
  • 网络Lin Yi-hsiung;James Lin;Yi-Hsiung Lin
  1. 台湾有像林义雄如此素朴而坚定的政治家,但跟随其后的政治家们,又在那里?

    Taiwan has Lin yi-hsiung , this simple and steady statesman , but where are the statesmen who will come after him ?

  2. 林义雄在禁食不久前对报社记者说:我非常惭愧我努力了20年,没有感动我们的掌权者。

    Shortly before he began his protest , Mr. Lin told the press he was ' sorry my 20 years of efforts have failed to move those in power . '

  3. 现年73岁的林义雄被公认为上世纪70年代以来台湾最有影响力的政治人物之一。作为一名持不同政见的人士,他曾在台湾戒严时期(1949-1987)多次被判入狱。

    At 73 , Mr. Lin is regarded across party lines as one of the most influential political figures in Taiwan since the 1970s . As a dissident , he was jailed multiple times during the island 's martial law era ( 1949-87 ) .