
zhì yuē
  • restrict;constraint;govern;condition;restraint
制约 [zhì yuē]
  • [condition;restrict;govern] 一事物的存在、变化是另一事物存在、变化的先决条件,则前者制约后者

  • 法律使他能制约自己

制约[zhì yuē]
  1. 目前,制约LED照明系统推广应用的关键因素之一是散热。

    At present , removal of heat is one of the key factors that restrict the large-scale applications of tunnel LED illumination .

  2. 而其中射线的能谱硬化和散射问题,又是制约工业CT各项性能指标提高的重要瓶颈之一。

    Moreover the question of the energy spectrum hardening and the photon scattering is one of important bottleneck to restrict the improvement of ICT .

  3. 有限的资源正制约着我们开发新产品的能力。

    Limited resources are restricting our capacity for developing new products .

  4. 君主统治的权力受到了新法律的制约。

    The power of the monarchy was circumscribed by the new law .

  5. 计划的两个部分均受到了同一思维方式的制约。

    The two parts of the plan were governed by the same logic .

  6. 现金短缺是一个制约因素。

    Lack of cash is a limiting factor .

  7. 该书曾几次受到作者过多的制约。

    There are times when the book suffers from excessive authorial control .

  8. 工会受法律的制约。

    The trade unions are shackled by the law .

  9. 水资源匮乏将是制约该地区发展的一个主要因素。

    Water shortages in the area will be the main constraint on development .

  10. 军方显然担心在他的领导下,其活动将受到严重制约。

    The army evidently fears that , under him , its activities would be severely circumscribed

  11. 制约驾车出行量的将会是那些道路的通行能力。

    It 's the capacity of those roads which is going to constrain the amount of travel by car that can take place .

  12. 但由于北洋政府经济立法的历史局限性,它的经济立法活动受到了各种政治力量的张力制约,从而使其经济立法的历史推动作用大打了折扣。

    But owing to the Beiyang government 's historical limitations , its legislative activities had been restricted by the various political force tensions and its historical roles had been reduced .

  13. 解剖制约可能妨碍单边或双边插入关节螺钉。

    Anatomic constraints may preclude the insertion a transarticular screw unilaterally or bilaterally .

  14. 高额罚款是对开车的人的制约。

    Large fines act as a deterrent to motorists .

  15. “明者因时而变,知者随事而制。”要摒弃不合时宜的旧观念,冲破制约发展的旧框框,让各种发展活力充分迸发出来。

    We should abandon the outdated mindset , break away from the old confines that fetter development and unleash all the potential for development .

  16. 根据纲要草案,国家将打通制约生产要素合理流动的堵点,形成需求牵引供给、供给创造需求的更高水平动态平衡。

    The country will remove impediments to the rational flow of production factors , and create a higher-level dynamic equilibrium where supply and demand boost each other , according to the draft outline .

  17. 传统的安全策略已经不能满足服务在自动发现和自动组合中的安全需求,制约了WEBService的发展。

    However the development of the Web Service is restricted by the traditional security policy , which cannot satisfy the requirements of the service auto-discovery and auto-composition .

  18. WTO的司法审查制度是指法院通过对行政行为进行审查,发挥司法权力对行政权力的制约作用。

    The judicial review system of WTO means that the judicial power should restrict the administrative power through the court 's reviewing administrative acts .

  19. 土壤pH与盐基饱和度呈非线性正相关,且主要受占优势的交换性Ca2+制约。

    The soil pH is also significant positive correlation with Base Saturation , which is mainly restricted by Exchangeable Base Ca ~ ( 2 + ) .

  20. SAR的广泛应用及其距离、方位上的高分辨率,使其受到人们越来越多的重视。但是SAR图像中的斑点噪声却严重地制约了它的进一步的应用。

    Due to the extensive application and good performance of the synthetic aperture radar ( SAR ), the study to SAR image becomes more and more important .

  21. Nd-Fe-B稀土永磁材料的失磁现象制约了其在大型永磁电机中的应用。

    The loss of excitation limits the use of Nd-Fe-B permanent magnetic materials in large permanent magnets .

  22. 现实中PAT系统的庞大体积和较长捕获时间制约着空间激光通信的快速发展。

    In the traditional PAT system , its large volume and long acquisition time restrict the development of the space laser communication .

  23. 其中,实用性差是制约CAPP应用的关键,而影响CAPP系统实用性的因素主要是通用性、适应性和可靠性以及相互之间关系的协调和优化。

    The practicality which is affected by the community , adaptive , reliability , and its harmonic and optimize is the key point which limits the application of CAPP .

  24. 综述了国内外聚苯硫醚(PPS)纤维的发展现状,分析了制约我国PPS纤维发展的原因;

    Summarized the development actuality of polyphenylene sulfide ( PPS ) fiber at home and abroad , and analyzed the confinement factors of domestic development .

  25. 并深入探讨了影响LSC的几个因素:电网拓朴结构、节点负荷分布比例、电源配置,对每个制约因素分别进行了算例分析。

    Discuss the factor influencing the LSC value : network structure , distributing proportion of load , power supply configuration .

  26. 目前在PKI应用中,存在对计算能力和通信能力受限的客户端的支持不够及PKI应用的不兼容等制约PKI发展的问题。

    There exist several problems that hinder the application of PKI , such as the weak ability to support computing and communicating capacity limited clients , and the interoperability among different PKI applications .

  27. SAR的模式和相应的成像算法是实现高分辨率机载SAR成像的主要方面,但是随着分辨率要求的提高,运动补偿方面几乎成为了制约机载SAR分辨率提高的决定因素。

    SAR mode and its corresponding image formation algorithms are the main problems for high resolution airborne SAR . But as the resolution requirement increased , motion compensation becomes the critical factor to impact the improvement of resolution for airborne SAR .

  28. 长江、黄河流域泛滥平原细粒沉积物~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr空间变异的制约因素及其物源示踪意义

    Factors controlling spatial variation of ~ ( 87 ) Sr / ~ ( 86 ) Sr in the fine-grained sediments from the overbanks of the Yellow River and Yangtze River and its implication for provenance of marine sediments

  29. 目前我国被发现或被利用于优良紫胶虫种4号胶虫(Kerrialacca)的优良寄主植物种类较少,制约了我国优质紫胶的发展。

    The shortage of host tree species for Kerria lacca has restricted the development of shellac in our country presently .

  30. 提出DCC、烯烃易位转化、C4/C5烃选择裂解和MTO、MTP工艺可以推广应用,而丙烷脱氢工艺在我国受资源短缺制约,其工业应用条件不具备。

    DCC , olefin metathesis , C4 / C5 hydrocarbon selective cracking and MTO ? MTP process . To indicate the technology of propane dehydrogenation in China is currently lack of conditions to commercial production .