
  1. 以期帮助德州银行制定、执行科学合理的竞争战略,提升竞争实力,同时也为正在积极参与国内、国际竞争的其他城市商业银行提供有益的借鉴和参考。

    This note is expected to help Dezhou Bank develop and carry out scientific and rational competitive strategy to enhance competitiveness , also provide useful lessons and reference for other CCBs participating in domestic and international competition .

  2. 德州建设银行经过近10年的快速发展,在当地虽然占据了较高的市场份额,但同样也面临着巨大的挑战。

    Texas Construction Bank after nearly 10 years of rapid development in the local market , although the share accounted for a higher , but also faces enormous challenges .

  3. 本文期望通过对德州建设银行竞争战略的研究,提出能够对同行业也具有参考和借鉴的战略和方法。

    This paper intends to Texas through the competitive strategy of China Construction Bank , proposed that the industry also has the same reference for the strategy and methods .

  4. 本文通过对德州建设银行在三种基本战略的适用性、可行性和必要性方面的分析,提出了德州建设银行应以成本控制下的差异化战略作为自己的竞争战略。

    Based on the Construction Bank of Texas , the applicability of the three basic strategies , feasibility and necessity of respect of the analysis , the Construction Bank of Texas , the cost should be under the control of differentiation strategy as their competitive strategy .

  5. 从内部资源和能力分析来看,德州建设银行在网络资源、渠道资源、品牌资源、客户资源和产品研发能力等方面具有一定的优势,但在运营体制、业务流程等方面存在劣势。

    From internal resources and capacity analysis , Construction Bank of Texas , the network resources , channel resources , brand resources , customer resources and product development capabilities , and so has some advantages , but in the operating system and business processes in areas such as inferior .