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cí zhāng
  • poetry and prose;prose and verse
辞章 [cí zhāng]
  • (1) [poetry and prose]

  • (2) 诗词文章等的总称

  • (3) 指文章的修辞;写作技巧

辞章[cí zhāng]
  1. 在辞章上能做的工夫也就这些了。

    All that can be done with words is soon told .

  2. 辞章是有效地表达话语信息的艺术形式。

    Chinese textual analysis is an artistic device to express efficient message .

  3. 爱情仪式全部的适当辞章,

    The perfect ceremony of love 's right ,

  4. 辞章章法多、二、一(0)结构的理论基础

    Theoretical Foundation of " Variety , Two , One " Structure of Art of Composition

  5. 论意象与辞章

    Image and the Art of Writing

  6. 传、记辞章化是唐人传奇的基本文体特征。

    The admixture of ode and biography is the basic stylistic feature of Romance in Tang Dynasty .

  7. 从辞章到考据&论姚鼐学术生涯第一次重大转折与戴震的关系

    From Rhetoric to Textual Criticism : On the Relation of the First Reorientation in YAO Nai 's Academic Career and DAI Zhen

  8. 语文能力与辞章研究&以多、二、一(0)的螺旋结构作考察

    Language ability and research of the art of writing & Exploration from the " multiple "," binary ", and " unitary ( zero )" spiral structures

  9. 可以说,只有在融合了辞章的旨趣和表现手法后,传记才成为了传奇。

    We can sure that it is not until adopted the purport and writing techniques of ode that biography turned into the Romance in Tang dynasty .

  10. 他博学多才,既是东汉末年有名的儒家学者,又是多才多艺的文士,于辞章、数术、天文、音乐、史学、文学无一不通。

    He was not only a famous Confucian scholar , but also a versatile classic in Cizhang , Shushu , astronomy , music , history and literature .

  11. 其课程体系、教育内容从经史转向文学辞章,并日益显示出其特有的活力。

    The system of curricula and teaching contents changed from classics and history to literature and poetry , and assumed a more and more energetic trend of development .

  12. 以辞章成就而论,李慈铭以杜诗为根柢之学,提倡不专一家,不名一代,打破唐宋以来的门户纷争。

    In terms of achievements , Lee Ci-ming to Du Fu for the Study of promote a non-tertiary , non-name generation , breaking a gateway to the dispute since the Tang and Song Dynasties .

  13. 显性与潜性的演进中华民族传统人生价值观发展的两条主线论潜性与显性之互动类型以辞章章法为例作观察

    The Evolvement of Domination and Potentiality : Two Principal Lines of the Development of the Traditional Chinese Life Values ; The Transference between Recessive and Dominant Types & Observing the Rhetoric Art of Composition

  14. 而这种系统,可用于组织个别意象,形成整体意象,以反映辞章之意象系统,充分反映逻辑层次与意象系统之迭合关系。

    The system can be applied to organize individual imago to form whole imago , reflecting imago system of phraseology . In this paper , the author elaborates overlapping relationship between logic gradation and imago system .

  15. 我们将唐人传奇的文体特征界定为传、记的辞章化,即旨在从理论上确认这一事实,以清晰地勾勒出小说史的一个发展阶段。

    In order to confirm the fact in theory , so that we can clearly outline a developmental period in novel history , we define the stylistic feature of the Romance in Tang dynasty as the admixture of ode and biography .