
  • 网络Lincoln Tunnel
  1. 我现身处林肯隧道外。

    I 'm outside the Lincoln tunnel .

  2. 在乘公共汽车,通过像鬼似地发着磷光的林肯隧道时,我俩靠在一起手舞足蹈地大叫大嚷着,激动地谈论着,我也开始象狄恩那样变得疯狂了。

    As we rode in the bus in the weird phosphorescent void of the Lincoln Tunnel , we leaned on each other with fingers waving and yelled and talked excitedly and I was beginning to get the bug like Dean .

  3. 当然,这地区不如从前纽约住家的附近,具有恣意扩展的气派,可眺望林肯隧道,但是……这已足够。

    Of course , this district doesn 't quite have the sprawling grandeur of my old New York City neighborhood , which overlooked the entrance to the Lincoln Tunnel , but still ... It will do . Eat , Pray , Love