
  1. 长沙银行具有明显的本币优势和外币劣势,加快国际业务发展步伐,是长沙银行顺应发展潮流、迎接股改、实施国际化经营战略的必由之路。

    Bank of Chang Sha ( BCS ) has obvious local currency advantages and foreign currency disadvantages . Therefore , accelerating the pace of international business development of BCS is the only way to conform to the development trend , meet the reform , and take the internationalization management strategy .

  2. 本文研究内容对于长沙中信银行的发展有着十分重要的实际意义。

    This paper has a practical significance for the development of China CITIC Bank of Changsha .

  3. 然后,对长沙市商业银行综合柜员满意度现状进行了初步探讨。

    After that , we have a preliminary study for the Changsha city commercial bank satisfaction with the status quo integrated teller .

  4. 针对长沙市商业银行的现状,研究其创新发展的战略目标的可行性。

    At the same time , study the feasibility of the strategic target according to the present condition of the Changsha city commercial bank .

  5. 根据构建的激励约束机制,在满足长沙市商业银行高管人员激励约束机制实施条件和坚持相应实施原则的情况下,提出了完善绩效考评体系,强化绩效考评体系的激励约束功能;

    According to the motivating and restraint mechanism , Under the condition of satisfaction the qualification and institution the principal to implement the motivating and restrain mechanism of ChangSha City Commercial Bank entrepreneur .

  6. 同时,长沙市商业银行在人才竞争方面还面临着与外资银行及国内其他股份制商业银行怎样更好地吸纳与留住优秀人才的双重压力,其中就包括怎样吸引与管理优秀的综合柜员。

    At the same time , Changsha city commercial bank in the talent competition is still confronted with domestic and other foreign banks and joint-stock commercial banks how to better attract and retain the dual pressures of talents .