
  • 网络Time Square
  1. 将鱼缸放在纽约时报广场的正中间。

    We set it up in the middle of Times Square .

  2. 想象一下周末的夜晚,纽约时报广场上如织的人群。

    Imagine Times Square on a weekend night with its milling throngs .

  3. 伊朗运动队接受了5月份在纽约时报广场参加一场比赛的邀请。

    The Iranian team has accepted an invitation to a match in Times Square in May .

  4. 去年,多亏一名警惕性高的穆斯林提醒有关当局注意,才使爆炸纽约时报广场的恐怖阴谋没有得逞。德宾参议员不失时机地提到了这个事件。

    Last year saw a domestic terror plot to bomb New York 's Times Square foiled thanks to a vigilant Muslim who alerted authorities , a fact that Senator Durbin was quick to highlight .

  5. 60年代到70年代,香港的一些地方开始像纽约的时报广场一样布满了霓虹灯,人们觉得它们就算不是让人头疼,至少也是过于花哨俗气。

    By the 1960s and ' 70s , when some neighborhoods here were as chockablock with neon as Times Square , it was considered gaudy , if not headache-inducing .

  6. 在十九世纪早期,纽约时报拥有了时代广场区的建筑。

    In the early nineteen hundreds , the New York Times newspaper owned a building in the Times Square area .