
  • 网络Concordia College;CONCORD COLLEGE;Concord School
  1. 2003年就读金陵协和神学院,主修教会音乐专业。

    Yang Leyu studied at Nanjing Union Theological Seminary in2003 , majoring in church music .

  2. 北京协和公共卫生学院院长黄建如认为,接种疫苗是很重要的流感预防措施,但不是唯一措施。

    Beijing Concord College of Public Health and Huang Jian , such as the view that vaccination is very important influenza prevention measures , but not the only measure .

  3. 护理课程设置改革中教学内容、安排、方法的变革&中国协和医科大学护理学院教学改革介绍之二

    Changes of Teaching Content , Arrangement and Method in Nursing Curriculum Reform

  4. 统一思想创立新的护理教育课程体系&中国协和医科大学护理学院教学改革介绍之一

    Curriculum Innovation at the School of Nursing of the Beijing Union Medical College