
  • 网络population
  1. 传统的人口管理信息系统已无法满足信息时代经济快速发展的需要,为科学、高效地管理人口数据,开发了基于GIS的人口管理信息系统。

    The traditional population management information system can 't satisfy the rapid development of economics . In order to efficiently manage the population data , a population management information system based on GIS is developed .

  2. 综合分析流动人口管理体系需求,在满足现有需求的基础上,拟将对称加密、VPN、访问控制、安全审计等技术引入流动人口信息管理建设。

    Demand management system for the floating population comprehensive analysis , based on satisfying the current requirements , the symmetric encryption , VPN , access control , security audit technology into the floating population management information construction .

  3. 在阐明数字化人口管理系统的总体框架和设计方案之后,详细介绍了运用统一建模语言(UML)为系统建模、辅助系统分析的过程;

    After introducing the main frames and design scheme of the Digital Resident MIS , it presents the procedure of system modeling using UML to analysis the system .

  4. 基于XML的软件系统间信息交流,以B/S和C/S模式人口管理系统为例。现B/S结构系统用Java开发,数据库服务器为SqlServer2000。

    For XML-based information communication between different software systems , taking B / S and C / S model population MIS as an example , B / S structure MIS was developed using Java , and SQL Server 2000 was used as the database server .

  5. 方法收集1991~2000年全省发热病人血检和重点人群IFAT监测结果,边境地区流动人口管理及媒介监测资料进行流行病学统计分析。

    Methods The data on blood smear examination of febrile patients , surveillance of IFAT in focus population , management of mobile population in border areas and vector surveillance from 1991 to 2000 were collected and analyzed .

  6. 影响因素分析显示经济发展较好的地区影响和制约IMR的主要因素是卫生资源的配置、卫生服务的利用和流动人口管理,而经济发展较差的地区主要的制约因素是经济发展状况和居民收入。

    In richer areas , allocation of health resources , utilization of health service and management of fluid population were the main factors influencing IMR level and tendency . In poorer areas , on the other hand , regional economic status and income were the main factors .

  7. 论流动人口管理与市场经济的关系

    On Relationships between the Floating Populations Management and the Market Economy

  8. 城市化进程中流动人口管理研究

    Research on the Floating Population Administration in the Course of Urbanization

  9. 地方外来人口管理法规初步探讨

    Discussions on Regional Regulations of Floating Population Management LAWS AND REGULATIONS

  10. 加强成都市外来流动人口管理的对策研究

    Strengthening the research on the managing countermeasures of the immigrants in Chengdu

  11. 第6章,我国城市流动人口管理机制与创新。

    Chapter 6 urban flowing population management system and innovation .

  12. 改善流动人口管理和服务。

    We will improve supervision of and services for the floating population .

  13. 结论建立公平的流动人口管理机制;

    Conclusion Set up the fairly mechanism of management of floating population ;

  14. 谈新形势下人口管理与社区警务的改革

    Population Administration and Reformation of Police Service in Communities under New Conditions

  15. 流动人口管理及计划免疫社会动员与培训等。

    The management-about the floating people and the training of EPI staff .

  16. 流动人口管理是一个复杂的社会系统工程,如果仅仅拘泥于某一个层面来讨论流动人口的管理服务这一问题,便会失去对该问题的本质透析。

    To manage migrate population is a complex problem to social systems .

  17. 当代中国流动人口管理伦理问题研究关于代理人最优行动解的理解问题

    A Study of Ethical Issues Concerning Floating Population Administration in Contemporary China

  18. 论管制型向服务型理念转变下的人口管理

    On the Shift of Population Management from Regulation to Service

  19. 农村人口管理制度创新与县域经济发展

    Country Population Management System Innovation and County Economy Development

  20. 北京市的流动人口管理:成绩、问题及对策

    The Management of Beijing 's Floating Population : Achievement , Questions and Measures

  21. 加强流动人口管理努力构建和谐社会

    Strengthen the Administration of Flowing Populations and Endeavor to Construct the Harmonious Society

  22. 城镇流动人口管理模式研究

    Study on the Managerial Model of Urban Flowing Population

  23. 计划生育工作新机制与人口管理科学的发展

    New Mechanism of Family Planning Work and the Development of Population Management Science

  24. 美国流动人口管理及对我国的启示

    America floating population management and its inspiration to China

  25. 创新人口管理方法;

    To creat new management way of population ;

  26. 都市村庄的流动人口管理工作

    Management for the Floating Population in Urban Village

  27. 城市实有人口管理中政府部门间的合作

    The Cooperation of Government in City Real Population

  28. 我国流动人口管理体制改革的决定机制及路径选择

    Mechanisms and Options for Reform on Management System of the Floating Population in China

  29. 流动人口管理,在预防和控制犯罪方面有着举足轻重的地位。

    The administration of floating population really counts in the prevention and control of crime .

  30. 我国城市流动人口管理现状及策略优化探析&以南京、苏州为例

    Floating population administration and the optimized strategy