
  1. 皇甫嵩和朱隽共有4000万余人,在进攻颍川黄巾时,朱隽被击败,皇甫嵩被围困在长社(今河南长葛)城中。

    Huangpu Song and Zhu Jun had an army of 40 000 . In the attack on Ying-chuan , Zhu Jun was defeated , while Huangpu Song was besieged in Changshe ( modern Changge in Henan Province ) .

  2. 日本内阁秘书长对露透社说,我们正在调查原因及情况,当我们有进一步信息时,会向公众公开。

    " We are looking into the cause and the situation , and we 'll make that public when we have further information ," Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano told Reuters .