
  • 网络distribution service;Distributive Services;Travel Distribution Services
  1. 这是一个流行的免费新闻稿分销服务。

    This is a popular free press release distribution service .

  2. 以分销服务为基础;

    Base the distribution service ;

  3. 物流业是中国加入WTO以后所受影响最大的领域之一,主要包括公路、水运行业,分销服务业。

    After entering WTO , Logistics industry is one of the greatest affected area in China , such as road transportation , water car - riage , retail service etc.

  4. 提供分销服务将依照中国在GATS项下的具体承诺减让表进行。

    Providing distribution services would be done in accordance with China 's Schedule of Specific Commitments under the GATS .

  5. 加入WTO后,我国石油、石化经营环境主要有三个方面的变化,即减让关税、取消非关税壁垒和逐步放开分销服务。

    The business environment for China 's petroleum and petrochemical industries will witness three major . changes after the country joins WTO , namely a reduction of tariffs , the abolishment of non-tariff barriers and the gradual opening of the distribution network .

  6. 由外商投资企业进口,贸易及分销服务,被限制在越南制造的产品。

    Importing , trading and distribution services by the FIE are restricted to products manufactured in Vietnam .

  7. 其中开放成品油分销服务市场对中国航油供应企业的冲击最大。

    The opening of the oil agential market poses the greatest challenge to the Chinese oil companies which provides aviation oil .

  8. 连锁药店是提供药品分销服务的一条重要渠道,在我国医药卫生体制改革和市场竞争的双重压力下,连锁药店在服务营销方面的创新能力成为企业生存发展的关键所在。

    Chain pharmacy is an important channel of medicine distribution . Under the double pressure of medical and sanitation system innovation in China and severe competition in medicine market , the initiative and creativity of chain pharmacies become the critical factors for the survival and development of enterprises .

  9. 美国美华公司在纳斯达克上市,提供中国市场分析、临床实验管理、产品注册、市场研究以及面向医院的药品分销等服务。

    BMP is listed on Nasdaq and offers pre-market entry analysis for China , clinical trial management , product registration , market research , and pharmaceutical distribution to hospitals .

  10. 因而,从产品研发,生产,分销和服务,到新承租和金融服务,在所有环节和阶段中,质量始终被放在首位。

    As a result , quality is assigned the highest priority at all stages , from product development , manufacture , distribution and service to new leasing and financing services .

  11. 在目前这种面向客户的制造环境中,企业的驱动力已由生产转向通过分销和服务提供的附加值,因此,分销网络优化设计成为提高客户满意度和增强企业竞争力的重要途径之一。

    In customer-oriented manufacturing environment , driving force of enterprise has been changing from production to value added by distribution and service . Therefore , distribution network design is one of the most important ways to improve the customer satisfaction level and to strengthen competitive power of enterprise .

  12. 电子商务不仅仅是解决在线支付eCommerce,对企业而言应该是解决企业在线采购、计划、生产、储运、分销和客户服务为主的Ebusiness。

    E Business is more than the online payment of E Commerce . It means an overall solution to online purchasing , planning , producing , storing , distributing and serving by an enterprise .

  13. 根据我国物流业发展现状及加入WTO对我国分销及物流服务业的影响,提出发展物流服务业的对策措施。

    The author analyses the present situation of the development of Chinese logistics industry , and the influence of China 's entering the WTO on logistics service industry . On this basis , the author puts forward some countermeasures to develop the service industry of goods flow .

  14. 它持有沃伦巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)旗下伯克希尔哈撒韦(BerkshireHathaway)投资集团约4%的股份,拥有四季酒店(FourSeasons)47%的股份,以及分销与外包服务集团Bunzl约6%的股份。

    It holds around a 4 per cent stake in Warren Buffett 's Berkshire Hathaway investment group , owns 47 per cent of the Four Seasons hotel company and about 6 per cent of Bunzl , the distribution and outsourcing group .

  15. 第一,通过客户生命周期价值的计算,进行客户价值细分,提出了基于客户细分的分销系统客户服务水平的概念和计算公式。

    First , the concept and calculation method of customer service level based on customer segmentation are advanced through computing the customer lifetime value .

  16. 我们决定将这个厂址用作一个大型的分销中心,服务于整个欧洲以及附近的几个小型中心。

    and decided to use the site for a big distribution centre , serving the whole of Europe , and to close several smaller centres .

  17. 被收购的业务部包括产品、技术、开发、工程、市场、销售和分销,以服务于工业安全及自动化市场。

    The business unit being acquired includes products , technology , development engineering , marketing , sales and distribution to serve the industrial safety and automation markets .

  18. 企业营销体系可采取本部、区域分销机构(服务中心)、销售代表三级精干高效的运行组织。

    The marketing system of an enterprise can adopt an effective organization operating at three levels - headquarters , regional and distribution organs ( service centers ) and distribution representatives .

  19. 特许经营产生于19世纪中期,兴起于20世纪,被制造企业应用于产品分销,被服务性企业应用于模式复制。

    Appearing in the mid 19th century and rising in 20th century , franchise is used by manufacturing enterprises to distribute their products and by service enterprises to copy their business model .

  20. 特许经营是当前世界最流行的一种商业经营模式,也是全球公认的分销商品和服务的行之有效的方法,目前在我国飞速发展,但与之相关的会计问题还没得到相应的重视。

    Franchising is currently the most popular business operation pattern in the world . Also , it has been universally recognized as an effective approach in commodity distribution as well as in service improvement .

  21. 他表示,在投资局监控的全部外资流入中,葡萄牙投资占到了两成左右,且大多集中于小企业,覆盖范围从家具制造到食品分销及维修服务等领域。

    Portuguese investments , many in small businesses ranging from furniture-making to food distribution and repair services , account for about 20 per cent of all foreign inflows monitored by the agency , he says .

  22. 最后对汽车分销渠道建设和服务提出一些对策。

    Finally it developments some counter plans of the builds and services of car distribution channel .

  23. 提供生产计划、采购、制造、工程、分销物流和技术服务方面的财务管理。

    Provides financial management related to Production Planning , Purchasing , Manufacturing , Engineering , Distribution Logistics , and Technical Services .

  24. 从产品、价格、分销、促销、服务五个方面作分析后给出相应的策略建议。并对营销的实施保障提出建议。

    Suggestions are given from analyzing product , price , distribution , promotion , service and the implementation of the marketing security .

  25. 十几家其它互联网公司分销谷歌的搜索服务和广告,但其中数家一直在收缩。

    Around a dozen other Internet companies distribute its search results and advertising , but some of these have been pulling back .

  26. 特许经营公司收取一定费用,允许第三方以其名义分销品牌产品或服务的安排。

    An arrangement whereby a company allows another to distribute its branded product or service under its name , for a fee .