
  • 网络population distributing;population distribution
  1. 上海重大建设对人口布局的影响及对策研究

    Study on the Effect of Momentous Constructions on Population Distribution and the Countermeasures

  2. 基于城乡协调发展视角的山东省城市与乡村人口布局研究

    The Study on the Urban-rural Population Distribution of Shan Dong Province under the Urban-rural Harmonious Development

  3. 统筹城乡发展与人口布局及再分布相互紧密联系,互为变量。

    The urban-rural development and population distribution and redistribution keep the close connection and each other variable .

  4. 研究结果是:(1)山东省城乡人口布局的发展水平差距比较大。

    The results are as followings : ( 1 ) There is a large gap in the distribution of urban - rural population in Shandong Province .

  5. 现实中的大城市人口布局调整正遭遇种种挑战与障碍,对社会经济发展的利好也难以达到政府预期。

    So it is not strange that the regulation of metropolitan population distribution encounters a variety of challenges and the benefits of regulation is also below the original anticipation of local government .

  6. 在上海城市总体发展、人口布局调整、轨道交通快速发展的新背景下,常规的、服务功能单一的地面公交模式已经不适应国际化大都市快速发展的要求。

    In the background of city planning , transform of population distribution and rapid development of rail transit , routine bus system with simplex service function has already been unfit for the development of Shanghai .

  7. 通过对各准则层指标的综合得分进行分析研究,得到滨海新区应加强应急保障能力的建设,促进人口布局和工业发展的合理性,以提升滨海新区综合防灾减灾能力。

    Through analyzing the composite score of rule layer indicators results that we should raise emergency logistic support capability and put rational distribution of population and industry correctly to improve the comprehensive disaster prevention and mitigation in Binhai New Area .

  8. 该厂由大股东巴林的伊斯兰银行(AlSalamBank-Bahrain)控股,它将利用香港的人口密集布局从该地区及全市4000家餐馆收集废弃的食用油,这比当地生物柴油产能高出一倍以上。

    Controlled by majority shareholder Al Salam Bank-Bahrain , the plant will utilize the city 's densely packed scale to collect used cooking oil in the region and from 4 , 000 restaurants across town , more than doubling local biodiesel production capacity .

  9. 对两市城市空间政策&主要是规划历史的研究表明,不同的城市空间政策也在宏观和微观层面上深刻影响两市的人口空间布局结构。

    The study on urban space policies , mainly history of urban planning , show different policies of urban space influence the spatial distribution structure of population deeply from from both microstructure and macrostructure .

  10. 长江三角洲人口集聚与布局探讨

    Population aggregation and distribution in the Yangtze River Delta

  11. 就水资源与土地资源而言,对人口和产业布局均具有极大的影响,但对人口和产业的制约与影响度有所不同。

    Water resources and land resources all have important influence on the population and the industry layout , but the extent to which is different .

  12. 同质聚居与阶层交流、阶层融合&对当前长春市社区居住模式的思考上海市人口迁居与住宅布局发展的探讨

    Homogeneity of habitation and Social Stratum Exchange 、 Social Stratum Fusion & Think Deeply About Residential Pattern of Residential Quarter in Changchun

  13. 但是由于辽宁省下属地市众多,各城市之间由于地理位置、人口数量、产业布局等原因存在着发展不均衡和资源空置等缺陷。

    But the city of Liaoning Province is numerous , between . Because of the cities ' geographical location , population , industrial layout and other reasons , the development is unbalanced and resource vacancy defects .

  14. 并以近邻型旅游集镇为研究对象,提出了编制近邻型旅游集镇规划所需解决的人口规模、功能布局、集镇特色和规划弹性4个关键问题;

    Then the adjacent-style tourism town is taken as the research object , four key issues of the population scale , the characteristic of town , the function layout and the flexibility of plan are put forward and should be solved while drawing up master plan of tourism town .

  15. 发展中国家城市化道路的一般特征是工业化与城市化失调、城市人口分布和空间布局过度集中、城乡关系和收入分配关系严重失衡、市场失灵和政策失当并存。

    The general features of urbanization paths of the developing countries are the unbalance of industrialization and urbanization , the concentration of urban population distribution and spatial layout , serious unbalance of urban-rural relations and income distribution , the co-existence of " market failure " and " policy improperness " .

  16. 云南人口发展功能区人口合理布局研究

    A Research on Reasonable Population Distribution of Function Zones for Population Development in Yunnan Province

  17. 其次从城市整体协调发展的角度探讨流动人口居住平衡分布的可行性,并提出城市流动人口居住空间平衡布局的初步构想;

    From urban integral and harmonious development point of view , discusses the feasibility of migrant habitation balanced distribution , and proposes initial framework for this balanced planning ;

  18. 但是人口迁移和分布问题相当复杂,各种因素形成的综合阻力是在实施人口再分布或人口布局的过程中面临的最大障碍。

    However , population migration and distribution of a very complex issue , the formation of a variety of factors combined resistance is the biggest obstacle in the process of implementation of the redistribution of population or population layout .