
  • 网络Manufacturing mode
  1. 基于Agent分布式网络化制造模式的研究

    Research on Agent Based Distributed Network Manufacturing Mode

  2. 先进制造模式的发展对CAPP的实用化和自动化提出了更高的要求。

    The practicality and automation of CAPP are required urgently by the development of advanced manufacturing mode recently .

  3. 基于语义Web的网络化制造模式研究

    Model of networked manufacturing based on semantic web

  4. 基于Web的敏捷制造模式下的供应链合作伙伴选择研究

    Web-based Supply Chain Partnership Selection for Agile Manufacturing

  5. 基于X列表和应用服务提供商的新型网络化制造模式研究

    New networked manufacturing pattern based on bill of X & application service provider

  6. 敏捷制造模式下面向快速重组制造系统的CAPP原型系统研究

    Study of CAPP prototype system suited for rapid reconfigurable manufacturing system in agile manufacturing model

  7. 基于Multi-Agent的智能制造模式研究

    Intelligent Manufacturing Research Based on Multi-Agent

  8. 本文讨论了基于Agent和Holon的先进制造模式,阐述了国内外的研究现状。

    This paper presents the advanced manufacturing system based on agent and holon technology .

  9. 虚拟企业(VirtualEnterprise)是企业间的一种动态联盟,它作为一种新型的制造模式正在逐渐兴起,但其环境多为分布的、异构的制造环境。

    Virtual enterprise is a kind of dynamic collaboration between enterprises , it is springing up as a new manufacturing model , but they are coordinated in distributed and different structure environments .

  10. 近年来,一种新的被称为即时顾客化定制(下文简称IC)的制造模式引起了学术界和实际工作者的重视。

    In recent years , much attention has been focused by practitioners as well as academics on a new manufacturing paradigm called ' instant customerisation '( IC ) .

  11. 文中针对中国的CIMS工程推广应用的实际,提出了面向用户的现代集成制造模式,并对其基本框架及相关技术作了初步的探讨与研究。

    A mode of user oriented contemporary integrated manufacturing is put forward , aiming at the practice of computer integrated manufacturing system ( CIMS ) implementation in China .

  12. STEP是为解决产品设计各个部门之间的信息共享而定义的一个产品数据表示和交换的国际标准,也是传统制造模式下解决系统信息集成的重要工具之一。

    STEP which is designed to the sharing of information between the various departments is not only the international standards of product data definition and exchange , but also one of the important tools for information integration of traditional manufacturing model .

  13. 阐述生命系统理论与新型制造模式的联系,探讨利用我国传统文化同LST相结合创立一套具有中国特色的现代化管理理论的可能性。

    Finally , the possibility to establish a China-oriented modern management theory based on the association of LST and Chinese traditional culture is explored .

  14. OEM制造模式下中小企业因产品质量问题造成售后服务成本的大大增加,转化为企业运营成本的巨大压力。

    In the OEM manufacturing mode , problems of product quality increased the after-sales service costs , it brings great pressure to SMEs because of the increasing operations costs .

  15. 因此,针对敏捷制造模式的特点,研究和实现能够快速响应企业生产的需求、具有敏捷化特征的新型CAPP系统具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。

    So , aimed at characters of AM , studying and implementing an agile CAPP ( ACAPP ) system , which can rapidly adapt to the requirements of enterprises are of great importance in theory and practice .

  16. 大规模定制(masscustomization,MC)生产模式是20世纪末出现的一种崭新的先进制造模式,实施大规模定制已成为企业竞争的新前沿,得到国内外制造企业的高度重视。

    Mass Customization ( MC ) is a new advanced manufacturing mode presented at the end of 20th century . And it has become the new competitive frontier in business competition and been paid much attention to by domestic and foreign manufacturing enterprises .

  17. 分析了互联网络环境中柔性加工单元的制造模式。详细讨论了用JDBC编写Web数据库应用程序的原理。

    Need of establishment of manufacturers network and web data has been expounded with analysis of mode of flexible manufacturing cell in internet environment and with discussion in details of principle of web data application by JDBC as well as problems existing in safety and protection of web data .

  18. 基于可重构制造模式的思想,提出了适合制造行业的可重构制造执行系统的软件体系结构,采用该体系结构实现了MES的可重构性和可移植性。

    The architecture of manufacturing execution system ( MES ) which can be applied to manufacturing industry is presented on the basis of the theory of manufacturing pattern . The reconfiguration and portability of MES can be implemented with this architecture .

  19. 本文对网络化制造模式下的DNC系统Web-DNC系统的构建技术进行了研究,以系统实现的关键技术&DNC通信技术和数控资源集成服务平台构建技术的研究为核心内容。

    The paper does study the DNC system oriented networked manufacturing - Web-DNC system . Its main contents are the key technology of Web-DNC system , which are building technology of the NC resource integration service platform and DNC communication technology .

  20. 实时的信息管理是电子化制造模式的需要。

    Real time information management is very important to e-manufacturing strategy .

  21. 论现代工业工程技术与先进制造模式的关系

    About the Relationship between Modern Industrial Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing Mode

  22. 先进制造模式的概念、特征及分类集成

    The conception 、 characters 、 and classification of advanced manufacturing modes

  23. 基于网格技术的模具协同设计制造模式研究

    Research on Mold Cooperative Design and Manufacturing Based on Grid Technology

  24. 面向知识经济的生产制造模式&虚拟一体化

    Knowledge Economy Oriented Manufacturing and Production & an Virtual Organic Whole

  25. e-制造模式下制造信息动态跟踪方法研究

    Research on the dynamical tracing methods of manufacturing information for e-manufacturing

  26. 敏捷制造模式下产品快速设计实现方法

    Realization Methods of Product Quick Design Under Agile Manufacturing Model

  27. 面向敏捷制造模式的质量保证信息系统研究

    Study on Quality Assurance Information System in Agile Manufacturing Enterprises

  28. 基于动态联盟的双单元制造模式研究

    Study on the Mode of Double cell Manufacturing Based on Virtual Organization

  29. 先进制造模式与知识供应链的集成研究

    Researches on integration of knowledge supply chain under the advanced manufacturing paradigms

  30. 先进制造模式&分散网络化制造的研究进展

    Research progress on advanced manufacturing mode : distributed networked manufacturing