
  • 网络life issues
  1. 人生问题是伴随着人类社会的一个恒远的问题。

    Life issues are accompanied by a human society lastingly .

  2. 自古及今,哲学家进行的各种理论探讨,其目的是要从根本上解决人生问题。

    Since the ancient times , explorations of various theories conducted by philosophers have been aimed at the fundamental solution to the life issues . In the history of philosophy , the explorations of life issues have never stopped .

  3. 我毫无困难地盘算他的人生问题。

    I had no problem adding up his issues for him .

  4. 化解人生问题离不开对死亡的认知。

    Without the cognition of death people can not resolve problems in life .

  5. 同时受到东西方文化影响的她,面对人生问题时陷入一种两难的困境。

    Affected by both Eastern and Western cultures , she faced questions of life into a dilemma .

  6. 在不同社会和历史阶段,人生问题会随着社会的发展呈现出不同的“问题域”。

    In the different social and historical periods , the problem of life is embodied in different ways .

  7. 一个青年去寻访住在深山里的智者,想向他请教一些人生问题。

    A young man went to visit a sage living deep in the mountain for the wisdom of life .

  8. 严肃的节目提醒观众,复杂的人生问题不会象按动一下新的除臭装置那样,便可轻易解决的。

    Serious programs remind the audience that complex human problems are not solved by switching to a new deodorant .

  9. 我上面已经提到,自律是解决人生问题的基本方法。

    I have stated that discipline is the basic set of tools we require to solve life 's problems .

  10. 群己关系是中国古代哲学家最为关注的人生问题之一。

    Relationship between the individual and the group was one of the issues that attracted ancient Chinese philosophers ' attention .

  11. 由理论转向实践,他从试图以美术和宗教作为解决人生问题的方式,体现了对美学之功利性的认识。

    He made an attempt to resolve life questions by art and religion , which embodied his utilitarian understanding of esthetics .

  12. 我经常见到人们因满足于对人生问题的欠缺或错误的解答,而患上神经症。

    I have frequently seen people become neurotic when they content themselves with inadequate or wrong answers to the questions of life .

  13. 所有这些当代人之人生问题的解决,都应该在具体问题具体分析的基础上寻求科学的解决方法与途径。

    To solve all these problems of the cotemporary person 's life , we must search for scientific solutions by analyzing different problems in different ways .

  14. 儒家学者们对于人生问题的关注始终贯穿于儒家哲学之始终,儒家的人生观具有非常丰富的思想内容和极为珍贵的理论价值。

    Scholars have been concentrating on life problems from beginning to end . The thoughts and theories of life philosophy of Confucian are very abundant and valuable .

  15. 《易经》曾一度作为占卜预知吉凶福祸之书,是中华文化对人生问题探讨重要之一环。

    Once being regarded as aed to foretell good or ill luck , I-ching is one of the important links in traditional Chinese culture to discuss human life .

  16. 他们对人生问题思考的价值和意义主要在于:突破了中国传统儒家的社会本位的人生态度,也预防了西方个人主义所可能带来的危害;

    These scholars have made a breakthrough in the traditional Confucian attitude of life based on social status while offering a prevention of the possible harm of western individualism .

  17. 中国传统思想文化本质上是一种关于人的学问,重视现实的人与人生问题是其最根本的特质。

    Chinese traditional cultural ideology is a science concerning with the study of man , in which the realistic relationship between man and human life is attached importance to in particular .

  18. 这一方面是因为生物学中的进化论和遗传学知识在当时的社会中得到了广泛的传播,生物学又涉及非常广泛的人生问题;

    The reason was that the theory of evolution and the knowledge of genetics had been communicated in Chinese society at that time , and the knowledge of biology was related with extensive fields of life .

  19. 生死问题是人类有意识之后就开始思考的重要人生问题,它也是整个人类必须直面而无法回避的问题,但人们往往关注生较多,关注死较少,尤其是自杀关注更少。

    After human beings have consciousness , people began to think about the problem about life of death . The problem is a important one in our life . And human beings have to face up with the problem .

  20. 首先,通过分析王国维把创作源泉理解为对真理执著的追求和人生问题的探讨,揭示其关于美学之功利性与超功利性的思想。

    Firstly , by analyzing Wang 's view , that the pursuit of truth and the questioning of life should be taken as the base of literary creation , this thesis reveals his utilitarian and non - utilitarian thought about esthetics .

  21. 在当代大学生就业环境不容乐观的背景下,大学生如何解决自身就业问题,提高就业能力,减轻就业压力,就成为大学生必须面对的人生问题。

    Under the difficult background of the contemporary employment , how does the college graduate solve the employment problem , improve the ability of employment and reduce the pressure of employment , becomes their life problem which the university student must overcome .

  22. 梁漱溟是二十世纪中国著名的一位学者、思想家、哲学家和社会实践家,他一生关注的两个问题是人生问题和中国问题。

    Liang shuming was one of the most famous scholars , thinkers , philosophers and social actors in 20th century in China . What he concerned about in his life were two problems : ' life problem ' and ' social problem ' .

  23. 他要求珍视传统文化的价值,要以儒家为主的中国传统人文智慧来解决中国人的人生问题,即以玄学来支配人生。

    So he appealed to the people to cherish the value of traditional culture , and he attempted to use Chinese traditional humanities ? intelligence ( esp. of the Confucianism ) to solve questions of life , that is , he made metaphysics govern life .

  24. 价值或价值观问题是现代人相当普遍和严重的人生问题,这个问题构成了对国内价值哲学的有力挑战,凸显出国内价值论研究长期存在的价值的工具性定义和本体论承诺之间的矛盾。

    As an universal and important problem concerning contemporary people , the problem of value or outlook of value challenges the philosophy of value in China , highlighting the contradiction in the study of axiology between the instrumental definition of value and the ontological commitment to value .

  25. 今天,你能向你自己提出什么能改变人生的问题吗?

    What life-changing questions could you ask yourself today ?

  26. 有许多夜晚,当我冥想时,我会深思一些关于我的人生的问题。

    On many nights when I meditated , I would ponder on questions about my life .

  27. 关于你人生的问题:迄今你最骄傲的成就是什么?

    Questions about your life , such as : Which of your accomplishments are you most proud of ?

  28. 平凡蕴含真理真理指向高尚&冯定关于人生观问题的论述

    Commonness Implying Truth and Truth Pointing to Nobleness & Feng Ding 's exposition of people 's outlook on life

  29. 在实践的意义上,意识形态主要体现为一种旨在解决社会人生价值问题的实践理性。

    In the practical context , ideology is a practical reason targeting to solve the value of social human life .

  30. 胡风的艺术观将现实改造与人的解放作为主旨,在文艺与人生等问题上,提出了与其他理论家截然不同的观点。

    He looked the reality of transformation and liberation as a keynote . So , his views and understanding is different with others .