
jí huì zì yóu
  • freedom of (political) assembly
  1. 但是,如今的互联网技术不支持集会自由,因而也不支持民主。

    But today 's internet technology does not support freedom of assembly , and consequently does not support democracy .

  2. 人们有集会和自由发表言论的权利。

    People have the rights of assembly and free expression .

  3. 我祈祷所有迫害宗教的活动结束,以至于所有的中国人都能自由集会,自由崇拜。

    My prayer is that all persecution will end , so that all in China are free to gather and worship as they wish .

  4. 联合国一位人权专家说,种族主义以及社会和经济不平等阻碍了美国实现它的理想,包括结社和和集会的自由权。

    Racism , and social and economic inequality are keeping the United States from living up to its ideals , including the right to freedom of assembly and association , a U.N. human rights expert says .

  5. 他表示,古巴必须保证:“所有古巴人的言论,集会和旅行自由,并且在古巴实施国际社会公认的人权标准。”

    He said Cuba must begin to guarantee : " A complete freedom for all Cuban people for speech and assembly , for travel , that all the internationally adopted standards of human rights will be d in Cuba , " he said .

  6. 我也会重申,美国将继续坚持和拥护包括言论、集会和宗教信仰自由在内的普世价值。

    I 'll reaffirm that the United States will continue to stand up for universal values like freedom of speech and assembly and religion .