
  • 网络Coordination;coordination principle;The Harmonization Principle
  1. 基于Hiley打桩公式,考虑地基土对桩的压缩影响,按变形协调原则,提出了控制贯入度计算公式,经与试沉桩资料对比分析,具有较好的吻合性。

    Based on Hiley piling formula , and considering the compressing impacts of foundation soil on piles , this paper establishes a formula for penetration of piles according to the principle of deformation coordination . Comparing with the data of test piles , the calculating results show better consistency .

  2. 基于变形协调原则的打桩控制贯入度计算

    Penetration Calculation of Piles Based on the Principle of Deformation Coordination

  3. 反垄断法多元价值及其冲突协调原则探究

    Research on the Multi-value and Conflict and Coordinate Principle of Anti-monopoly Law

  4. 浅谈经济发展与环境保护相协调原则

    Brief Talk on Harmony Between Economic Development and Environmental Protection

  5. 论利益协调原则在构建和谐新农村中的实现

    The Realization of Interest Coordinated in China 's New-style Harmonious Rural Area

  6. 从可持续发展认识协调原则问题&对环境保护同经济社会持续发展相协调的原则的质疑

    The Thinking on the Principle of Harmony from Sustainable Development

  7. 论知识产权的权利冲突及协调原则

    Collision and Coordination of Knowledge Property Right

  8. 其中基本设计原则概括为生理舒适原则、心理轻松原则和角色协调原则。

    The basic principles can be summarized as physical comfortableness , mental easiness and harmonized role .

  9. 政府宏观调控农业产业化应遵循间接调控原则、效率原则、协调原则和法制原则。

    The government macro management should follow the principles of indirect management , highly efficiency , moderation and legal operation .

  10. 基础层应贯彻语句规范原则、时间合理原则和义例协调原则;

    The basic level should follow out sentence criterion principle 、 time reasonable principle 、 meaning and examples corresponding principle ;

  11. 论述了书摊子工程的概念、书籍杂志的属性、现状和存在问题及协调原则。

    Introduce the concept of the Book Stand Project , the status of the book and magazine collection , and the coordination principle .

  12. 试验台活动面板系统、支撑升降系统、控制系统与其他系统的相互协调原则及其参数匹配。

    The harmony principle of the moveable panel system , supporting lift system and control system with other system and the matching parameter .

  13. 这些方案多少都存在这样那样的缺陷,分别违反了方案规划的现实可行、稳定可调和系统协调原则。

    These schemes are more or less imperfect , violating the principles of feasibility , stability-adjustability , and system integrity for schemes and plans .

  14. 其次,提出了判断消费公平的三原则:差别性原则、合理性原则和利益协调原则。

    Secondly , three principles are proposed to judge consumption equity : Principle of distinctiveness , Principle of appropriateness and Principle of interests coordinating .

  15. 结合我国缺乏供体来源的国情,借鉴外国立法经验,根据权利协调原则指出我国应采取自愿捐献与需要决定相结合的立法原则。

    And it points out that in China we should stick to the legislation principle on the base of joining together free-will contribution and demands .

  16. 其次,国有商业类上市公司实施产业结构调整应遵循:适时原则、效益原则、协调原则、优势资源相关原则。

    Secondly , some principles should be adhered to such as timeliness principle , efficiency principle , coordination principle and the principles related to resource advantage .

  17. 离岸金融监管的基本原则包括促进金融发展与稳定原则、国际协调原则、宽松监管原则和适度控制原则;

    The basic principles of offshore finance supervision consist of the principles such as financial development and stabilization , international coordination , loose supervision and appropriate control .

  18. 在制定地方性法规时,必须遵守坚持社会主义法制统一原则、围绕经济建设和服务改革开放原则、突出地方特色原则、协调原则和可行性原则。

    Principles such as adhering to the unity of legal system , laying stress on local characteristics and so on should be followed in the enacting of local legislation .

  19. 设计原则包括具有特色性的校园历史文化内涵、合理布局空间序列、与校园整体风格一致原则、与周边环境的相协调原则。

    The design principles include four principles : the characteristic of campus historical cultural connotation , reasonable space distribution , the consistent of campus overall style , environmental integrity .

  20. 为此,笔者提出了在公正前提下的动态平衡原则,并提出一系列具体的冲突协调原则和要求。

    As a result , the author raises a principle of dynamic equilibrium on the premise of justice and a series of specific doctrines and requirements to concert conflicts .

  21. 实现了银行资产安排在满足法律约束、协调原则及信贷客户选择上的统一,并给出仿真计算案例。

    Bank assets arrangement is realized , in accordance with law bondage , three-principle ( flowability , security , profit-making ) harmony and credit customer choice . Also it gives the simulant calculation .

  22. 从最优化必要条件出发,对线性二次型问题,导出了关联平衡协调原则、关联预估协调原则以及其他两种新的协调方法。

    The interaction balance coordination principle , the interaction prediction coordination principle and other two kinds of new coordination methods are derived from the necessary condition for optimality for " Linear-Quadratic " problems .

  23. 飞机装配是根据尺寸协调原则,将飞机零件或组件按照设计和技术要求进行组合、连接形成更高一级的装配件或整机的过程。

    Aircraft assemble is based on the coordination principle of dimension , in accordance with the design and technical requirements combination of aircraft parts or components form a higher-level assembly or machine process .

  24. 调控原则是对调控基础理论的具体化,可概括为适度干预原则、分类规范原则、平衡协调原则和公平竞争原则。

    The control principle is the embodiment of the theory of regulation , can be summed up as the appropriate intervention principle , classification principle , balance principle and the principle of fair competition .

  25. 该部分是本文有所创新之处,国民待遇标准的适用原则包括尊重国家主权原则,互惠与对等原则,从国情出发原则以及国际经济协调原则。

    The principles of national treatment standard should comprises the principle of respecting state sovereignty , that of mutual benefit and equity , that of proceeding from national conditions and that of coordinating international economy .

  26. 并提出了我国构建绿色税收体系应遵循的五个基本原则,即可操作性原则、专款专用原则、协调原则、循序渐进原则和税收中性原则。

    And proposed building green tax system in China should follow five basic principles , you can operational principles , the principle of earmarking , coordination principle , the principle of gradual and tax neutrality .

  27. 生态道德是生态道德建设的重要内容,生态道德的原则是可持续发展原则、协调原则与环境平等原则;

    Ecological morality is the important part in building the ecological morality , the principles of it are the principle of sustainable development , the principle of the coordination and the principle of environmental equality .

  28. 应当根据以人为本原则、遵循生态规律原则、环境保护与经济发展相协调原则、可持续发展原则和法制化原则,对我国环境行政管理法律制度进行生态化改造。

    We should follow people-oriented principles , ecological law , coordinated principles between environmental protection and economic development , sustainable development principles and legalization principles to make ecological transformation of the environment administration law system .

  29. 根据位移协调原则,得到体系平衡方程,应用时步-初应变法获得了不同时刻的桩土位移解。

    Using the equilibrium theory of pile soil system for harmony condition of displacement , the calculation result of pile soil system can be got at any time by use of time step initial strain method .

  30. 最后,提出了小城镇人居环境建设的5条原则,即资源节约和经济原则,环境友好和生态原则,地方传统和文脉原则,城乡统筹和协调原则,以及利益相关者参与原则。

    Finally , the five principles for town development including resource efficiency and economy , environment friendliness and ecology , local tradition and context , urban and rural plan as a whole and coordination , and stakeholder participation .