
  • 网络long island;Long Island University
  1. 这本书由长岛大学晢学教授迈克尔·斯皮奥斯和经济学教授帕诺斯·默多库塔斯合著而成。

    The book is co-authored by Long Island University 's philosophy professor Michael Soupios and economics professor Panos Mourdoukoutas .

  2. 在长岛大学布鲁克林校区(LongIslandUniversity'sBrooklyncampus)举办的一项名为“柠檬汁小摊101”(LemonadeStand101)的创业课程中,一群不到12岁的孩子遇到了一个难题:如何在拥挤的市场中使你的果汁摊位显得与众不同。

    In an entrepreneurship class at Long Island University 's Brooklyn campus called ' Lemonade Stand 101 , ' a group of children under 12 faced the problem of differentiating juice stands in a crowded market .

  3. 颁奖典礼将于四月在长岛大学举行。

    Long island University would present the award in April .