
  • 网络forestry education
  1. 四川社区林业教育与培训实践探索

    Research on Community Forestry Education and Training Practice in Sichuan

  2. 世界林业教育的现状和展望

    Present Situation of World Forestry Education and Its Prospect

  3. 南美洲高等林业教育及其发展

    Forestry Higher Education and Its Development in the South America

  4. 我国高等林业教育改革刍议

    Some suggestions on the improvement of the college education of forestry in our country

  5. 澳大利亚高等林业教育一瞥

    A Glimpse of Higher Forestry Education in Australia

  6. 生态文化学科群的建设,将对我国高等林业教育的跨越式发展起到决定性作用。

    The establishment of subjects cluster of ecological culture will decide the leap development of higher forestry education of China .

  7. 近年来,陕西林业教育培训工作取得了一定成绩,但在发展过程中,仍存在一些问题。

    In recent years , although forestry education and training work in Shaanxi has achieved certain success , there are still many problems in its development .

  8. 大力开展林业教育培训工作,是林业跨越式发展的需要,也是全面建设小康社会的需要。

    Developing forestry education and training is not only the requirement of the forestry development ina frog leap way , but also for the need of building a well fare society .

  9. 陕西林业职业教育培训存在的问题及对策

    Problems and Strategies on Professional Forestry Education and Training in Shanxi Province

  10. 调整林业本科教育目标培养适应21世纪的林业本科人才&对21世纪林业本科人才素质整体要求的研究

    Studies on the Overall Qualities for Forestry Undergraduates of China in 21st Century

  11. 广西林业干部教育培训管理创新研究

    Study on Innovation of Management of Forestry Cadres ' Education and Training in Guangxi

  12. 基于知识经济视角的林业高等教育改革与发展研究

    Study on the Reform and Development of Forestry Higher Education Based on the Viewpoint of Knowledge Economy

  13. 林业高等教育在云南边疆少数民族地区的成效研究&以西南林学院为例

    Research on the effectiveness of Forestry Higher Education in the multi-minority border areas in yunnan & a case study on Southwest Forestry College

  14. 加快林业高等职业教育健康发展的思考

    Reflections on Developing Forestry Higher Vocational Education Healthily

  15. 制定推广和森林服务方面的教育及人力资源开发战略(林业培训和教育);

    Developing education and human resource development strategies in extension and forest services ( forestry training and education );

  16. 2006年北京林业大学园林学院教育发展研讨会

    Education Development Seminar 2006 Held by the School of Landscape Architecture , Beijing Forestry University

  17. 在历史中成长,在创新中发展&南京林业大学风景园林教育的发展历程

    Grows in the History , Develops in the Innovation & Nanjing Forestry University Landscape Architecture Education Development Course

  18. 本文从林政、林业科研、林业教育等方面,综述了我国森林昆虫事业的现状及取得的成绩。

    Based on forestry administration , scientific researches and education in forestry , the present paper gives a review of the current situation of forest entomology and the gained achievements in China .

  19. 探讨了以建立信息反馈机制、绿色教学机制、绿色文化熏陶机制、绿色教育实践机制和绿色素质评价机制为内容的构建林业高校绿色素质教育机制的基本思路。

    The essential train of thoughts is discussed that is for constructing the green qualities education systems in forestry college by building the systems such as information feedback , green teaching , green culture edification , green education practice and green qualities appreciation etc.

  20. 意大利的林业、林业科研和教育

    Forestry , Forestry Research and Education in Italy

  21. 德国的近自然林业、生态景观林业、森林旅游、林业宣传教育、树木苗圃、花卉市场以及林业管理等方面,很值得我们效法借鉴。

    The philo-natural and ecological landscaping forestry , forest tourism , forestry interpretation and education , seedling nursery , flower market , forestry management , etc. are all the areas worth learning .

  22. 第六章介绍了民国时期西南地区的林业科研机构,总结了林业科学研究取得的成果,并对高等林业教育和初中等林业教育的发展进行了论述。

    The sixth chapter introduces the forestry scientific research institutes in Southwest China , summarizes the production of forestry scientific research , and discusses the development of the higher , medium and elementary forestry education .

  23. 本文较全面地介绍了台湾省的林业情况,包括森林群系和森林资源、森林经营管理、林产工业、林业研究机构及林业教育等。

    General situation of forestry in Taiwan province including forest system , forest resources , forest management , forest product industry , forestry research institute and forestry education was introduced in this paper .

  24. 林业跨越式发展战略的提出和社会对人才需求的多层次性,都要求转制后的中等林业教育必须办下去,而且一定要办好。

    Both the rapid development in forestry and the demand by the society for multi levels of talents require that secondary forestry education should be well carried out .