
  1. 体育纪律处罚争议解决中的体育协会内部仲裁与外部体育仲裁关系研究

    Relations Between Interior Arbitration and Exterior Sports Arbitration of Sports Organization In Sports Discipline Dispute Solution System

  2. 我国大部分体育组织对纪律处罚争议解决的内部仲裁程序未作明确规定,现有规定存在着自设内部程序最高效力、仲裁员不中立、程序过于简单等问题。

    The internal arbitration procedure of discipline dispute solution are not explicitly stipulated in most of sports organization in China , the existing system award the internal procedure maximum potency , non-independent arbitrator , simple procedure .

  3. 医务人员收受药品回扣是违法行为,但是否适用以受贿罪刑事处罚存在司法争议。澳大利亚环境刑事处罚法律制度与中国之比较

    The medical staffs ' receiving rebate of drugs is an illegal behavior . Australian Legal System of Environmental Offences and Penalties and Comparative Study with Those of China

  4. 目前无论在理论还是司法实践中对本罪的犯罪构成和认定处罚均存在一定争议。

    It must be noted there is a controversy both theoretically and practically with regard to the constitution of crime , cognizance and punishment of this crime .

  5. 虽然处理醉驾案可以选择适用不同的罪名,但实践中,对醉驾案件的定罪处罚仍存在一些争议。

    According to the Criminal Code , we can choose to several charges when dealing with drunk driving , but in practice , there are some different voices about convictions of drunk driving .

  6. 对海事行政处罚案件管辖发生争议的,报请共同的上一级海事管理机构指定管辖。

    Where a dispute arises over the jurisdiction of a case of maritime administrative punishment , that case shall be submitted to the maritime administrative agency at the joint higher level for designation of jurisdiction .