
  • 网络talent cultivation rule
  1. 中国现代著名化学家成才规律浅析

    Analysis on the Law of Achievements of Modern Chinese Famous Chemists

  2. 我国高水平击剑运动员成才规律分析

    Analysis on General Pattern of High-level Fencer Becoming Elite Athlete in China

  3. 著名中医药专家成才规律研究

    Study of Famous Traditional Chinese Medicine Experts Who Gain Their Fame and Experience

  4. 广东省优秀皮划艇运动员成才规律的研究

    Research on Success Regularity of the Canoe and Kayak Athletes in Guangdong Province

  5. 高层次医学人才的特点及成才规律

    Advanced Medical Talents ' Feature and Success Theory

  6. 我国优秀田径运动员成才规律分析

    Analysis into the Making Rule of Excellent Athletes in Track and Field of our Country

  7. 我国竞技体育部分优势项目金牌教练成才规律的研究

    Research on Success Regularity of Gold Medal Coaches about Some Advantage Sports Events in China

  8. 缺少对优秀篮球运动员成才规律的研究较少,对科学选材的基础理论研究较少,选育结合的理论研究不足。

    The lack of outstanding talented basketball player on the regularity study is less , the basic theory of scientific selection , breeding and research theory combined with the research .

  9. 根据田径运动各项目运动员的成才规律,适时起动和控制不同训练阶段的初始训练时机,是实现田径运动训练过程科学化控制的前提和基础。

    According to the laws of athletics grow up of varies items to control suitably and switch on the original training opportune moment of varies periods , it is the base and premise of scientific control the process of athletics training .

  10. 基本原则包括,与世界发展趋势相符合、遵循青年大学生个性发展和成才规律、全方位与多层次建设相结合的原则、以及不断动态更新、发展的原则。

    The basic principles include , in line with the world trend of development , following the laws of young college students personality ' development and acquisition , combining the omni-directional and multi-layered construction , as well as the principle of continuously updated dynamically .

  11. 牢牢把握民族精神和时代精神这两个主题去研究青年成长成才规律,确定加强马克思主义教育的项目和载体,使青年学生在参与这些项目和载体的过程中向马克思主义者的标准努力。

    Firmly grasp the national spirit and The Times spirit the two themes to study law , youth , growth success of the marxist education to determine the project and carrier , make young students participate in these programs and carrier in the process of efforts to marxist standards .

  12. 要培养和造就中医临床大家,必须在充分认识中医成才特殊规律的基础上,来研究中医的传承模式。

    To cultivate Chinese medicine clinical great master , we must thoroughly understand the special law of herbalist doctor growing up and to study the model of succession of teachers of Chinese medicine .

  13. 医学人才成才的规律,主要是由医学劳动的特性所决定的,而医学劳动的特性是一种以人的健康为研究和工作对象的特殊劳动。

    The law of medical professional development is mainly based on characteristice of medical labor . Medical labor is a special one that takes human health as the object of research and work .

  14. 我国正处于经济结构战略性调整和经济发展方式转变的关键时期,研究女企业家创业发展的现状、探寻女企业家成长成才的规律已成为众多研究者的课题。

    Our country is in the midst of the economic structure strategic adjustment and transformation of economic development patterns of key period , the research status of development of the female entrepreneur , explore the rule of women entrepreneurs grow up has become a topic of many researchers .

  15. 依据青年成长、成功、成才的特点规律,认为培养创新人格在青年成长过程中至关重要。

    According to the rule and characteristics of youth 's growing up , being successful , and becoming talented personnel , fostering innovative personality is crucial to the process of the youth 's growing up .

  16. 现代宁波籍作家成才的特点和规律

    Common Characteristics of Modem Writers of Ningbo Origin

  17. 我国优秀体育教师成才的阶段性规律与促进因素的研究

    A Study on the Regularity of Development Stages of Chinese Outstanding PE Teachers and Their Promoting Factors