
  1. 我乃御林铁卫的巴利斯坦赛尔弥爵士。

    I am Ser Barristan Selmy , of the Kingsguard .

  2. 他的双肩垂系着象征御林铁卫的纯白披风。

    From his shoulders hung the pure white cloak of the Kingsguard .

  3. 依照传统,御林铁卫共有七名。

    By tradition , there are always seven sworn brothers of the kingsguard .

  4. 行驶中的小人国阿里山林铁模型。

    Model Alishan Line , Window in China .

  5. 那不一样,他抱怨,巴利斯坦爵士是御林铁卫的骑士。

    It was not the same , he complained . Ser Barristan was a knight of the Kingsguard .

  6. 柏洛斯·布劳恩爵士守在议事厅外,穿着御林铁卫的纯白长披风和铠甲。

    Ser Boros Blount was stationed outside the chamber , wearing the long white cloak and armor of the Kingsguard .

  7. 他抛下剑,瞪了劳勃一眼。国王身边围绕着御林铁卫,还有十来个骑士和卫兵。

    He dropped his sword and glared at Robert , surrounded by his Kingsguard and a dozen other knights and guardsmen .

  8. 在本期节目中,主持人林铁将走上街头,走进餐馆,搜集大家对一次性筷子的看法。

    In this present program , host Lin Tie hits the streets and goes to restaurants collecting points of view regarding disposable chopsticks .

  9. 你长久以来的功绩了.陛下,御林铁卫乃是宣誓效命的兄弟.我们必须终身守誓.

    on your many years of service . Your Grace , the Kingsguard is a sworn brotherhood . Our vows are taken for life .

  10. 凯冯爵士实现了他的承诺。托曼,他的小宝贝,已将她的战士任命为御林铁卫。

    Ser Kevan had kept his part of the bargain . Tommen , her precious little boy , had named her champion to the Kingsguard .

  11. 然而那个走在队列前头,两名雪白披风御林铁卫随侍左右的人,在奈德眼里竟像个陌生人。

    Yet the huge man at the head of the column , flanked by two knights in the snow-white cloaks of the Kingsguard , seemed almost a stranger to Ned .