
  1. 北京市流动人口服务管理史略(1978&2008)

    A Brief History of Floating Population Regulation System in Beijing ( 1978-2008 )

  2. 做好流动人口计划生育服务管理工作。

    We will do a good job of providing family planning services to and managing the floating population .

  3. 天津是全国综合实力最强的城市之一,随着经济社会的快速发展,流动人口规模逐年增大,对流动人口服务管理的压力不断增加。

    Tianjin is one of the most comprehensively powerful cities in China . With the rapid economy growth , the floating population will be definitely increasing .

  4. 大城市外来流动人口管理模式探析&以上海为例加强苏州市外来人口服务管理的对策研究

    A Research on Floating Population Management Model in Metropolitan Area On Countermeasures of Strengthening the Management and Services of Floating Population in Suzhou

  5. 二是关注社区的老龄人口、贫困人口、社区教育、社区服务等问题,强调对人口的服务性管理。

    The other cares about the aged , the poverty , community education , community service , and so on , which stresses on service .