
chǔ nǚ hánɡ
  • maiden voyage of a ship;maiden flight of a plane
  1. 这艘船将于下周一开始它的处女航。

    The ship will start its maiden voyage next Monday .

  2. 这艘游艇将于下周开始它的处女航。

    The yacht will start its maiden voyage next week .

  3. 周五,日本国产隐形战斗机X-2从名古屋起飞,完成了“处女航”。这次试飞凸显出东亚军备竞赛在不断加速。

    Japan 's domestically built X-2 stealth fighter took off from Nagoya on Friday in a maiden flight that highlights the accelerating arms race in East Asia .

  4. 那艘新建轮船的处女航是成功的。

    The maiden voyage of the newly-built steamship was a success .

  5. 1912年,“泰坦尼克号”在从英格兰到纽约的“处女航”途中因撞上冰山而沉没,导致共1500人丧生,莉莲的父亲和三个兄妹也在其中。

    Her father and three siblings were among the1,500 people who died .

  6. 该机的处女航曾两度被推迟,目前定于9月21日进行。

    A twice-delayed maiden flight is now scheduled for Sept.21 .

  7. 超过6000名游客会参加她下周的处女航。

    Over 6000 passengers will join her on her maiden voyage next week .

  8. 你得来看她的处女航。

    Thought you 'd want to be here for her first time out .

  9. 泰坦尼克号的处女航,可是要上头条新闻的。

    This maiden voyage of Titanic must make headlines .

  10. 那是该船的处女航。

    It was the ship 's maiden voyage .

  11. 那艘船在处女航时沉没了。

    The ship sank on its maiden voyage .

  12. 玛丽女王二世正在行使处女航

    Queen Mary 2 Leaves on Maiden Voyage

  13. 1912年4月14日,泰坦尼克号在处女航中撞上冰山而沉没。

    The Titanic sank on 14 April 1912 , after hitting an iceberg on its maiden voyage .

  14. 波音公司的新型客机波音787顺利完成“处女航”,这已经比原定计划推迟了两年多。

    Boeing 's new787 jetliner has completed its maiden flight , more than two years behind schedule .

  15. 这条船出海作处女航。拖船把这艘船拖出海港。

    The ship launched out on her maiden voyage . The tugboat towed the ship out of the harbour .

  16. 美国海军马金岛,海军的第一款混合动力两栖攻击舰刚刚完成它的处女航。

    The U.S.S. Makin Island , the Navy 's first hybrid amphibious assault ship has just completed its maiden voyage .

  17. 一百多年前,泰坦尼克号开始她横穿北太平洋的处女航。

    More than a century ago , the RMS Titanic set sail on her maiden voyage across the North Atlantic .

  18. 泰坦尼克号在它1912年的处女航中因撞上冰山而沉没,1500多人因此丧生。

    The Titanic sank during its maiden voyage in 1912 after hitting an iceberg , with the loss of 1500 lives .

  19. 1912年,这艘史上最宏伟的大船在驶向纽约的处女航中就与冰山相撞沉没,1521人遇难。

    521 passengers were killed in1912 when the grandest ship in history struck an iceberg on her maiden voyage to New York .

  20. 理查德-布兰森最初表示,太空飞行将于2009年开始,但处女航的正式日期迄今尚未确定。

    Branson originally said flights would begin in 2009 , but an official date has yet to be set for its maiden voyage .

  21. 世界第一艘核动力船“萨凡纳号”完成了从弗吉尼亚州约克敦到佐治亚州萨凡纳的处女航。

    The Savannah , the world ′ s first nuclear-powered ship , completed its maiden voyage from Yorktown , Va. , to Savannah , Ga.

  22. 成千上万人聚集在印度东部城市加尔各答,欢送一辆由鲜花装饰的列车缓缓启动,驶往孟加拉的首都达卡,开始了其处女航。

    Thousands of enthusiastic people waved in the eastern Indian city of Kolkata as a flower-adorned train began its inaugural journey to Bangladesh 's capital , Dhaka .

  23. 但Valemax只在2011年处女航时靠泊过中国港口,之后中国交通部以技术问题为由,不让此型船舶进入中国港口。

    But only the maiden ship had docked in China in 2011 when the Chinese Ministry of Transport banned them from Chinese ports , citing technical issues .

  24. 1912年,泰坦尼克号在从南安普敦驶往纽约的处女航中,和北大西洋的一座冰山相撞沉没,约有1500人在这一船难中丧生。

    Some 1500 people died on Titanic 's maiden voyage in 1912 from Southampton to New York after the ship collided with an iceberg in the North Atlantic .

  25. 1912年4月,泰坦尼克号在从英国南安普敦到美国纽约的处女航时撞上冰山后沉没。

    RMS Titanic sank in the early hours of April 15 1912 , after being struck by an iceberg during her maiden voyage from Southampton to New York .

  26. 这艘为了纪念泰坦尼克号沉没100周年的游轮名为巴尔莫勒尔号,将从南安普顿出发,全程历经12夜。当年泰坦尼克号在处女航时撞上冰山沉没。

    The MS Balmoral will leave Southampton on the 12-night cruise to commemorate the centenary of the sinking of the liner that hit an iceberg on its maiden voyage .

  27. 游轮启航时,乘客们站在甲板上挥手。100年前,泰坦尼克号也是在南安普顿开始了它的处女航,驶向纽约。

    Passengers lined the decks and waved as the ship set sail almost 100 years after the Titanic set off on her maiden voyage from Southampton to New York .

  28. 全球飞行高度最高的商用热气球处女航正式拉开了帷幕,地面的年轻助手们见状都欢呼雀跃。

    The inaugural flight of the world 's highest commercial hot-air balloon service is under way . On the ground , our team of young helpers whoop with excitement .

  29. 有时,今年秋天,如果一切顺利,一个革命性的新海底的船只将下调轻轻地进入水域的蒙特雷湾的处女航。

    Sometimes this fall , if all goes well , a revolutionary new undersea vessel will be lowered gently into the waters of Monterey Bay for its maiden voyage .

  30. 但据阿拉伯邮轮公司报道,泰坦尼克2号的处女航将在2022年启航,从迪拜出发驶向纽约。

    The maiden voyage , however , will take passengers from Dubai to New York , reports CruiseArabia , with the first sailing scheduled to take place in 2022 .