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  1. 尽管宏达电One系列手机被有些人誉为最具设计魅力的智能手机,但支撑增长的营销实力不足,导致该公司苦苦挣扎。

    While its One series of phones have been praised by some as the most attractively designed smartphone , the lack of marketing clout to support it has left the company floundering .

  2. 个个都是久经沙场的战士,被人誉为望而生畏、铁石心肠的勇士。

    They are a hardened bunch who have earned a reputation as ferocious and merciless warriors .

  3. 牡丹被中国人誉为国色天香。

    The peony is praised to be a national beauty and heavenly fragrance by Chinese people .

  4. 蜀锦有着丰富的文化艺术内涵和欣赏收藏价值,故世人誉之为东方瑰宝、神州一绝。

    Sichuan Brocade is endowed with rich cultural and artistic connotation as well as value for appreciation and collection .

  5. 谦虚被中国人誉为一种美德,千年流传。

    Modesty is viewed as a virtue in China . In the Chinese language , there are all kinds of modest terms .

  6. 曲如其名,在这些梦幻般的夜曲中流淌的旋律被许多人誉为最美妙的传世佳作之一。

    As their title suggests , they are dreamy night pieces , with melodies many people consider among the most beautiful ever written .

  7. 抵押担保横跨物权法与债权法两大领域,被人誉为担保之王。

    Mortgaging the guarantee crosses the real right method and legal right method two greatest realms , was been a " king of the guarantee " by person 's.

  8. 《日本国志》是中国近代第一部系统地记载外国当代史的经典名著,被时人誉为奇作。

    The Chorography of Japan is the first systematic classics masterpiece of recording foreign contemporary history in modern times of china , which was praised as " Church for " by contemporaries .

  9. 巴赫于1720年创作了六首无伴奏小提琴奏鸣曲,为旋律性乐器的复调音乐演奏树立了新的里程碑,被人誉为小提琴音乐中的圣经。

    The six violin Sonatas without company composed by Bach in 1720 have laid a milestone for polyphony performance in melody instrument and are reputed as " the Bible for Violin Music " .

  10. 因此客家人被誉为“日不落”民系,成为当今世界上分布最广、影响最为深远的民系之一。

    Hence Hakkas are praised as an ethnic group with " forever rising sun ," one of the world 's most widely distributed and most influential ethnic groups .

  11. 曾有人将上海誉为未来之都!

    People have called Shanghai the city of the future !

  12. 在探险队里有个雄心勃勃的年轻人华尔特·博纳提被誉为意大利登山界的超级明星。

    On the same expedition was a young ambitious climber who was regarded as the superstar of climbing and mountaineering in Italy .

  13. 在他披露自己是消息来源后,一些人将他誉为英雄,另外一些人提出应该让他坐电椅。

    When he revealed himself as the source , he was acclaimed as a hero by some - others recommended the electric chair .

  14. 你有一次跟我说过,无论是谁,哪怕是个证券商人,只要穿上晚礼服,戴上白领结,也就能博得文明人的雅誉。

    With an evening coat and a white tie , as you told me once , anybody , even a stock-broker , can gain a reputation for being civilized .

  15. 和巴西球王贝利一样,马拉多纳穿的10号球衣几乎成了他的标志,这两人一直被誉为史上两大球王。

    The No. 10 he wore on his jersey became synonymous with him , as it also had with Pele , the Brazilian great with whom Maradona was regularly paired as the best of all time .

  16. 但与此同时,市场的快速发展与规则的发展并不同步,目前的市场混乱竞争现象严重,并没有真正的知名企业产生,同时从业人员缺乏品牌意识,整体上给人毁大于誉的不良形象。

    However , the rapid marketing development is not synchronous with the rule . The marketing has the confused competition at present . There are no real famous enterprises and the person who engaged with the industry is short of brand consciousness .

  17. 所以,有人把信度理论誉为现代精算学的基石。

    Therefore , credibility theory known as the cornerstone of modern actuarial science .

  18. 数百万人观看了被誉为“人民的王妃”戴安娜的葬礼。有一点非常清楚:戴妃作为受拥戴的偶像和人道主义者留给世人的遗产将继续在世间流传。

    As millions watched the funeral of the Royal they called " The People 's Princess " one thing was clear : Diana 's legacy as a popular icon and humanitarian was going to endure .

  19. 塞尔维亚人被逐出科索沃,曾被一些人誉为正义和人道的胜利。

    The Serbs ' eviction from Kosovo was hailed as a victory for justice and humanity .