
  1. 数值结果表明,链状外地代理的分层移动IP方案适用于家乡切换门限值较小时的移动场景。

    Numerical results show that the chained foreign agent hierarchical mobile IP scheme outperforms the other two under small home handoff threshold .

  2. 反向隧道是由移动节点(MH)到其家乡代理(HA)的隧道,始于移动节点的转交地址,终止于家乡代理。

    Reverse tunnel is the tunnel between the mobile host ( MH ) and its home agent ( HA ), it begins from the care of address of the MH , and ends in that of the HA .

  3. 二十世纪初,清末状元张謇致力于家乡近代化办实业兴教育,把南通建成“中国近代第一城”。

    Towards the end of Qing dynasty , devoted himself to the modernizations of his hometown , built nantong " the first city of China in modern times " .

  4. 前科林蒂安斯队员开始他的球员职业生涯于家乡球队河床队,2005年转会到巴西和阿根廷队友特维斯一起夺得联赛冠军。

    The former Corinthians man started his career in his homeland with river plate , before moving to the Brazilian side in2005 , where he won the league title along with his Argentine teammate Carlos tevez .

  5. 野马浪费一点时间沉醉于他的家乡在外地Tebow。

    The Broncos wasted little time getting Tebow on the field in his hometown .

  6. 满足于呼吸家乡的空气

    Content to breathe his native air

  7. 他定是有福之人,只关心父辈留下的几亩土地,满足于呼吸家乡的空气,故土寸步不离。

    Happy the man , whose wish and care A few paternal acres bound , Content to breathe his native air , In his own ground .

  8. 宇通客车为来往于内陆家乡和蓬勃发展的沿海地区的工人提供运输服务,搭上了中国加速摆脱计划经济的便车。

    As China accelerated out of a planned economy , Yutong hitched a ride by helping to ferry workers back and forth between their hinterland homes and jobs in the booming coastal regions .

  9. 在大邑县,距离四川省府成都市数小时车程的一个县城里,中国游客漫步于一家乡间宅所那曲折的庭院里。

    IN DAYI COUNTY , a couple of hours " drive down a motorway from the city of Chengdu , the capital of Sichuan Province , Chinese tourists stroll through the meandering courtyards of a rural mansion .

  10. 其另一副力作《古韵泉声》则取材于他家乡的山山水水,山体错落有致,步满奇石怪石,显得坚实险峻,但有质朴自然。

    Another magnum opus " ancient musical sound spring sound " its draw materials on mountains and rivers , he of hometown , the massif is in picturesque disorder , the full strange stone and spectacular rocky peak of step , seem solid and dangerously steep , simple naturally .

  11. 孟加拉国五名被阿富汗塔利班分子劫持的人质在经过7多个月之后于周日飞抵家乡。

    Five Bangladeshi hostages flew home on Sunday more than seven months after they were kidnapped by the Taliban in Afghanistan .

  12. 12岁就开始在往返于自己的家乡休伦港和底特律的火车上经营报刊亭。

    At the age of 12 he began operating a newsstand aboard a railroad train that ran between his hometown of Port Huron and Detroit .

  13. 的拥护者。他是参议院任职时间最长的议员,是严厉的,充满同情的,敢于直言的参议员。最重要的是,他任职的51年一直致力于改善他的家乡,西佛吉尼亚州人民的生活。

    From his 51 years , the longest ten-year running member of the Congress of this United States , Robert C. Byrd was a tough , compassionate and outspoken leader and dedicated above all else to making a life better for the people of the Mountain State , his state , the state of West Virginia .

  14. 居住在国外有助于你了解自己家乡文化的视点,让你可以形成自己的观点。

    Living in another country can help inform your point of view on your home culture , allowing you to develop your own views .

  15. 本·霍根,高尔夫史上仅有的、获大满贯四大赛冠军的4位选手之一,于星期五在家乡德克萨斯的福特华斯去世。

    Ben Hogan , one of only four players to win golf 's four Grand Slam titles , died at his in home Fort Worth , Texas , on Friday .

  16. 纽卡斯尔社区还将受益于霍尼韦尔实施的家乡解决方案,这是霍尼韦尔的延伸规划。

    In addition to new job creation , the New Castle community will benefit from exciting new programs administered by Honeywell Hometown Solutions , the company 's community outreach program .

  17. 布什于本周二在家乡得克萨斯州的一所大学发表演讲,礼堂内座无虚席。他称离任后不久,爱狗巴尼在邻居家草坪上“随地大小便”,使他不得不面对明显让自己丢份儿的时刻。

    Bush told a packed university lecture hall in his home state of Texas on Tuesday that , shortly after leaving Washington , he faced a decidedly un-stately moment when his dog Barney relieved himself on a neighbor 's lawn 。

  18. 决赛前,德尔-波特罗让家人留在阿根廷看比赛。周一晚,阿瑟-阿什球场上的私人包厢里只留了三个人。不过,按照计划,他将于周二晚返回家乡塔蒂尔和家人团聚。

    He had asked them to stay in Argentina for the match , leaving only three people in his private box at Ashe on Monday night , but he was scheduled to see them Tuesday night when he flew back home .