
  1. 第二章学习、分析国内外银行员工绩效评价相关文献资料及常用的绩效考核方法,提炼对泰安市邮储银行的借鉴价值,为本文改进方案做理论铺垫。

    The second chapter introduces the literature on domestic and foreign banks employee performance evaluation and the common performance assessment methods .

  2. 泰安市农业银行员工的薪酬制度包括基本工资、岗位工资、绩效工资加奖励工资四部分组成,且较为固定。

    Agricultural Bank of Tai ' an City staff pay system , including basic wages , salary , performance pay plus incentive pay of four parts , and more fixed .

  3. 第5章,提出中国银行泰安分行中小企业银行授信策略,并进行详细解释。

    Chapter 5 makes out the credit strategy and explanation in detail .