
  • 网络Long Term Care;Long-term Care;LTC
  1. 国内外老年人长期照护制度研究综述

    A Summary of Elderly Long-term Care Institution

  2. 完善医疗保障制度,探索建立长期照护保障制度。

    To improve medical security and explore long-term care mechanisms for the elderly . 3 .

  3. 长期照护需求程度与照护时间成正比。

    The needs for care are proportional to the care time .

  4. 老年型城市长期照护服务的发展及其问题

    The Development of Long-term Caring Service in the Aged City and its Problems

  5. 结论:以上研究结果提供政府未来加强推动居家护理及长期照护服务之参考。

    Conclusions : we suggest that health authorities should strengthen the extension of home health case services .

  6. 经由逻辑回归分析,发现孤寂感与有无罹患慢性病可预测长期照护机构老人之忧郁状态。

    Logistic regression analysis showed that loneliness and having chronic diseases were the major predictors of depression .

  7. 美国老年人长期照护法律体系及其对我国的启示

    Introduction of and the Enlightenment from the Legal System of the Long-term Care for the Elderly in America

  8. 老年医学心智状态和认知功能的测量可说是临床实务和长期照护上重要的议题。

    Measurement of mental status and cognitive function in the elderly is important in clinical practice and long-term care .

  9. 研究背景:长期照护体制是一个专业服务的市场,但同时却是专业服务低度利用的市场。

    Background : Long-term care system is a market of professional services and at the same time a market where professional services are underutilized .

  10. 国外发达国家老年人长期照护制度随着发达国家人口老龄化趋势的日益加重,已经成为继养老、医疗、失业后的又一重要的社会保障制度。

    Following the pension system , medical security system and unemployment security system , long-term care system has become the important pillar in social security system .

  11. 长期照护是指为因衰老、疾病或者身心功能障碍而导致生活不能自理的老年人提供的一种持续性照料服务。

    Long-term care is the kind of sustainable caring service which helps the people with a chronic illness , disability or senescence that cannot care for themselves .

  12. 第四部分借鉴发达国家老年人长期照护服务的经验,从中得出对我国城市失能老人的长期照护服务建设的有益启示。

    Furthermore , the forth part draws on the long-term disabled elderly service experiences from developed countries , received a certain amount of understandings of the long-term disabled elderly service construction in our country .

  13. 本文认为老人长期照护必须考虑到世代间公义,以及对妇女和女童平等对待,并且必须维持家庭亲情伦理,不可毁弃家庭伦理。

    I argues th-at we have also to take future justice into question and need to be just for the old as well as for the females and maintain the ethical relation within the family .

  14. 老年人长期照护是指老年人由于生理、心理受损,生活不能自理,因而在一个相对较长的时期,甚至在生命存续期内都需要他人给予的各种帮助的总称。

    Elderly long-term care is a generic term that refers to the elderly who cannot self care due to physical or psychological damage , thus need others ' help during a relatively long period , even the whole life .

  15. 本文的主要内容如下:第一部分主要阐述了失能老人长期照护服务的研究背景、意义、文献综述、理论基础、论文内容、方法及可能的创新点。

    The main content of this article are as follows : the first part mainly demonstrates the research background , significance , literature review , theoretical foundation , paper content , research method and study innovation of long-term care service for disabled and elderly .

  16. 与之对应的,生育率的下降造成了家庭规模的小型化和少子化,我国老年人的预期寿命延长、失能高龄老人逐渐增多,长期照护需求加剧,给社会带来了沉重的负担。

    Correspondingly , the declining fertility rate in China has caused small family size and low birth rate . However , with longer life expectancy of our elderly , the old with disability is gradually increasing and long-term care needs increase , which brings a heavy burden to the society .