
chǔ lǐ
  • handle;deal with;dispose of;manage;tackle;sell at reduced prices;treat by a special process;treatment;solve;treat;process;transaction;deal;organize;settlement;cope
处理 [chǔ lǐ]
  • (1) [handle;deal with;dispose of;manage;tackle]∶处置;安排;料理

  • 处理日常事物

  • 处理财产

  • (2) [sell at reduced prices]∶变价、减价出售

  • 处理积压商品

  • 处理品

  • (3) [treat by a special process;treatment]∶用特定方法加工

  • 热处理

  • 冷处理

  • 为便于维修而处理过的金属

处理[chǔ lǐ]
  1. 我们需要有人来处理业务的推广。

    We need somebody to handle the marketing end of the business .

  2. 我们担心她没有能力处理那件事,然而她最终说到做到了。

    We were worried she wouldn 't be able to handle it , but she came through in the end .

  3. 所有询问都将从速处理。

    All enquiries will be dealt with as speedily as possible .

  4. 这地毯已经过处理,不易挂污。

    The carpet has been treated so that it is stain-resistant .

  5. 你还是抓紧处理这个问题为好。

    You would be well advised to tackle this problem urgently .

  6. 从根本上说,这个问题有两种不同的处理方法。

    Fundamentally , there are two different approaches to the problem .

  7. 只是用钱去处理这些问题是不适当的。

    It is inappropriate simply to throw money at these problems .

  8. 她公开谴责政府处理这场危机的方式。

    She publicly denounced the government 's handling of the crisis .

  9. 现代计算机能迅速处理大量的信息资料。

    Modern computers can organize large amounts of data very quickly .

  10. 她整个周末都在绞尽脑汁处理这个问题。

    She had spent the whole weekend wrestling with the problem .

  11. 我们必须采取积极步骤处理这个问题。

    We must take positive steps to deal with the problem .

  12. 你不得不佩服他处理这个局面的手段。

    You have to admire the way he handled the situation .

  13. 政府在这件事的处理上犯了大错。

    The government had blundered in its handling of the affair .

  14. 要优先处理所有标星号的部分。

    Treat all the sections that have been starred as priority .

  15. 这件事现在正由我的律师处理。

    The matter is now in the hands of my lawyer .

  16. 分批、分类处理查询将会提高服务质量。

    The service will be improved by batching and sorting enquiries .

  17. 他处理那场危机,因表现出政治家的才干而受到称赞。

    He was commended for his statesmanlike handling of the crisis .

  18. 三个队处理这个问题的方法各不相同。

    All three teams adopted different approaches to the problem .

  19. 政府必须将此事当作紧急的事情来处理。

    The government must deal with this as a matter of urgency .

  20. 处理公司逐步缩减直至关闭的事宜效率很高。

    The wind-down of the company was handled very efficiently .

  21. 她因妥善处理了那个局面而受到表扬。

    She was commended on her handling of the situation .

  22. 她慎重而周到地处理了这个情况。

    She handled the situation with great sensitivity and delicacy .

  23. 处理爆炸品一定要慎之又慎。

    The utmost caution must be exercised when handling explosives .

  24. 我们先从较容易处理的问题着手。

    Let 's start with the more easily addressable issues .

  25. 她迅速有效地处理全部来往信件。

    She deals with all the correspondence promptly and efficiently .

  26. 这系统先把任务排列再进行处理。

    The system queues the jobs before they are processed .

  27. 我桌上有一堆文件正待我去处理。

    A stack of files awaited me on my desk .

  28. 我究竟怎样才处理得了这么多的工作?

    How will I ever get on top of all this work ?

  29. 咱们换一个顺序来处理这些问题吧。

    Let 's take the problems in a different order .

  30. 她从头至尾处理了那一堆文件。

    She worked her way through the pile of documents .