- 网络check and balance;separation of powers

Construct the Substitutive Project Management Pattern for Government-invested Project under Checks and Balances
It shows that judicial independence was a result of the anti autocratic struggle of the American people and a strong safeguard for the successful workings of the U.S. system of checks and balances .
Development and Practice of Seperation of Powers and Checks and Balances
Concept innovation requirements the combination of the separation of powers and the legal supervision .
Constitutional Pluralism and Counterbalancing of Power : A Study of Ancient Roman Social Construction and Political Mechanism
Firstly , the mechanism of " separation of powers " and " checks and balances " .
The Foundation of Parties'Competition and Check and Balance & Through the American Constitutional Case of Marbury v.Madison
On the Principle of Separation of Powers and Checks and Balances and its Influence to Chinese Rule of Law
The magazine Window of South Wind make the third road outside political propaganda and the separation of powers .
In fact , it disobeys the passive and neutral nature of judicature , and causes the judicial authority loss .
The corporate governance is realized by a division and definition supervision of power inside corporate that is bound by corporate law .
After hundreds and thousands attempts and fails , the separation and restriction of power became the best choice in real world .
The development of the theories from mixed balance to decentralized restriction and balance embodies an inherent advancement of the republic theories .
In 1970s , corporate governance seemed to become invalid with the rising of the manager layer and invalidation of traditional corporate governance model .
The Prerequisite for the Establishment of Unconstitutional Checking System & to Establish a Government System with Division of Powers to Achieve Checks and Balances
This is not only the needs of the market order and separation of powers , but also the result of historical evolution of procuratorial system .
Discloses that self government of private law and the check and balance principles are the two legal foundations of establishment of the corporation 's supervisory system .
Meanwhile , in the long run the deeper influence of bipartisanship was reflected in the intensification of Cold War consensus and the expansion of executive power .
Decentralization and balance of legal person 's governance structure is one of the basic principles to be followed in the establishment of the enterprise governance structure .
The Company Law of our country adheres to the idea of " Power constraining Power ", and the principle of power assignment and power check and balance .
The theory of the separation and restriction of power and that of the agent cost are the theoretical foundation of the system of the board of censors .
This republicanism included two mechanisms , namely the mechanism of " separation of powers " and " checks and balances ", and the mechanism of interest groups .
Freedom , reason and the power seperation & The study of montesquieu 's political justice 's view French Political System from the Perspective of the 2004 Regional Election
The analysis of the origin and changes of the theory of " Balance of Power " helps to recognize the system of political power in main capitalist countries .
Setting up the supervisory board system is the embodiment of separation of the three powers which is the in the Company Law of the People 's Republic ofChina ;
The traditional republicanism insisted mixed balance and small-scale city Republic , however , the modern republicanism adhered to the separation of powers , checks and balances and large-scale composite Republic .
This paper begins with enterprise law form and illustrates some fundamentals of corporate governance , e.g. law connotation , entrusted agency relations , internal rights division balance and external constraint mechanism , etc.
Make Claims as an Equal Control and Balance : the Core of Corporate Juridical Person Governing Structure & Analysis on Corporate Juridical Person Governing Structure in the Reformation of Chinese State owned Enterprises
On the securities markets , the value of judicial review , which is based on the principles of rule of law and separation of powers , is the regulation of the supervisors .
Establish a new principal-agent relationship , the formation of decision-making , execution and supervision of the three independent mechanism of checks and balances and complement each other , to nurture and grow the center .