
cí hǎi
  • a collection of words;title of a standard dictionary
  1. 为了让“沃森”能模仿人类思维并在电视智力竞赛节目上具有竞争力,它的“脑袋”里塞满了辞海、文选和《世界图书百科全书》(WorldBookEncyclopedia)等数百万份资料。

    To emulate the human mind , and make it competitive on the TV quiz show , Watson was stuffed with millions of documents & including dictionaries , anthologies and the World Book Encyclopedia .

  2. 历版《辞海》都曾创下销售奇迹。

    Various editions of Cihai have made record sales .

  3. 解字释辞舛讹之海&黑龙江人民版《现代汉语辞海》(2002年修订版)摭谈

    Incorrect Paraphrase Brings More Errors & Words Pickup from The Modern Chinese Dictionary ( 2002 Edition ) by Heilongjiang People 's Version

  4. 《辞海》将翻译定义为把一种语言文字的意义用另一种语言文字表达出来。

    The Chinese Word Dictionary ( 1989 ) also defines that translation means to translate the meaning in one language into another language without change .

  5. 中国的大批新股民正在参加一个速成学习班,学习市场辞海中的两个最重要词汇:泡沫和回调。

    China 's legions of new stock investors are taking a crash course in two of the most important words in the market lexicon – bubble and correction .

  6. 这些问题不只是表现在《辞海》对慈善这一概念的解释有偏差,更多的是对慈善领域一些基本问题仍存在争议。

    The problem is not only manifested in " Ci Hai " to " charitable " interpretation of the concept of bias , more charity in the field is the basic problem remains controversial .