
cháng hé
  • long river;in the endless flow;endless flow;long process;Milky Way
长河 [cháng hé]
  • (1) [long river]∶大河。特指黄河

  • 大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆。--唐. 王维《使至塞上》

  • (2) [Milky Way]∶银河

  • (3) [in the endless flow]∶比喻漫长的历程

  • 在绝对真理的长河中有无数相对真理

长河[cháng hé]
  1. 日神菲比斯的战车正掉在长河之中。

    The chariot of Phoebus is running into the long river .

  2. 《长河》:未竟的中国式战争与和平

    Long River : Unfinished Chinese " War and Peace "

  3. 她认为在历史的长河中女性一直是被剥夺了权利的。

    She feels that women have been disempowered throughout history .

  4. 在绝对真理的长河中有无数相对真理。

    In the endless flow of absolute truth there are innumerable relative truths .

  5. 这块大陆有两条长河。

    There are two long rivers within the continent .

  6. 有许多长河,也有许多著名的河流。

    There are long rivers , and there are famous rivers .

  7. 是的,它是第二大长河。长征二号F运载火箭

    Yes , it 's the second longest river . Long March II F carrier rocket

  8. 长河二号信号的准TOC及其时差改正

    Quasi-TOC and Time Difference Correct of the Navigation Signal of Changhe 2

  9. 民间文学艺术所涉及的对象属于某种意义上的共同遗产(Commonheritage),是群体智慧贡献的结果,并在人类社会发展的长河中有所创新与进步。

    The folklore belongs to the " common heritage " in a sense that is the products of the wisdom and contribution of the masses and has been innovated during the process of the development of human society .

  10. 本文叙述了清唱剧(oratorio)形成的历史原因和早期的一些主要特征,以及在其形成、发展的艺术长河中,亨德尔为清唱剧艺术繁荣所做出的贡献;

    This article narrates the historical reasons of oratorio forming and the main characters in the earlier oratorio time . During the long art forming and developing river , Mr. Handel made a great contribution for the prosperous oratorio art .

  11. 历史长河里的珍品源远流长的高梁河(长河)

    Pearls in the Long-running History Gaoliang River ( Chang River )

  12. 在中外历史文化长河中徜徉&访刘家和教授

    Roaming Through Chinese Foreign Histories An Interview with Prof. Liu Jiahe

  13. 陶瓷艺术是中国文化长河中经久不衰的艺术珍宝。

    Ceramic art is the art treasures of enduring Chinese culture .

  14. 十多年时间,在人类历史长河中,仅仅是弹指一挥间。

    Ten years is only a moment in human 's history .

  15. 走进故宫,就像徜徉在历史的长河中。

    W1 : I feel like I am walking through history .

  16. 在文学历史长河中,英雄主义历来是文学作品所钟爱的主题。

    Heroism has been a long-term topic in the literature history .

  17. 波德代羊射精量在11月份最高,5月份最低。两品种射精量季节变化不同。守常中的变异&解读沈从文的《边城》与《长河》

    The seasonal variation of the two breeds was different .

  18. 筝在陕西的流传,从有历史记载的秦朝时期到建国后的今天,贯穿了整个历史长河。

    Zheng has a long history in Shanxi province since Qin dynasty .

  19. 在岁月的长河里,没有什么是可以永恒不变的。

    The year glided by , there is nothing can be permanent .

  20. 在人生的长河里,女人算不了什么。

    In the course of life , chicks are nothing .

  21. 休闲思想在人类历史长河中源远流长。

    Leisure ideas have a long history in human history .

  22. 1980年代是作为转型期存在于中国当代历史的长河中的。

    The 1980s served as a transition period exist in chinese modern history .

  23. 六十年在历史长河中只是一瞬间。

    Sixty years is but a moment long history .

  24. 中国第二长河是什么河?

    Which is the second longest river is China ?

  25. 伏尔加河是欧洲第一长河。

    The Volga River is Europe 's longest river .

  26. 滚石问题的研究及其在长河坝水电站中的应用

    Study on rolling stone problem and its application on Changhe dam hydropower station

  27. 而那条平静伸张的长河则是让人们感觉舒服的地方。

    The long placid stretches of the river are where people get comfortable .

  28. 长河段二维水流模型参数的合理选择

    Selection of parameters of the 2-D eddy viscosity model of long river reaches

  29. 中华民族在历史的长河中创造了悠久灿烂的传统文化。

    The Chinese nations have created a long history and a splendid culture .

  30. 三部作品在英美文学长河中占有重要地位。

    Three novels occupy a very important position in British and American literature .