
chú míng
  • Delisting;expulsion;remove one's name off the rolls;strike sb.'s name off;remove sb.'s name from the rolls;take sb.'s name off the books;expunge sb.'s name from a list;strike one's name off
除名 [chú míng]
  • [remove ones name off the rolls;expunge sb.'s name from a list;strike sb.'s name off] 把姓名从名册上除掉,指取消原有资格,除籍

除名[chú míng]
  1. 他在药检呈阳性后被奥林匹克运动队除名。

    He was thrown out of the Olympic team after testing positive for drugs

  2. 这男孩被学校除名了。

    The boy is removed from school .

  3. 他因行为不端被学校除名。

    He was dismissed from school for his bad behaviour .

  4. 他们已经把他从那个俱乐部的名册上除名了。

    They have taken his name off the books of that club .

  5. 他已被除名。

    His name was erased from the list .

  6. 把他从英国文学的名人堂中除名就像卢浮宫卖掉《蒙娜丽莎》一样不可能发生。

    Removing him from the pantheon of English literature would make about as much sense as the Louvre selling off the Mona Lisa .

  7. 他们把他从该机构中除名了。

    They cleaned him out of the organization .

  8. 知名商业杂志《快速公司》(FastCompany)已将Twitter从今年的“最具创新力公司”榜单上除名。

    Fastcompany booted twitter from its list of most innovative companies this year .

  9. 迈克尔.乔丹(MichaelJordan)曾被他的高中篮球队除名。

    Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team .

  10. 朝鲜官方中央通讯社(koreancentralnewsagency)昨日表示,在美国决定将朝鲜从支持恐怖主义国家的名单中除名以后,朝鲜将重启核反应堆拆除程序。

    North Korea will resume dismantling its nuclear reactor following a US decision to remove it from its list of sponsors of terrorism , the state-run Korean Central News Agency said yesterday .

  11. 如果银行对降低CDS价格采取的行动不够迅速,监管者就会没收银行资产,将股东除名并且解散管理层。

    If the bank does not act swiftly to push the CDS price back down , the regulator seizes the assets , wipes out shareholders and sacks the management .

  12. JoeAmendola说,Sandusky在等待处罚时期,希望禁赛球队将他除名。

    Joe Amendola also says Sandusky wants to be removed from what is effectively solitary confinement while he waits sentencing .

  13. 对此,多诺万表示,BVI已采取了正确措施,希望能尽快从黑名单上除名。

    Ms Donovan said the BVI had taken corrective measures and hoped to come off the list soon .

  14. 加拿大应该从八国集团除名,《经济学人》前总编辑比尔艾默特(billemmott)在他最近出版的书中恶作剧地提议道。

    It is time for Canada to be ejected from the group of eight , bill Emmott , former editor of the economist , mischievously suggests in his recent book .

  15. 布什同时警告称,俄罗斯在格鲁吉亚的行动与其国际组织成员身份不符,提出了将俄罗斯从八国集团(g8)除名的可能性。

    The US president also raised the prospect of Russian expulsion from the group of eight industrialised nations by warning that its actions in Georgia were incompatible with membership of international institutions .

  16. 去年12月,sec降低了非美国企业从美国证券交易所退市和从sec除名的难度,从而绕开了《萨班斯-奥克斯利法》(sarbanes-oxley),解决了一个长期争论的焦点。

    In December , the SEC addressed a long-standing bone of contention for non-US companies by making it easier for them to delist from US stock exchanges and deregister from the SEC , thus escaping Sarbanes-Oxley .

  17. 根据昨日通过的修正,如果一家公司能够证明,其美国股票的日平均交易量不大于过去12个月其全球股票交易量的5%,该公司就可以从sec除名。

    The SEC amendment passed yesterday allows de-registration if a company can show that average daily US trading volume in its shares has been no greater than 5 per cent of its global trading volume over the previous 12 months .

  18. 由新加坡ESPN星空体育(ESPNStarSports)运营的两个频道被除名,是这两家公司遭受的最新挫折。与其它国际媒体集团一样,它们一直在艰难地争取进入迅速成长的中国电视市场。

    The removal of the channels , run by Singapore - based ESPN Star Sports , is the latest setback for the two companies , which , like other international media groups , have struggled to establish a presence in the fast-growing Chinese TV market .

  19. 许多制片人迅速采取行动,将这位丑闻缠身的演员从他们的项目中剔除,比如网飞公司(Netflix)就将他从《纸牌屋》中除名,《金钱世界》里雷利·史考特用克里斯托弗·普卢默代替了他的所有镜头。

    Many producers worked swiftly to remove the disgraced actor from their projects , namely Netflix who fired him from House of Cards and Ridley Scott who replaced his scenes with Christopher Plummer in All the Money in the World .

  20. 这种做法的困难在于,它需要布朗扮演拉姆齐麦克唐纳(ramsaymacdonald)的角色麦克唐纳在被自己的政党除名后,在1931年至1935年间继续担任首相。

    The difficulty is that this would require Mr Brown to play the part of Ramsay MacDonald , who stayed on as Prime Minister between 1931 and 1935 , having been expelled from his own party .

  21. 他打算将你从局里除名。

    He was going to recommend your discharge from the force .

  22. 如果我真告发,也就意味着你会被立即除名

    If I did , it would probably mean instant cancellation ,

  23. 你已经从美国军队中除名。

    That you be dishonorably discharged from the United States army .

  24. 而且我们还要把你从淘气榜上除名还有我们

    And we 're gonnaget you offthat list.And us , too !

  25. 因此,除名义外,它们并非独立的公司。

    Thus they were not independent companies , except in name .

  26. 第二章主要论述股东除名的适用要件和适用程序。

    Chapter II mainly discusses the application elements and procedure of expulsion .

  27. 无理由地缺席五次,你将被这门课除名。

    With five unexcused absences you will be withdrawn from the class .

  28. 在英格兰从学院或者大学临时除名。

    Suspend temporarily from college or university , in England .

  29. 他们要求把3位议员从议会中除名。

    They are calling for the expulsion of three members of parliament .

  30. 我们可能因此而被除名!

    We can be struck off the roll for that !