
  • 网络interactional justice;interactive justice;interaction justice
  1. 互动公平是衡量沟通有效性的一个重要指标。

    Interactional justice is an important indicator to measure the effectiveness of communication .

  2. 不同的人口统计变量对互动公平和离职倾向产生的差异不同。

    Second , different demographic variables on the interactional justice and turnover intention have significant difference .

  3. 分配公平、程序公平和互动公平都对任务绩效有显著的正向预测作用,其中,分配公平对任务绩效的预测作用最强,互动公平次之,程序公平最小。

    Among them , distributive justice is the strongest predictor of task performance , followed by interactive justice , procedural justice minimum .

  4. 互动公平的两个维度人际公平和信息公平与离职倾向之间有显著的负相关关系。

    Third , the two dimensions of interactional justice , interpersonal justice and information justice have significantly negative prediction function to turnover intention .

  5. 经讨论分析发现,企业员工的互动公平感较差,是影响组织认同水平的重要因素。

    The discussion and analysis found that the interactional fairness sense of employees is low and influences the level of organizational identification much .

  6. 进一步验证了员工工作投入在互动公平及程序公平影响员工创造力的过程中发挥了中介作用。

    The result of empirical study also supported the mediating effect of job engagement , in the relation of interactional justice and procedural justice to employee creativity .

  7. 研究得出如下结论:(1).员工公平感具有三个维度,分配公平、程序公平和互动公平,其中程序公平和互动公平为相关的但有区别的两个维度;

    The conclusions indicated that : ( 1 ) There are three dimensions of employee justice , procedural justice and interactional justice are two different but relevant dimensions ;

  8. 认为改造中的各利益主体只有在遵循互动公平的原则下,才能实现利益的共赢与项目整体价值的最大化。

    Think that only stakeholders follow the principle of reciprocity and fairness , that can achieve the interest of a win-win situation and the maximum of project value .

  9. 同时发现,组织公平的三个维度中,互动公平和程序公平对员工创造力有显著影响。

    Besides , we found that interactional justice and procedural justice have the significant positive effect on employee creativity , among the three dimensions of the organizational justice .

  10. 具体说来,结果公平在顾客满意及行为意向的关系中所起的作用最大,互动公平次之,最后是程序公平。

    Specifically speaking , the result justice has the most important role in the relationship of customer satisfaction and behavioral intentions , Interactional justice second , procedural justice last .

  11. 不同维度的组织公平与对知识型员工薪酬满意度的影响程度是有差异的,按大到小排序依次为:互动公平、分配公平、程序公平。

    The different dimensions of organizational justice and the knowledge staff salary satisfaction degree is different , according to the order : interactive justice , distributive justice , procedural justice .

  12. 研究表明,项目团队中成员公平感的分配公平、程序公平和互动公平维度与离职意图存在显著的负向相关。

    Research shows that , the project team members a sense of fairness of distributive justice , procedural justice and interactive justice dimensions and turnover intention exists significant negative correlation .

  13. 绩效管理过程公平性由三个因子构成,即程序公平,互动公平和分配公平。

    Results of this study were as follows : ( 1 ) The justice during performance management includeed three factors : procedural justice , interational justice , and distributive justice .

  14. 最后,以长沙市最牛钉子户作为个案研究对象,运用相关数据深入剖析了互动公平思想在其拆迁过程中所起到的作用,从而为本文理论研究提供了实践支撑。

    Finally , I use Changsha Stubborn Nails as a case study to analyze the role of reciprocal fairness idea , so as to provide practice support to the theory study .

  15. 并在结果公平、程序公平和互动公平等感知公平的基础上进行拓展,引入了信息公平维度。

    Developed on the basis of outcome fairness , procedural fairness and interactional fairness from the Equity theory , the study introduced dimensions of equity-information fairness that explains the failure of services .

  16. 基于上述背景,本文试用互动公平理论,就城市房屋拆迁所涉及到的多方博弈问题进行了系统研究。

    Based on the above background , this paper using the theory of reciprocity and fairness , conducted a systematic study on multilateral game problem in the process of urban housing demolition .

  17. 互动公平用于反映人们对沟通过程中所受对待质量的认知,体现了沟通的信息传递和态度传递的两个方面。

    Interactional justice is employ to reflect the cognition of treating quality during the communication process , which includes informational justice and interactional justice that separately demonstrates communicational information transmission and attitudes transference .

  18. 就影响效果而言,绩效考核互动公平感对反生产行为的影响最大,其次为绩效考核分配公平感,最后才是绩效考核程序公平感。(2)反生产行为动机对反生产行为具有显著影响。

    Interactional fairness perception in performance appraisal has greatest effect on CWB , then distributive fairness , and procedural fairness at last . ( 2 ) CWB motivations have significant effects on CWB .

  19. 在对感知公平三个维度的中介作用检验中发现结果公平和互动公平起着显著的中介作用,而程序公平的中介作用并不显著。

    In the mediation role of three dimensions of perceived equity found that : result justice and interactional justice play very significant roles , but procedural justice does not have a significant role .

  20. 研究结果表明:第一,在项目团队中,成员公平感是一个多维度结构,包括分配公平、程序公平和互动公平三个维度。

    Research results show that : First , the project team members , a sense of fairness is a multi-dimensional structure , including distributive justice , procedural justice and interactional justice in three dimensions .

  21. 本文以社会交换理论为研究基础,采用定量分析研究方法,探讨组织公平中程序公平和互动公平对员工工作绩效的影响过程。

    Based on the Social Exchange Theory , this dissertation utilized the quantitative analysis method to discuss how the staff performance is influenced by Organizational Justice with respect to Procedure Justice and Interactive Justice .

  22. 本文研究的是以互动公平为自变量、情感承诺作为中介变量,来研究这两者和离职倾向之间的关系,以往的研究很少把这三个变量放在同一个框架中去研究。

    This paper selected interactional justice as independent variables , affective commitment as a mediating variable to study both the relationship between turnover intention . previous studies have put the three variables in one study is relatively less .

  23. 公平理论起源于心理学的研究领域,在大多数研究文献中将感知公平分为分配公平、程序公平、互动公平等三个维度。

    The theory started from the origin of equity research in the field of psychology , most of the research literature can be divided into three dimensions : distribution fairness , procedural fairness , equity , and other interactive .

  24. 本研究从互动公平和社会交换理论出发,整合了情感承诺在互动公平与周边绩效之间的中介作用,最终对它们的综合作用路径给出了清晰的解释。

    The study proceeds from interactional justice and social exchange theory , and combined with intermediary role that emotional commitment plays between interactive fairness and contextual performance , and ultimately gives an explicit explanation to their comprehensive functional path .

  25. 受传统人治文化的影响,华人社会尤其注重关系、面子和人情,该特殊情境使得互动公平在组织内部中将扮演更为重要的作用。

    Traditional culture of the rule of man , the Chinese community with particular emphasis on the relationship between the face and the human , the special scenario makes interactional justice within the organization will play a more important role .

  26. 基于知识型员工这一特殊对象,其互动公平对薪酬满意度有比较充分的预测作用,所以,可以认为提高互动公平感将成为提高知识型员工薪酬满意度的一个有效手段。

    Based on the knowledge staff is a special object , interaction justice on pay satisfaction is fully predictive role , therefore , can be considered to improve interactive justice will be raising the knowledge staff salary satisfaction is an effective means of . 2 .

  27. 模型中的服务补救包括有形补偿、响应速度、道歉和补救主动性四个维度,感知公平包括结果公平、程序公平、互动公平三个维度,顾客行为意向主要包括顾客重购意向和口碑传播。

    In the Model , service recovery has four dimensions , including compensation , response speed , apology and Recovery initiation ; Perceived justice has three dimensions , including result justice , procedural justice , interactional justice , Customer behavioral intention includes customer repurchase intention and word of mouth .

  28. 从分析结果仍可知,人际公平和信息公平对周边绩效两个子维度人际促进和工作奉献同样具有显著正向影响。(2)情感承诺在互动公平对周边绩效的影响机制中起到了部分中介作用。

    From the analysis of the results , interpersonal justice and information justice has a significant positive impact on contextual performance of relationship facilitation and work dedication . ( 2 ) Emotional commitment in some way functions as intermediary mechanism during the process of Interactional fairness influence on contextual performance .

  29. 同时重视补救互动的公平性,加强对一线的客服人员招聘培训。

    Pay attention to the fairness of interactive remedy to strengthen front-line customer service staff recruitment and training .

  30. 非合作博弈下,政策性金融与商业性金融表现为负向互动的不公平纳什均衡;

    Under non-cooperative gaming , policy finance and commercial finance take on a negative interactive unfair Nash equilibrium ;