
  • 网络German Stock Exchange;Deutsche Boerse;Deutsche Brse
  1. 您想知道德国证券交易所和美国纳斯达克证券交易所的独特优势吗?

    What unique advantages will the Deutsche Boerse and Nasdaq present to you ?

  2. 赫伯特说,如果纳斯达克和纽约泛欧交易所集团的投资组合允许其收取过多的费用的话,通用汽车制造公司在这个时候就可以决定在德国证券交易所上市了。

    General Motors Co. , for instance , could decide to be listed on the German stock exchange if Nasdaq 's combination with NYSE allowed it to charge excessive fees , Hovenkamp said .

  3. 德国证券交易所(DeutscheBörse)的WernerSeifert–最后一个拿破仑式的德国老板无视他们的要求而被迫出局。

    The last Napoleonic German boss in that situation , Werner Seifert at Deutsche B ö rse , ignored their demands and was forced out .

  4. 本文尝试以德国证券交易所积极管理型上市基金指定保荐人制度为例,从积极管理型上市基金目前的发展现状为出发点,对混合交易模式进行分析。

    This paper takes as an example the designated sponsor system of active XAF of Deutsche Borse AG to make a deep analysis of hybrid trading system based on the status quo of this kind .

  5. 这项计划将会合并纽约证券交易所和德国法兰克福证券交易所。

    The plan would combine the operators of the New York Stock Exchange and Germany 's Frankfurt Stock Exchange .