
  • 网络check and balance;separation of powers
  1. 构建体现分权制衡原则的政府投资项目代建模式

    Construct the Substitutive Project Management Pattern for Government-invested Project under Checks and Balances

  2. 从历史的角度说明,司法独立是美国人民反专制斗争的产物,是美国分权制衡体制顺利运作的有力保障。

    It shows that judicial independence was a result of the anti autocratic struggle of the American people and a strong safeguard for the successful workings of the U.S. system of checks and balances .

  3. 分权制衡思想的发展与实践

    Development and Practice of Seperation of Powers and Checks and Balances

  4. 观念革新要求分权制衡和法律监督两方面的结合。

    Concept innovation requirements the combination of the separation of powers and the legal supervision .

  5. 多元并存与分权制衡:古罗马社会结构政制机制初探

    Constitutional Pluralism and Counterbalancing of Power : A Study of Ancient Roman Social Construction and Political Mechanism

  6. 第一,分权制衡机制。

    Firstly , the mechanism of " separation of powers " and " checks and balances " .

  7. 论美国的党争与分权制衡背后之支配力量&以马伯里诉麦迪逊案为例

    The Foundation of Parties'Competition and Check and Balance & Through the American Constitutional Case of Marbury v.Madison

  8. 论分权制衡原则对中国法治的影响

    On the Principle of Separation of Powers and Checks and Balances and its Influence to Chinese Rule of Law

  9. 《南风窗》走的是政治宣传与分权制衡之外的第三条路。

    The magazine Window of South Wind make the third road outside political propaganda and the separation of powers .

  10. 在民事制裁中,法院行使了行政权和个案中的立法权,违反分权制衡的法治原则。

    In fact , it disobeys the passive and neutral nature of judicature , and causes the judicial authority loss .

  11. 公司治理结构在公司内部是通过公司组织机构分权制衡的职权设计来实现的,主要受《公司法》的规范。

    The corporate governance is realized by a division and definition supervision of power inside corporate that is bound by corporate law .

  12. 经历无数次的尝试与失败,分权制衡,以权力制约权力成为现实世界中最不坏的选择。

    After hundreds and thousands attempts and fails , the separation and restriction of power became the best choice in real world .

  13. 一方面,两者有着共同的理论渊源和基本原则.从混合均衡到分权制衡展现了共和思想发展的内在理路;

    The development of the theories from mixed balance to decentralized restriction and balance embodies an inherent advancement of the republic theories .

  14. 20世纪70年代后,随着公司中经理层的崛起和传统公司中分权制衡管理模式的失灵,公司治理似乎走入了死胡同。

    In 1970s , corporate governance seemed to become invalid with the rising of the manager layer and invalidation of traditional corporate governance model .

  15. 论建立违宪审查制度的前提条件:建立分权制衡的政府制度

    The Prerequisite for the Establishment of Unconstitutional Checking System & to Establish a Government System with Division of Powers to Achieve Checks and Balances

  16. 这是市场秩序的需要,也是分权制衡的依归,更是检察制度历史演进的使然。

    This is not only the needs of the market order and separation of powers , but also the result of historical evolution of procuratorial system .

  17. 揭示了私法自治原则和分权制衡原则是公司监察制度确立的两大法律基石;

    Discloses that self government of private law and the check and balance principles are the two legal foundations of establishment of the corporation 's supervisory system .

  18. 长期来看,两党合作的深层影响则是加强了冷战共识和行政部门权力的扩张,并在本质上与美国分权制衡的宪政原则相抵触。

    Meanwhile , in the long run the deeper influence of bipartisanship was reflected in the intensification of Cold War consensus and the expansion of executive power .

  19. 法人治理结构分权制衡是公司治理结构设置的基本原则;

    Decentralization and balance of legal person 's governance structure is one of the basic principles to be followed in the establishment of the enterprise governance structure .

  20. 我国公司法遵循以权力制约权力的理念,坚持分权制衡的原则,力求实现企业的高效运营。

    The Company Law of our country adheres to the idea of " Power constraining Power ", and the principle of power assignment and power check and balance .

  21. 指出分权制衡理论和代理成本理论是监事会制度的理论基础;

    The theory of the separation and restriction of power and that of the agent cost are the theoretical foundation of the system of the board of censors .

  22. 实现这种共和主义的两大机制分别为分权制衡机制与利益集团机制。

    This republicanism included two mechanisms , namely the mechanism of " separation of powers " and " checks and balances ", and the mechanism of interest groups .

  23. 自由、理性、分权制衡孟德斯鸠政治正义观探究分权制和政治轮替的悖论从地区议会选举看法国政制

    Freedom , reason and the power seperation & The study of montesquieu 's political justice 's view French Political System from the Perspective of the 2004 Regional Election

  24. 分析西方分权制衡理论的源流、变迁,有助于认识、评价主要资本主义国家的政治分权制度。

    The analysis of the origin and changes of the theory of " Balance of Power " helps to recognize the system of political power in main capitalist countries .

  25. 监事会的设立是三权分立&分权制衡理论在公司法上的体现;

    Setting up the supervisory board system is the embodiment of separation of the three powers which is the in the Company Law of the People 's Republic ofChina ;

  26. 传统共和主义对混合均衡、小国寡民的城邦共和国情有独钟,而现代共和主义则坚持分权制衡、广土众民的复合共和国。

    The traditional republicanism insisted mixed balance and small-scale city Republic , however , the modern republicanism adhered to the separation of powers , checks and balances and large-scale composite Republic .

  27. 本文主要论述了公司法人治理的基本理论知识&法律内涵、委托代理关系、内部分权制衡与外部约束机制等;

    This paper begins with enterprise law form and illustrates some fundamentals of corporate governance , e.g. law connotation , entrusted agency relations , internal rights division balance and external constraint mechanism , etc.

  28. 分权制衡:公司法人治理结构的核心&对我国国企改革中公司法人治理结构的法理分析

    Make Claims as an Equal Control and Balance : the Core of Corporate Juridical Person Governing Structure & Analysis on Corporate Juridical Person Governing Structure in the Reformation of Chinese State owned Enterprises

  29. 建立在法治和分权制衡等法律原则之上的司法审查制度,体现于证券市场的价值就是对监管者的监管。

    On the securities markets , the value of judicial review , which is based on the principles of rule of law and separation of powers , is the regulation of the supervisors .

  30. 建立新型的委托一代理关系,形成决策、执行、监督三者相互独立、相互配合的分权制衡机制,全力培育壮大中心。

    Establish a new principal-agent relationship , the formation of decision-making , execution and supervision of the three independent mechanism of checks and balances and complement each other , to nurture and grow the center .