with two new distribution deals in the largest mobile market by subscribers .

  5. 谷歌(google)两年前与戴尔(dell)签署了全球分销协议,而微软也与第四大个人电脑制造商联想(lenovo)达成类似协议。

    Google signed a global distribution deal with Dell two years ago , while Microsoft itself reached a similar arrangement with Lenovo , the fourth-largest PC maker .

  6. 中国电商集团阿里巴巴(Alibaba)与音乐公司BMG签订分销协议,这是中国互联网公司参与的最新内容协议。

    China ecommerce group Alibaba has signed a distribution deal with music company BMG in the latest content deal featuring Chinese internet companies .

  7. iPhone的强劲销量一定程度上要归功于不久前与中国移动达成的一项分销协议,也抵消了苹果另一款主打产品iPad令人失望的业绩。

    The strong iPhone sales , thanks in part to a recent distribution deal with China Mobile , offset other , more disappointing results from Apple 's other signature product , the iPad .

  8. Opsware公司宣布与思科公司达成全球分销协议

    Opsware announces worldwide distribution agreement with Cisco

  9. 一个明显的例外是日本。由于与NTTDoCoMo公司签订了新的分销协议,苹果在日本市场的份额在10月份达到了76.1%。

    The conspicuous exception was Japan , where Apple 's share of sales hit 76.1 % in October thanks to the company 's new distribution deal with NTT DoCoMo .

  10. 保诚最近与新加坡最大银行之一大华银行(UOB)达成了一项分销协议,作为交易的一部分,保诚接手了UOB旗下的寿险业务。

    The Pru recently cut a distribution deal with UOB , one of Singapore 's biggest banks , as part of which it took over the company 's own life business .

  11. 麦考恩证实,根据两家公司签署的“移动应用分销协议”(MADA),谷歌同意帮助三星应对知识产权诉讼。

    In the deposition , Maccoun confirmed that Google agreed to help defend Samsung against some intellectual property claims as part of the ' Mobile Application Distribution Agreement ( MADA ) ' between the two companies .

  12. 尽管广告或许可证收入仍处于“萌芽阶段”,但伍德曼称,与微软(Microsoft)Xbox和LG互联网电视机等平台达成的分销协议已经在提振相机的销售。GoPro是在本周才宣布与Xbox达成了一项新协议。

    While the revenue from advertising or licensing remains " nascent , " Mr Woodman said distribution deals with platforms such as Microsoft 's Xbox and , through a new deal announced this week , LG 's internet-connected TV sets were already boosting camera sales .

  13. 但在实践中,大多数“大卫-歌利亚”(David-Goliath)式的分销协议都类似于我们在2003年与惠普公司的合作:它们都是不错的公关手法,但也就仅此而已。

    In practice , however , most " david-goliath " distribution deals turn out like our 2003 HP deal : Great PR , but not much else .

  14. 今年早些时候,维亚康姆与谷歌签订了一份限制性分销协议。

    Viacom cut a limited distribution deal with Google earlier this year .

  15. 付款方式:详见分销协议。

    Payment terms : please see distributor agreement relevant chapter .

  16. 阿里影业的确跟中国内地多家电视台签订了制作或分销协议。

    It does have production or distribution agreements with several mainland TV stations .

  17. •分销协议大张旗鼓地公布于众,公司内外都抱有极高的期望。

    • the deal is announced with great fanfare and high internal and external expectations .

  18. 究其原因,在一定程度上都与目前采取分销协议和战略联盟这些较为初级的经营模式有关。

    All these are related to the current primary operational models of distribution agreement and strategic alliance .

  19. 去年十二月,它终于与全球最大的运营商——中国移动达成了分销协议。

    In December it finally cut a distribution deal with China Mobile , the world 's largest carrier .

  20. 根据发展程度的不同,银保合作的模式分为分销协议、战略联盟、金融集团模式三种。

    Bancassurance has three modes according to their levels : distribution agreement , strategic alliance and financial service group .

  21. 此合同是一项产品分销协议,该产品采用小型化、由呼吸控制的吸入技术,而非让尼古丁沉积在肺中的香烟。

    It is a distribution agreement for a device that uses miniaturised breath-operated inhalation technology rather than tobacco to deposit nicotine in the lungs .

  22. 与硬件制造商的分销协议已成为搜索引擎赢得新用户的主要武器之一。

    Distribution deals with hardware makers have become one of the main weapons the search engines have used in their battle to win new users .

  23. 小米在中国是率先采用这一模式的公司,利用电子商务来克服各种问题,从难以管理的昂贵店面到分销协议。而现在,小米在印度也采取了这一模式。

    It is a technique pioneered by Xiaomi , which used e-commerce to overcome difficult-to-manage and expensive storefronts and distribution deals in China and now India .

  24. 跨国战略联盟通过供给和分销协议替代了直接出口竞争,合作方没有股权的分享而是保持一种合作中的竞争关系。

    Multinational strategy alliances avoid competitions of direct export by supply and distribution agreements . They do not share stocks but keep a competitive relation in cooperation .

  25. 许可方可自由地向他人转让在生产,出售,分销协议产品过程中使用该商标的权利。

    Licensor shall be free to license others to use the registered trademark in connection with the manufacture , sale and distribution of the contract products covered hereby .

  26. 您将学习如何获得分销协议,争取自由的媒体报道,舞台低成本首演和销售商店和互联网,通过你的作品。

    You 'll learn how to get a distribution deal , garner free media coverage , stage a low-cost premiere and sell your productions through stores and the Internet .

  27. 原田康彦补充称,市场进入过程的第一阶段,并不一定代价高昂,因为这通常涉及与一家本地公司签订分销协议。

    Mr Harada added that the first stage of the market entry process was not necessarily an expensive step since it usually involved a distribution deal with a local company .

  28. 多年来,我国金融业一直保持着分业经营、分业监管的模式,银行业和保险业的合作也仅仅局限于银行利用其窗口优势代理少量保险产品这种通过分销协议进行合作的模式上。

    Over the years , our country financial industry has maintained a separate operation , separate supervision model , banking and insurance cooperation is limited to a bank to use its window edge agent a few insurance products , this through the distribution agreement on the mode of cooperation .

  29. 为此,他们与位于布鲁塞尔的互联网市场委员会(InternetMarketCommission)合作,试图拟定一份有关奢侈品网上分销的协议。

    To that end , they are working with the Internet Market Commission in Brussels to try to craft an agreement to cover luxury distribution online .