
  1. 2006年的福禧事件给中国债券市场敲响了信用风险的警钟。

    In 2006 , FuXi event gave a big shock to China bond market of credit risk .

  2. 本文从中国债券市场的基本情况着手,主要介绍了中国债券市场发展历程和当前中国债券市场的现状及其重要性。

    In this paper , it mainly describes development of China bond market , and then describes its importance and situation now .

  3. 汇丰(hsbc)全球资产管理部固定收益业务主管兼高级产品专家杰弗里兰特(geoffreylunt)表示,rqfii虽然还没有得到广泛的欢迎,但这是朝着扩宽投资中国债券市场渠道迈出的又一步。

    Geoffrey lunt , director and senior product specialist for fixed income at HSBC Global Asset Management , says that while rqfii has not been widely popular it is just another step in broadening access to the Chinese bond markets .

  4. 本文尝试寻找一种更多的利用市场即时信息的定价方法对利率期限结构进行研究,应用三叉树模拟技术构建Hull-White模型,并对当前中国债券市场上几种常用利率进行比较分析。

    This paper tries to find a way to study the interest term structure of Chinese bond market with more market information . It focuses on the application of the tree model method and builds a Hull-White model to simulate the dynamic term structure .

  5. 中国债券市场新债定价研究

    The Research on the Issuing Price in Chinese Bond Market

  6. 目前中国债券市场上市政债券尚属空白。

    But it does not exit in capital market in China now .

  7. 中国债券市场直到最近都在蓬勃发展。

    Until recently , the Chinese bond market was booming .

  8. 信用违约互换:中国债券投资者的机遇

    CDS : Opportunity for bond investors in China ; investment in default

  9. 论中国债券市场的制度创新

    On the Institutional Innovation of Bonds Market in China

  10. 中国债券市场利差过度反应实证研究

    Empirical study on the behaviour of the spread overreaction in Chinese bond market

  11. 中国债券市场托管结算系统的问题及改进途径分析

    The Custody and Settlement System in Chinese Bond Market : Problems and Countermeasures

  12. 但购买中国债券对外国投资者而言并非没有风险。

    But buying Chinese debt does not come without risks for foreign investors .

  13. 目前,中国债券利率和货币市场利率已经能够自由浮动。

    Bond and money-market interest rates already float freely .

  14. 或许,这是因为市场喜欢中国债券市场传出的信号。

    Perhaps that is because markets like the signals coming from the Chinese bond market .

  15. 在中国债券市场中引入国际债券市场操作规范。提高市场效率。

    Introduce international bond market practice to the Chinese Bond Market to develop market efficiency .

  16. 中国债券市场的利率一般比银行贷款利率低两到三个百分点。

    Interest rates in China 's bond market are generally 2-3 percentage points lower than bank loans .

  17. 在中国债券市场上,债券品种的结构性缺陷导致准市政债券现象日益引人关注。

    Structural defects in China 's bond market result in the increasingly attractive phenomenon of quasi-municipal bonds .

  18. 中国债券市场的进一步发展已严重受制于托管结算系统的滞后。

    Further development of domestic bond market is now subject to the backward custody and settlement system .

  19. 市场流动性不足和债券收益率曲线缺乏代表性是当今中国债券市场的主要缺陷。

    Deficiency of market fluidity and shortage of representative bond yield are main defectiveness of Chinese bond market .

  20. 二级市场交易也大幅增长,这对于中国债券市场的发展同样至关重要。

    Just as vital for the development of the Chinese bond market , secondary trading has increased dramatically .

  21. 中资银行主导了中国债券市场,其持有的债券规模也占到已发行债券的65%左右。

    Chinese banks dominate the nation 's bond markets , and hold around 65 % of outstanding bonds .

  22. 中国债券已经被纳入彭博巴克莱全球综合指数和摩根大通全球新兴市场政府债券指数。

    Chinese bonds had already the Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Index and J.P. Morgan 's Government Bond Index-Emerging Markets .

  23. 现今的中国债券市场发展迅速,但理性投资氛围的形成尚需时日。

    While Chinese bond market is fast developing , there is still a long way to form rational investment atmosphere .

  24. 第8章研究了中国债券市场国际化的有关问题。提出我国金融国际化发展应当以债券市场为突破口。

    The conclusion is that China 's bond market has great potential growth according to the financial structure 's evolution feature .

  25. 随着中国债券市场的发展,如何对债券组合进行套期保值已成为众多金融机构亟待解决的问题。

    As Chinese bond market develops , how to hedge bond portfolios has become an urgent problem for many financial institutions .

  26. 国家开发银行一直以来的主要业务是向国内基础设施项目提供贷款,它还是中国债券市场建设的先驱。

    It has specialized in lending to domestic infrastructure projects and has been a pioneer in developing China 's nascent bond markets .

  27. 随着债券市场的发展,编制中国债券指数的工作也必然提上日程。

    With the development of the bond market , the compilation of bond indexes is bound to be put on the agenda .

  28. 上个月继澳大利亚央行之后,南非央行表示,将首次投资于中国债券。

    Last month South Africa 's central bank followed Australia 's when it signalled moves to invest in Chinese bonds for the first time .

  29. 中国债券市场包括银行间债券市场、交易所债券市场和商业银行柜台债券市场三个子市场。

    China 's bond market includes the inter-bank bond market , the exchange bond market and the commercial bank bar bond markets as the major three sub-markets .

  30. 安住淳强调,目前还没有做出任何决定。同时日本财务省拒绝证实日本投资中国债券的可能规模。

    Mr Azumi stressed that no decision had been made and the finance ministry declined to confirm the possible size of any Japanese investment in Chinese bonds .