
  1. 研究结果表明,培养基配方2酶活性较高,对pH缓冲能力强,适合于产β-葡萄糖醛酸酶。

    It was found that β - glucuronidase activity of formula two was the highest , buffer capacity was good , it was adaptable for producing of β - glucuronidase .

  2. Orem自理模式应用于产程管理中的效果探讨

    Explore the effect of Orem self-care mode on the management of birth process

  3. 生物膜可以影响铜绿假单胞菌产生不同β&内酰胺酶的能力;铜绿假单胞生物膜菌经诱导后产TEM酶的能力强于产CARB酶。

    The formation of biofilm could influence the ability of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains to produce different beta-lactamase ; and the ability to produce TEM-beta-lactamase was stronger than CARB-beta-lactamase .

  4. 6例经保守治疗结石自行排出,2例分别放置双J管及经皮肾造瘘管,于产后行体外冲击波碎石(ESWL)治愈。

    With the conservative management , spontaneous passing of stones was noted in 6 cases , double J stents were placed in one case and percutaneous nephrostomy was done in another case and extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy ( ESWL ) was performed successfully in the post partum period .

  5. 双曲入渗模型应用于产流计算的探讨

    An Approach to the Calculation of Yield-Water by a Hyperbolic Infiltration Model

  6. 她们经常十几岁、二十几岁就于产娩中死亡,所以平均寿命比男人明显地短。

    They routinely die in their teens and twenties of childbirth , and so have a significantly shorter life expectancy than men .

  7. 从实证角度阐述了发挥校企优势,共建稳定的实习基地,有利于产、学、研共同发展;

    It holds that exploiting the university enterprises can contribute to a stable practice base for co-development of producing , teaching and researching .

  8. 《国际循环》:您是否相信妊娠高血压本身起源于产前期?

    International Circulation : On the subject of prenatal period and hypertension , do you believe it has its origins in the prenatal period ?

  9. 小油管排液采气技术主要应用于产气量较低气井的排液;

    The technique of Gas Recovery by Liquid Drainage with narrow tubing is used mainly for the liquid drainage of gas wells with low production .

  10. 与平均取值法和面积取值法相比,非稳定流动速度确定方法应用于产液剖面测井资料解释,显著提高了解释的精度和可靠性。

    Compared with the average method and the area method , the method for obtaining unsteady flow velocity is more precise and reliable in liquid producing profile log interpretation .

  11. 在实际生产中,地面效率容易检测、计算和调整,井下效率则取决于产液量、动液面、泵效以及管柱的状况。

    In practical application , it is easy to measure , calculate and regulate ground efficiency while the under ground efficiency is depend on liquid production , dynamic level , pump efficiency and tubing stem .

  12. 本文首先建立了井筒径向传热和产液径向传热模型,适用于产液需要或者不需要电缆加热两种情况。

    In this paper firstly two mathematics models , which are wellbore radial heat transmission mode and liquid radial heat transmission model , are established . Both are suitable for heating produced liquid or not .

  13. 该方法的主要特点是投加处理药剂少,操作简便,设备小型,占地面积小,特别适用于产水量不大的井站使用。

    The main characteristics of the said process are putting in less additives , easy to operate , small-sized equipment , taking up a smaller space and particularly suitable for the well site having low water yield .

  14. 第三种就是工业在县域经济成分中微乎其微,地区GDP主要来源于一产或是三产。

    Third , is the industry in county economy composition miniscule , region or failing social-fixed-asset mainly come from the GDP .

  15. 试验结果表明:当温度为35℃,pH为7.2~7.4时,进水COD/SO4~(2-)≥10,硫酸盐还原作用不致于对产甲烷菌产生严重抑制;

    The experimental results showed , at temperature of 35 ℃ and pH 7.2-7.4 , when the feed ratio of COD to sulfate was more than 10 , the sulfate reduction had no significant inhibition of methanogenesis .

  16. 其中5株来源于RICU产ESBLs肺炎克雷伯菌,经质粒酶切图谱分析证实为同一克隆起源。

    Plasmid restriction endonuclease analysis proved that plasmid fingerprintings of five Klebsiella pneumoniae strains producing ESBLS from RICU were the same type .

  17. β3肾上腺素受体(β3adrenoceptor,β3-AR)主要存在于具有产热功能的棕色脂肪细胞和白色脂肪细胞上。

    Aim β 3 adrenoceptor (β 3-AR ) is predominantly expressed in white and brown adipose tissue .

  18. 善意取得制度适用于动产的所有权及其他权利。

    Bona fide acquisition of ownership for personal property and other rights .

  19. 不动产交易的善意保护不同于动产交易的善意保护。

    Bona fide protection between dealing of real property and movables is quite different .

  20. 将基因工程技术的成果,应用于不产桔霉素红曲菌的选育,应当是可行的。

    It is feasible to apply genetically engineered technology to screening and breeding non-citrinin strains .

  21. 笔者认为所有权保留买卖既适用于动产也适用于不动产。

    The writer thinks the retention of title can be used in chattel and real estate .

  22. 我们的专业与技术在群雄争战的市场有助于产品产握竞争的优势。

    Our professional and strong knowledge is helpful to the privilege of the products in this competitive market .

  23. 动产抵押制度能否为促进社会经济发展起到积极作用,主要取决于动产抵押登记制度。

    Whether the chattel mortgage system can promote the development of the society depends on the chattel mortgage registration system .

  24. 零售业包括许多大大小小的公司,它们致力于将产成品销售给终端用户消费者。

    The retail industry comprises of small businesses and large companies engaged in the selling of finished products to end user consumers .

  25. 高龄产妇很有可能面对难产的风险,是以,她们和家人都更偏向于剖腹产。

    Expectant mothers of older ages usually take a higher risk of dystocia , thus they and their family usually prefer Caesarean births .

  26. 并非所有总产层都必须由可产储层组成,因为总产层有别于净产层。

    All of the gross pay does not necessarily consist of productive reservoir , however , so gross pay is usually differentiated from net pay .

  27. 关于善意取得制度运用于动产交易,各国立法均不持异议,但是否用于不动产交易,各国民法则规定不一。

    On the one hand , legislation in various countries do not dissent on acquisition in good faith utilized in the transaction of chattel property ;

  28. 硅酸盐滑石的滑度优于碳酸盐滑石,且前者的滑度已接近于日本产人造滑石的水平。

    The slipperiness of silicate talc is superior to that of carbonate talc and former is close to the quality of the synthetic talc made in janpan .

  29. 动产的不特定性、流动性和一般动产物权以占有为公示方式的法技术决定了登记公示适用于动产具有难以克服的缺陷和严重的不合理性。

    Chattel is unspecific , movable and it has formidable defect and serious irrationality that the real rights in the general chattel apply the form of possession for publication .

  30. 主断面的形态明显控制矿体赋存部位,矿体主要赋存于断裂产状变化部位。

    The shape of the principal section evidently controls the positions of the orebodies , and the orebodies mainly appear in places where the attitude of the section varies .