
  1. 太空人在太空舱里工作和生活。

    The astronauts work and live in the space capsule .

  2. 登上月球的人在太空里旅行。

    The men who landed on the moon travelled through space .

  3. 太空人在太空中存活需要太空装。

    The astronauts need a space suit to survive in space .

  4. 人在太空飞行需要有健康的身体和良好的心理素质。

    Good health physique and fine psychological quality are required for an astronaut .

  5. 人在太空失重。

    Man is weightless in space .

  6. 科学家们历来清楚,人在太空失重状态下工作绝非易事。

    Scientists always knew it would not be easy for humans to work in the weightlessness of space .

  7. 独自一人在太空中,你必须化为虚无爆炸小行星和逃避的飞碟和杀手卫星!

    Alone in space , you must blast the asteroids into nothingness and evade the flying saucers and the killer satellite !

  8. 你听听这个,报纸说有人要在太空建旅馆。

    The newspaper says someone 's building a hotel in space !

  9. 美国太空人在俄国太空舱里,每次的工作时数一向被限制在两小时以下。

    Astronauts have been limited to working less than two hours at a time in the Russian module .

  10. 许多人认为航天员在太空唯一能看到的建筑就是长城。但是杨利伟在飞船内尝试了几次后,仍然看不到长城。

    After several attempts from his cabin , he could not see the Great Wall , which many believed was the only manmade structure on Earth that could be seen from space .

  11. 这会改变我们每个人对自己在太空中的定位。

    It would change the way each and every one of us thinks about our place in space .

  12. 当美国女太空人琼·希金波坦没有在太空中飞行和工作时,她可能会在地球上的某个地方发表演讲。

    When US spacewoman Joan Higginbotham is not flying and working in space , she might be found somewhere on earth giving a speech .

  13. 他也是一个安静的人,除非在谈论太空话题的时候。

    He also was a quiet man , except when he talked about space .

  14. 外面的有些人相信,在外太空像人类一样会有智慧型生物。

    Some people believe that there are intelligent beings like mankind in outer space .

  15. 热衷于民营航天的人时常谈论太空旅行,其实是否真有那么多有钱人愿意在太空度假也难说价格可能太高。

    Enthusiasts for private space flight often talk of space tourism . Whether enough rich people are actually willing to holiday in orbit is hard to say : the price could be huge .