
  • 网络smes;sme loan;sme lending
  1. 银行也承认在中小企业贷款中,抵押品相当重要。

    Banks also admitted the importance of collateral in SME lending .

  2. 最后,结合所学到的定价理论与信用风险模型知识,针对中小企业贷款及其定价方法进行分析。

    Finally , the combination of learning theory and the pricing of credit risk model knowledge for SME lending and pricing analysis .

  3. 本文介绍了非洲尤其是科特迪瓦银行金融机构对中小企业贷款发放问题的研究结果,这一研究是基于科特迪瓦ACCESS银行的具体案例。

    This paper presents the results of a study covering the Issue of loan disbursement to SMEs / SMIs by banking institutions in Africa generally but in Cote d ' ivoire specially , with a specific study made on the case of Access BANK .

  4. 通过构建最优的多银行中小企业贷款池,运用合成CDO等结构化融资方式为化解中小企业信贷资产风险、缓解中小企业融资困境提供了新思路。

    Synthetic CDOs based on Multi-bank Loan Pool are designed and employed to diversify the credit risk of SME loans , and relieve the dilemma of SME financing .

  5. 二是中小企业贷款信用风险决策。

    Secondly , credit risk policy making of SMEs ' loan .

  6. 上海中小企业贷款担保市场存在的问题及其对策

    Problems and solutions for SMEs in the guaranteed-loan market in Shanghai

  7. 《新资本协议》将中小企业贷款划入更高的风险类别

    Basle II puts SME lending into different higher risk category

  8. 中小企业贷款利率定价的计算实验方法

    Loan rate pricing of SME financing based on agent-based computational finance approach

  9. 论商业银行中小企业贷款承诺业务的完善

    The Perfection of SMEs ' Loan Commitment in Commercial Banks

  10. 商业银行中小企业贷款信用风险评价研究

    Research on SMEs Credit Risk Evaluation of Commercial Bank Loans

  11. 信息不对称、信贷配给与中小企业贷款

    Information Dissymmetry , Credit Admeasure and Loan-applying of the Small / Medium-sized Enterprises

  12. 银行中小企业贷款的效益与风险分析

    Economic Returns and Risk from Loans for SMS Enterprises

  13. 我国中小企业贷款约束的影响因素分析

    An Analysis of the Influencing Factors of Lending Constraints on China 's SMEs

  14. 新西兰银行中小企业贷款流程与风险控制

    New Zealand bank small and medium enterprise loaning procedure

  15. 中小企业贷款风险决策研究

    Study on Risk Policy-making in SME 's Loan

  16. 事实上,在中小企业贷款方面,大型业行相对中小业行更具有不可替代的优势。

    In fact , large banks have superior to SMBs in SMEs ' loan .

  17. 中小企业贷款难的成因与对策教育助学贷款推行难的原因及对策

    Origin Cause and Countermeasure of the Loan 's Difficulty in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

  18. 中国科技创新中小企业贷款证券化可行性研究

    Feasibility Research on Loan Securitization of MSE of Science and Technology Innovation in China

  19. 面向获得银行贷款的信用评价及中小企业贷款研究

    Credit Evaluation of Bank Loan and Research on Strategy to Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Loan

  20. 对中小企业贷款、票据贴现、融资租赁、个人消费贷款担保。

    SME loans , bills discounting , finance lease , and personal consumption loan guarantees .

  21. 浅谈商业银行对中小企业贷款的风险控制与防范

    On the Precautions against Risks in Commercial Banks ' Loan to Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

  22. 关于建立我国中小企业贷款融资支持体系的构想

    Proposal on establishing a supportive system for china 's small-and-medium-size enterprises to apply for loans

  23. 对中小企业贷款、资租赁的担保,对个人消费贷款担保;对外投资。

    SME loans , lease financing guarantees for the individual consumer loan guarantees ; Foreign investment .

  24. 在这种大的背景下,商业银行的中小企业贷款业务快速发展势在必行。

    On this background , the loans from commercial banks to SMEs will get raped development .

  25. 这些鼓励政策的出台,调动了银行向中小企业贷款的积极性。

    These encouraging policy come onstage , aroused the enthusiasm of bank lending to SMEs enthusiasm .

  26. 中小企业贷款融资的现状分析及其支持体系构建

    Analyzing the Current Credit Financing Situation of the Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and Constructing the Sustaining System

  27. 首先,构建了一个分析银行中小企业贷款影响因素的模型。

    First , we built a model to analyze the factors of SMEs loans from bank angle .

  28. 中小企业贷款税前全额拨备损失准备金。

    We will allow full tax deductions for loan loss reserves for loans to small and medium-sized enterprises .

  29. 其次,对中小企业贷款信用保险从风险管理理论、信息经济学两方面进行了理论分析和可保性分析。

    Then , this part has a theoretical and insurable analysis in risk management and information economics theory .

  30. 高管任期、内源抵押能力与中小企业贷款难&中小企业有效信贷需求分析

    Top Executive Prefecture , Internal Generating Mortgage Ability and Problems of Granting Loans for small and medium-sized firms