
  • 网络procedural justice;procedure justice;procedural fairness;procedure equity
  1. 程序公平对工作满意度、组织承诺的影响:工作不安全感的中介作用

    Procedural Justice , Job satisfaction and Organizational Commitment : Mediating Role of Job Insecurity

  2. 程序公平性和交往公平性影响结果公平性,程序公平性影响交往公平性。

    Procedural justice and interpersonal justice affect distributive justice , procedure justice affects interpersonal justice .

  3. 本研究以一家通信设备公司员工为样本,采用阶层式回归方法分析Price离职模型中主要环境变量、个人特征变量及结构化变量对离职意图的影响,并检验了程序公平的主效应及调节效应。

    This study has sampled employers in a communication equipment company in China and conducted hierarchical regression analysis to test the power of simplified Price 's turnover model , and the main effect and moderating effect of procedural justice .

  4. Colquitt通过对25年来183个关于公平感的研究的元分析,比较完整地分析了分配公平、程序公平、人际公平和信息公平之间的关系。

    The results of a meta-analytic review of 183 justice studies illustrate the relationships among distributive , procedural , interpersonal , and informational justice .

  5. 文章的主要目的在于回顾组织公平自其产生至今的主要文献,并介绍Colquitt(2001)的组织公平四因素结构(即分配公平、程序公平、人际公平和信息公平)[1]。

    The primary purpose of this paper is to introduce an overview of the organizational justice literature starting from its beginning . Additionally , Colquitt 's ( 2001 ) 4-factor structure of organizational justice , i.

  6. 美国空军称这一程序公平公开。

    The Air Force has called the process fair and open .

  7. 薪资程序公平与薪资满意度的相关研究

    Research on the Relationship between Pay Procedural Fairness and Pay Satisfaction

  8. 心理契约的形成与程序公平密不可分,程序公平直接影响心理契约合理性,作用于心理契约的实现和破坏。

    Procedural justice affects the form and rationality of psychological contract .

  9. 公平报酬和授权对程序公平具有正向预测作用;

    Fair compensation and empowerment has positive predict ability to procedure justice ;

  10. 雇佣保障、组织承诺与程序公平感知

    Job Security , Organizational Commitment and Perceived Procedural Justice

  11. 程序公平和分配公平影响联盟绩效的机理研究

    Mechanisms of Procedural and Distributive Justice Influencing Alliance Performance

  12. 第三,组织公平感与组织承诺显著相关,分配公平和程序公平对组织承诺具有显著的预测作用。

    Thirdly , there was significant correlation between organizational commitment and organizational justice .

  13. 论文最后部分讨论了程序公平和认知信任、情感信任的不同意义。

    The implication divergence role of both procedural fairness and trust are discussed .

  14. 过程公平原则,包括规则公平和程序公平。

    The principle of fair process including the fair regulation and fair procedure .

  15. 程序公平影响组织支持感的形成。

    The procedural equity influence the form of POS.

  16. 就公平性而言,程序公平原则与实体公平原则难分伯仲。

    Concerning fairness , substantial fairness rule and procedural fairness rule are almost equal .

  17. 禁止单方接触与保障程序公平

    Unilateral Contact Prohibited Versus Guaranteeing the Procedural Impartiality

  18. 澳大利亚行政法上的程序公平规则及其在移民法领域的发展

    The Procedural Fairness Rule and Its Development in Migration Act in Australian Administrative Law

  19. 预测玩世不恭时,程序公平相对来说更重要,贡献了已解释方差的56.07%。

    When predicting Cynicism 56.07 % of the predicted variance was attributed to procedural justice .

  20. 员工最看重的是结果的公平性,其次是程序公平性。

    What the employees valued most were the result justice , and then the procedure justice .

  21. 在中国文化背景下,程序公平与工作绩效不存在明显的相关性,而领导公平与工作绩效的相关程度较组织公平的其他维度都高。

    Under the background of Chinese culture , procedure justice is not related to job performance .

  22. 工作不安全感部分中介程序公平对整体工作满意度和组织承诺的影响。

    Job insecurity partially mediated the influences between procedural justice on job satisfaction and organizational commitment .

  23. 但是,交易型领导对程序公平与工作满意度之间的关系不产生调节作用。

    But Transaction Leadership is NOT a moderator of the relation between Procedural Justice and Job Satisfaction .

  24. 而商业友谊和服务的程序公平性是服务因素中最重要的两个因素。

    In addition , the business friendship and procedure fairness are the two most effective factors in service .

  25. 3企业工资设计过程中要注意分配公平与程序公平,并且这两种公平都能影响到企业绩效的各个指标。4分配公平与程序公平在工资结构要素对组织绩效的关系中起了中介作用。

    Distributive justice and procedural justice had significant effects on the relationship between pay structure and company effectiveness .

  26. 其中程序公平、领导支持、情感承诺、继续承诺维度对工作绩效的影响较大。

    The fair procedures , support from leader , affective commitment , and continuance commitment affect job performance most .

  27. 顾客的感知公平中,除了程序公平,其余各个感知公平维度都与服务满意呈显著的正相关。

    In the fairness of customer awareness , all elements shows positive effect to service satisfaction except for procedural justice .

  28. 薪资分配是组织和员工共同关心的利益分配,因而,对薪资管理的程序公平开展研究就显得非常必要且有意义。

    As a result , salaries distribution is the most important benefit distribution which the staff and Organization care about .

  29. 结论:通过改善程序公平,可以减少员工的工作不安全感,并进而增强其工作满意度和组织承诺。

    Conclusion : Improving procedural justice can decrease employees ' job insecurity and thus increase their job satisfaction and organizational commitment .

  30. 分配公平、程序公平和互动公平都对任务绩效有显著的正向预测作用,其中,分配公平对任务绩效的预测作用最强,互动公平次之,程序公平最小。

    Among them , distributive justice is the strongest predictor of task performance , followed by interactive justice , procedural justice minimum .