
cí tuì
  • dismiss;discharge;turn away;severance
辞退 [cí tuì]
  • [dismiss] 停止雇用;解雇

辞退[cí tuì]
  1. 委员会已决定辞退他。

    The Committee has decided to dismiss him .

  2. 我们只好辞退你,别无其他办法。

    We have no alternative but to dismiss you .

  3. 我们别无他法,只有辞退吉布森。

    We had no alternative but to fire Gibson .

  4. 他或是辞职了,或是被辞退了,这要看你跟谁讲了。

    He either resigned or was sacked , depending on who you talk to .

  5. 他受到警告,如果继续上班迟到,就被辞退。

    He was threatened with dismissal if he continued to turn up late for work .

  6. 你能想象得出干了20年之后被辞退会是什么样的滋味吗?

    Can you imagine what it must be like to lose your job after 20 years ?

  7. 10万联邦公务人员将被辞退以减少赤字。

    100,000 federal workers will be laid off to reduce the deficit

  8. 他们已经收到了辞退的通知。

    They 've had their marching orders

  9. 这些问题在9月变得十分尖锐,当时该台有5名记者遭到辞退。

    These problems came to a head in September when five of the station 's journalists were sacked .

  10. 这位新来的秘书真没用,得马上辞退。

    This new secretary is useless and must be dismissed at once .

  11. 他告诉学生:“事实证明被苹果公司辞退是我遇到的最好的事情了。”

    " It turned out that getting fired from Apple was the best thing that could have ever happened to me , " he told the students .

  12. 最后,我不得不辞退了唐,然后卖掉了我所有的办公设备。

    At last , I had to lay Don off . I then had to sell all my office equipment .

  13. 辞退巴茨之后,雅虎董事会任命首席财务官蒂姆•莫尔斯暂代CEO一职。

    In firing Bartz , the board named CFO Tim Morse as interim chief .

  14. 女性CEO被辞退的可能性高于男性;

    Female CEOs are more likely to be forced out of their jobs than men ;

  15. 美国工程协会(AmericanEngineeringAssociation)等批评者反驳称,美国有大量的工程师随时待命,但却惨遭辞退,原因在于企业为了降低成本,倾向于雇佣更廉价的外国工程人员。

    Critics like the American Engineering Association counter that there are plenty of American engineers ready to work but have been laid off by companies eager to replace them with less costly foreign-born counterparts .

  16. 那是在1994年,当时他已被苹果(Apple)辞退,担任NeXT电脑公司(NeXTComputer)的首席执行官。我问他为什么要造那些外观漂亮、价格昂贵但只受到少数发烧友追捧的机器。

    It was 1994 , he was chief executive of NeXT Computer and exiled from Apple , and I had asked him why he made beautiful , expensive machines that only a few enthusiasts wanted .

  17. 那个曾经答应给他上培训课的人被辞退了,而Gardner又丢掉了自己的工作。

    The man who offered him the training slot was fired , and Gardner had no job to go back to .

  18. 调查始于去年秋天,一个tsa雇员被指控在行李检查房间偷被检查的行李,后来被辞退。

    Investigation began last fall after a TSA employee was accused of stealing from check luggage in a baggage screening room , that person resigned .

  19. 女性CEO被辞退的可能性高于男性;过去十年,38%的女性CEO非主动离职,而男性CEO的这个比例只有27%。

    Female CEOs are more likely to be forced out of their jobs than men ; during the past decade , 38 % of women CEOs left involuntarily compared with just 27 % of their male peers .

  20. 最近,风雨飘摇的科技公司雅虎公司毫不客气地辞退了卡罗尔•巴茨,她也辞去了在雅虎公司董事会的职务。但即便如此,她依然是思科(Cisco)董事会成员。

    Even so , Carol Bartz , who was unceremoniously ousted from struggling Yahoo recently and resigned from the tech company 's board , remains on Cisco 's ( CSCO ) board of directors .

  21. 警方目前已确定枪手的身份为58岁的杰弗瑞约翰逊,他之前在女性衣物及饰品商店HazanImport工作,但去年已经被辞退。

    Police identified the shooter as 58-year-old Jeffrey Johnson , who was apparently laid off from his job as a designer of women 's accessories at Hazan Import last year .

  22. 在雅虎的前CEO巴茨在本周二被辞退之后,财富拿到了对她的第一次的专访,而巴茨认为雅虎的董事会把她自己当猴耍了一通。

    Here is what Carol Bartz thinks of the Yahoo ( YHOO ) board that fired her : " These people f & ed me over ," she says , in her first interview since her dismissal from the CEO role late Tuesday .

  23. 去年福布斯家族的汉兰达(Highlander)游艇都被拖到了干船坞里,船员也已被辞退。

    Last year the Forbes family motor yacht , the Highlander , was put into dry dock , its crew laid off .

  24. 戴维雷德蒙德(DavidRedmond)于2008年2月被摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)的大宗商品部门聘用。他前夜隐瞒的石油期货头寸事实上获利了,但银行发现之后还是将他辞退了。

    David Redmond , employed by the commodities team at Morgan Stanley in February 2008 , in fact made a profit from the positions in oil futures that he concealed overnight , but was nonetheless sacked by his bank after they discovered his actions .

  25. 有,我们提供三个月的工资作为辞退补偿。

    HR Manager : Yes , we offer three months severance .

  26. 因为表现不佳,他今天被辞退了。

    He got his walking papers today because of bad performance .

  27. 辞退某人,杀掉某人,中止某事物。

    Of dismissing of killing somebody ; act of discontinuing something .

  28. 亨利从来不会让他自己直接来辞退某一个人。

    Henry Ford could never bring himself to fire anybody directly .

  29. 她因玩忽秘书职守而被辞退。

    She was dismissed for slackness in her duties as secretary .

  30. 辞退的理由是工作表现差

    Brott was let go for " poor job performance . "