
  1. 《汉语大字典》编撰质量上乘,在汉语辞书史上占有重要地位,不过也偶有小疏。

    Due to its high quality , Great Chinese Dictionary takes an important position in the history of Chinese dictionary .

  2. 明代梅膺祚的《字汇》,在汉语辞书史上占有非常重要的地位。

    Among the lexicons by Mei Yingzuo of Ming Dynasty ,《 Zihuil Lexicon 》 holds a very important place in the history of Chinese lexicographical works .

  3. 作为耗时三十年而独立完成的一部煌煌巨著,该书在我国40年代出版的词典中独具特色,在现代辞书史上具有重要的历史地位。

    As a monumental work , taking thirty years to finish , the dictionary has a very important place in the history of modern lexicographical work in China for its unique style among the dictionaries compiled in the 1940s .

  4. 文章概述了《古汉语常用字字典》的编写经过、学术基础、主要内容、修订及版本情况、所获荣誉、有关评价和在辞书史上的地位。

    In this article , the author makes a brief introduction to the process of the compilation , the academic base of it , the main contents , revision and the edition , along with the honours and the evaluation it received , its position in the history of lexicography .

  5. 秦汉时期的识读课本在我国辞书编纂史上具有重要意义。

    The children 's primers of our country 's Qin and Han period have great significance in the history of lexicography .

  6. 《汉语大词典》是我国第一部大型多卷本汉语语词词典,它的完成是我国辞书编纂史上一个空前的盛举。

    The Grand Chinese Dictionary is the first multi-volume Chinese dictionary , is an unprecedented grand event of dictionary compilation history .

  7. 文章选择了“兄”“弟”“姊”“妹”四个称谓词,指出在辞书编纂、汉语史研究和古籍整理方面存在的问题。

    The article takes " Xiong "," Di "," Zi "," Mei " as an example to make a comprehensive study on compiling dictionaries , researching Chinese language history and keeping ancient books .

  8. 揭示退婴在中日语言中的源流本末,从一侧面说明中日语言比较研究对于辞书编纂、汉语史研究、中日文化交流史研究的重要价值和意义。

    This confusion over phrasal origins between Chinese and Japanese indicates the great significance of contrastive studies to dictionary compiling , research on the history of the Chinese language and on the history of cultural exchange between the two nations .

  9. 明清俗语辞书在中国古代辞书史上占有重要地位,对于今日大型语文辞书的编纂也有重要的作用,但现在权威性的《汉语大词典》在编纂时似乎未对此引起足够的重视。

    Slang dictionaries in Ming & Qing dynasties is very important in the history of dictionaries , however , Great dictionary of Chinese words , had not paid much attention to them .