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cí lìng
  • Rhetoric;language appropriate to the occasion
辞令 [cí lìng]
  • [language appropriate to the occasion] 社交、外交场合中得体的应对言辞;口才

  • 明于治乱,娴于辞令。--《史记.屈原贾生列传》

  • 为人忠厚,不善辞令

辞令[cí lìng]
  1. 她善于辞令。

    She has a way with words .

  2. 这种说法是指代间谍行为的常用外交辞令。

    The phrase is common diplomatic parlance for spying .

  3. 辞令悦耳。

    The speech is pleasant to the ear .

  4. 他虽然不是外交官,却能熟练地使用外交辞令。

    Although not a diplomat , he can proficiently use diplomatic terms .

  5. 而在华盛顿,奥巴马(obama)政府表达了同样的看法,不过语气更加委婉,更像是外交辞令。

    In Washington , the Obama administration has voiced similar thoughts , albeit more diplomatically and obliquely .

  6. 那些精通外交辞令的人可能已经看出奥巴马与小布什(GeorgeW.Bush)对华态度的不同之处。

    Those versed in diplomatese might spot the difference between Mr Obama and George W. Bush 's agenda in China .

  7. 非洲领导人和非洲开发银行(AfricanDevelopmentBank)最近敦促各国政府携手合作,以确保各自都能最大限度地获益于与主要贸易伙伴的关系,但他们都以温和的外交辞令掩盖自己的担忧。

    African leaders and the African Development Bank have recently urged governments to work with each other to ensure they maximise benefits from relations with their leading trade partner , but they have traditionally cloaked their concerns in emollient diplomatese .

  8. 英国智库机构英皇基金(King'sFund)于2011年公布的报告,突出反驳了政治辞令对英国国民卫生服务体系(NHS)“呆板官僚”大军的“嘲笑”。

    A report published in 2011 by the King 's Fund , a UK think-tank , highlighted the " sneering " political rhetoric about the National Health Service 's armies of " faceless bureaucrats . "

  9. 这么说吧:如果一个导演拍了一部电影,并借片中反派之口说出茶党(TeaParty)的辞令,我觉得据此解读出自由派的意味还算公平(事实上,很多保守派流行文化评论人士是会这样做的)。

    Put it this way : If a filmmaker made a movie that put Tea Party rhetoric in the mouth of its villain , I think it would be fair to read that as a liberal message ( and , indeed , most conservative pop culture critics would ) .

  10. 但是,当就连国际货币基金组织(IMF)和经合组织(OECE)都抛开外交辞令,对全球增长停滞发出警告并敦促利用财政支出来提振需求时,眼下就肯定到了全球财长们应该一致采取行动的时候了。

    But when even the International Monetary Fund and the OECD forum put diplomacy aside to warn of flatlining global growth and urge fiscal spending to boost demand , it is surely time for the world 's finance ministers to get their act together .

  11. 她说,双方在辩论中的一些空洞辞令使人们更为困惑。

    She said rhetoric on both sides adds to the confusion .

  12. 有时我认为这只是白宫的辞令。

    Sometimes I think it 's just white house rhetoric .

  13. 她穿着入时,但不善于辞令。

    She dressed well , but she has no conversation .

  14. 外交辞令方面很早就表明日本有再次侵略的野心。

    Official rhetoric has long claimed that Japan is bent on reconquest .

  15. 除此之外,或许还可以加上外交辞令吧。

    To that , we might add protocol , too .

  16. 往好了说,这些耳熟能详的辞令只是具有误导性,往坏了说,这些说法根本就是错误的。

    This familiar rhetoric is misleading at best and at worst simply wrong .

  17. 咱们之间说话就没有必要用外交辞令了吧。

    There is no need to use diplomatic language while we are talking .

  18. 整个公报使得当天充斥着相似的外交辞令。

    The public pronouncements made throughout the day were full of familiar rhetoric .

  19. 这是措辞在外交辞令,但用意是清楚的。

    This is couched in diplomatic language , but the intention is clear .

  20. 这里不用任何外交辞令,只需要几句现编的童话。

    No diplomatic language was needed . a few impromptu fairy tales were enough .

  21. 而布朗却恰恰相反,令人印象深刻,不善辞令。

    Mr brown , by contrast , can come over as craggy and brooding .

  22. 他善于辞令;她把自己的想法写了下来。

    He has a gift for words ; she put her thoughts into words .

  23. 这听上去或许像是政治辞令,但实际上是一种危险的错觉。

    This may sound statesmanlike , but it is in fact a dangerous delusion .

  24. 他似乎很不善辞令。

    He seems to lack basic conversational skills .

  25. 他的辞令通常都能打动人心,但有时也让人心惊肉跳!

    Oftenest persuasive , but sometimes terrible !

  26. 浅谈外交辞令的语言策略

    On the Linguistic Strategy of Diplomatic Language

  27. 我们得注意外交辞令。同时,当然斯巴达人也得考虑自己的名声。

    We must be diplomatic.And of course , Spartans ... have their reputation to consider .

  28. 上述辞令明显比2009年9月匹兹堡峰会的宣言更谨慎。

    This language is notably more cautious than that of the Pittsburgh Summit of September 2009 .

  29. 演说家的辞令、姿势等

    Oratorical phrases , gestures , etc

  30. 外交是处理主权国家之间的事务,语言是外交工作的重要载体,通常被称为外交辞令。

    Diplomacy is the negotiation between international affairs , which takes diplomatic language as its carrier .