
  • 网络PIXIT
  1. 当发生这种情况时,会按照相同的协议执行;tbupdatecount会在必须的修改反映到其他变量中时进行更新。

    When that happens , the same protocol is followed ; tb_update_count is updated while the necessary changes are reflected in the rest of the variables .

  2. 为了利用SOA的重用好处,服务使用者和提供者需要就提供者合理的测试级别达成一致,并需要确保测试按照双方达成的协议执行。

    To leverage the reuse benefits of SOA , service consumers and providers need to agree on an adequate level of testing of the providers and need to ensure that the testing is performed as agreed .

  3. 导出驱动程序&使用FastExport协议执行并行数据导入。

    Export driver & uses the FastExport protocol to perform the parallel data export .

  4. 为了更大程度减小协议执行过程中,消息交互的通信负载,采用BSL短签名算法去实现消息认证。

    Our scheme adopts BSL short signature algorithm to achieve message authentication and reduce the message overhead during the protocol execution .

  5. 2005年4月4日起,美国纺织品协议执行委员会(CITA)首次主动对从中国进口的纺织品发起特保调查。此举对中国乃至全球的纺织品出口都产生了巨大的影响。

    The CITA exerted Special Protection Measures on certain Chinese textiles on April 4th , 2005 , which had a great influence on Chinese textiles as well as on the world textile trade .

  6. 在本协议执行期间,为了各种目的,买方和公司均应使各自的雇员保持稳定。

    The Purchaser and Corporation will remain employees of their respective companies for all purposes during the carrying out of activities under this Agreement .

  7. 旁路攻击主要是对加密协议执行时的各种物理信息的泄漏进行分析,而非传统密码分析中的基于数学方法的分析。

    Side-Channel attacks , primarily through its protocol implementation of information disclosure , rather than traditional password-based protocol specification of the mathematical basis for analysis .

  8. 双方如有未尽事宜或在本协议执行过程中如出现争议问题,双方均应本着友好合作的精神协商解决。

    While resulting in disagreeing because of this agreement or its relevant further thing , the two parties should consult and solve in a friendly way .

  9. 一棵交叉树唯一对应于一个消息,一个交叉森林表示那些在协议执行过程中采用相同机制发送或接收的消息。

    A cross-tree corresponds uniquely with a message , and a cross-forest represents those messages that are sent or received by the same principal in a protocol execution .

  10. 协议执行中或执行完毕,双方担保,不经对方事先同意,不向任何方泄露对方定为机密级的任何情报。

    Implementation or enforcement of the agreement is completed , both parties guarantees , without the prior consent of the other party does not disclose to any other party as confidential any information .

  11. 如果承包商出于协议执行目的,需要国家机密信息,则应当提供该等信息,前提是该行为是且在一定程度上是符合立法的。

    If contractor requires state confidential information for the purpose of performance of the agreement , it shall be provided , if it is , and to extent it is in compliance with legislation .

  12. 此外,在介绍了我国和东盟主要国家在该制度下调解协议执行状况后,进一步为我国在相关方面的执行提出了立法建议。

    In addition , this part present the implementation status of conciliation agreement under the combined system in China and ASEAN major states , and then give suggestions to further improve those enforcement problems in our country .

  13. 新华社报导,同时美国商务部下属的纺织品协议执行委员会星期四宣称,该委员会同意受理美国纺织业制造商提出的对从中国进口的七类纺织品采取特保措施的请求。

    Meanwhile , the US Committee for the implementation of textile agreements , an inter-agency group chaired by the US Department of commerce , announced on Thursday it would consider requests from US manufacturers for safeguard measures against seven categories of textile and apparel imports from china , Xinhua reported .

  14. 停火协议的执行很大程度取决于各方武装力量的意愿。

    The ceasefire leaves a lot to the goodwill of the forces involved

  15. Web服务是一种实现方法,它采用一些标准的协议来执行SOA。

    Web services are an implementation methodology that adopts standard protocols to execute SOA .

  16. 关于SOAP协议的执行效率的研究

    Study on the efficiency of SOAP protocol

  17. 本月早些时候,法律委员会(LawCommission)宣布,计划明年开始对婚前协议可执行性进行审议。

    Earlier this month , the Law Commission announced that it plans to begin a review of the enforceability of pre-nups next year .

  18. HART协议智能执行机构研究

    Study on Intelligent Execution Mechanism Based on HART Protocol

  19. 无线多路接入环境中,超宽带(UWB)固有的技术特点严重影响MAC协议的执行。

    In the surrounding of wireless multi-access , the inherent characteristic of Ultra-wideband will serious influence the MAC protocol performed .

  20. 它定义了传递XMLencoded数据时的统一方式及使用HTTP作为底层通信协议时执行远程调用(RPC)的方法。

    It defines the uniform way of transmitting XML encoded data , and the method of using HTTP to be the bottom communication protocol of RPC .

  21. 它还支持多个策略决策点(PDP)技术(包括LDAP和TFIM),以便为SOAP、MQ和HTTP传输协议强制执行ESB安全。

    It also supports multiple Policy Decision Point ( PDP ) technologies including LDAP and TFIM to enforce ESB security for the SOAP , MQ and HTTP transport protocols .

  22. 使用JAX-WS协议绑定执行导出和导入将使您能够指定策略集来描述交互服务的品质。

    Using JAX-WS protocol bindings for exports and imports enables you to specify policy sets to describe the quality of service of the interaction .

  23. 流驱动程序&使用TPump协议对表执行并行实时DML操作。

    Stream driver & uses the TPump protocol to perform the parallel real-time DML operations on tables .

  24. 仲裁是使用挑战和防卫协议来执行的。

    Arbitration is performed using a challenge and defense protocol .

  25. 人民调解协议强制执行效力初探

    On the Compulsory Execution Effect of People Intermediation Agreement

  26. 协议的执行受到某些政府的阻挠。

    Agreement had been blocked by certain governments .

  27. 然而,作为一项年轻的制度,和解协议的执行一直受到挑战。

    However , as a young institution , the implementation of the settlement agreement has been challenged .

  28. 我们绝不让现有贸易协议的执行置于新贸易协议的谈判之后。

    We cannot let enforcement of existing trade agreements take a backseat to the negotiation of new ones .

  29. 本协议的执行或移交,不暗示双方有达成任何交易的义务。

    No obligation to enter into any Transaction is to be implied from the execution or delivery of this Agreement .

  30. 为确保政府间协议的执行,中美政府授权的代表团每年都要进行一次年度磋商,检查协议执行情况。

    To secure the implementation of this inter-governmental agreement , delegations authorized by the Chinese and American governments have held annual consultations .